Spring wall vs. reformer tower attachment

Is there any reason, other than cost, to choose one of these over the other? Which is more versatile? Thanks.
Hi Lori ! I have both the springboard as well as tower. I had the springboard for many years before purchasing a tower.. I loved it and still do but the tower is much closer to the cadillac in its design. Springs are the same but the experience on the tower is more authentic. If I had a choice I would choose the tower but space wise the Springboard is amazing if the choice is not there..
Hope that helps !!!
Deborah, Thank you for replying, I am very much interested in how well spring board would perform with a push through bar compared to tower. I think only the Balanced Body one has one, and am wondering if you had this or if not, was it a significant detriment to your workout? Thanks very much!
Lori, I had the springboard many years prior to the push through bar being developed..Honestly I have considered purchasing but would like to try it first and have not yet...I have to say I love the push through bar on my tower and lean toward using that rather than my springboard ...good luck !!
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it!
Deborah Wasko I actually did purchase the tower attachment for my reformer recently and am very happy I went that route for my personal Pilates work. I do love having full range with the push thru bar! Thanks very much for your help!

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