Archival videos and photos

i have been teaching now for about 4 years, and what I have not yet managed to find out is where all of Joseph Pilates' original video and photos reside. Does anyone know how we go about studying those? Thank you.
Hi Yoly! A good resource may be the Pilates Method Alliance ( as well as Power Pilates, Mary Bowen ( to name a few. Youtube is another great resource for short clips of archival material footage. Chuck Rapoport is the photographer who has captured many of the now famous black and white images of Joe and him working in the studio. Google these sources and see what you can come up with. Good Luck!!
I have seen Chuck Rapoport's presentation and pictures, and they were great. Thank you for the other resources suggestions, I'll check them out!
Ken Endleman at Balanced body gives a nice slide show of archival footage on on JHP as well.
Brett Howard teaches great archival workshops and has a great deal of information.

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