Osteoporosis classes

Just signed up but see there are no classes for people with osteoporosis. Have done Pilates for about eight years and have lately had to change it up. Do not see any classes that adjust for that. Please let me known your intention to add that kind of workout. Thank you.
Barbara, Kristi just made a comment in this discussion that gave me the impression there will be a class up for osteoporosis soon: //www.pilatesanytime.com/forums/for um.cfm?action=read&forum_id=2&a mp;thread_id=114
Hmm, that link didn't work as expected. Here it is again.Neck and shoulder discussion
Ah! thanks again Chanda! Barbara, Chanda is right, we have one class filmed that is osteoporosis safe (should be up any day) and a short video on protocols for osteoporosis that will help you take some of the existing classes as well as modifications for exercises. We filmed them the weekend before last and are just sorting out the details of color and uploading. Our intention is to have it all up for you SOON!!

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