Break down of instruction

Hi, I would like to see more PA instructors/presenters verbally breakdown their instruction/ movements instead of just going from one excercise to another. Although the flow of movement is important, without knowing where you should be feeling it or the technical side of the anatomy, I think this would make for better understanding of each movement. Definitely not to be taken as a criticism, just I would personally improve my practice by more breakdowns. Thank you!
Thank you for your comment Ruby Gibbens. Your timing is impeccable! This weekend, one of the master teachers in the Pilates profession Colleen Glenn will be here to do exactly as you say. She will teach a mat class then go through each exercise to outline the details. In the meantime, please check out our exercise library for the very basics of each exercise in the Mat work. Click here to view that library. Thank you for this feedback!
I would like to request that instructors teach as if the people following the video cannot see them and can only hear their voice. Depending on where one has their television in the house, most of the time we have to compromise the pose in order to look at the screen and see what the instructor is doing next. Sometimes this is not safe to do, when say in a position like having your feet over your head in a plow position (compromises the safety of the neck to turn and look at the screen). In fact, when I'm watching a new video I spend nearly every single pose craning my neck around to see what the instructor is doing and making sure I'm doing it right. It would be helpful if instructors call out each movement and describe where all limbs should be. Essentially, pretend that we can only see you for a fraction of the time we are watching the video. Don't rely on the video to do the work of the instruction.

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