Pilates retreat

Im looking for a retreat/vacation. I have found numerous yoga retreats with beautiful locations in the US but nothing really for Pilates. Anyone know of any?
Are you looking for a location in the USA or would you consider other locations like Mexico or an African Safari?
I was hoping for something this summer so preferably the US but would like to hear of other offerings too. Thanks!
Rancho La Puerta! A beautiful fitness spa just across the border. You fly to San Diego,CA and then bused to the spa. Check them out online... www.rancholapuerta.com
Zayna Gold, the 2011 Next Pilates Anytime Instructor Competition Winner, hosts a semi-annual retreat at La Perla Resort in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. More Information
I have also heard about combined Safari's and Pilates retreats in Africa. Here are some examples.

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