Balanced Body Reformer/Cadillac Combination

Hello there... I am in the process of expanding my physiotherapy practice by including pilates rehabilitation. Does anyone have an opinion on the Balanced Body Reformer/Cadillac Combination. I am a little limited with space and was wondering if anyone uses this, specifically for rehabilitation. Thanks!
Hi Katherine ~ I had two private clients that had this combo by balanced body. I did not use it specifically for rehabilitation though you could just as you would a regular reformer and Cadillac. The upside is that the Reformer is higher up which is nice for the client who can't sit so low. It's a bit cumbersome to change back and forth often, but for what you save in space, I think it's worth it.
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Thank you so much, Kristi! I appreciate your input!
I also looking at getting the combo. I have had a Balanced Body studio reformer since 1996 and want to add the combo so my partner and I can do reformer work together as well as have the trapeze. I'd love to know what your experience has been for personal and professional reasons. We are both physiatrists practicing separately but will eventually start a practice that includes Pilates and PT and would love to know how it goes for you. Thanks
Am considering buying a Reformer Trapeze Combination.... anyone else had experience using one? I have a Tower combo unit so am used to swapping the mats etc... Am interested in how a higher Reformer feels? do clients get nervous in the standing exercises?

Am looking into buying a Cadillac .. but due to space issue thought the combo might be good as I'd get another Reformer..... I'd get the 18" RTC but they don't have in UK stock and shipping cost to high.....

Thanks :)
Anyone use Allegro 2 BB reformer and have any issues for taller people? A rep told me she didn't love it due to her height - she is 5.9. Help!
Looking for reformer combo in Kentucky area
Looking for a used Pilate reformer combination. I'm in the Ky area
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Hey Folks!! I can help!
One month ago, I took the leap and purchased the balanced body reformer/cadillac combination apparatus. I have been teaching Pilates full time for the past 5 years and this machine continues to impress me daily!

It is a great machine for a smaller studio with more limited space, which is a plus for both private and professional practice.
post continued......

Some things to note:

The reformer sits higher off the ground than most of the machines I've used. This is only a plus in my opinion as it's easier for clients to get on and off the carriage AND it gives me (the instructor) more ease and less bending when changing springs, assisting stretches, etc.

While the reformer is higher off the ground, the cadillac table is several inches lower than most. This has both pros and cons for me. The pro being I have more leverage as the instructor when standing above or beside the cadillac on the ground (I am 5'8) and I don't have to stand up on cadillac to get the leverage to stretch or assist the client. The con is that it is at an awkward height when changing the machine from the reformer to cadillac.
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