I have a reformer with a cardio tramp attachment. For the past 2 years, I jump 5 days a week. In addition to, I do classic pilates workouts 4 days a week. I work out for about 1 hour and 15/20min a day. I split the workouts. One in the am and one in the pm. I have seen results but need advice for my legs. What can I do to tighten up the skin, elongate the muscle, reduce cellulite and define my knees? My knees are thick and there isn't much definition from the knee down. I am 5'2, so I don't have much leg! Greatly appreciated!
Hi Jo1905--- Have you tried Booty Barre yet? This incredible workout was developed by Tracey Mallett and she has a few classes here on the site as well as a multitude of fitness videos on the market. I think you'll find this workout to be challenging as well as one to meet your needs and help you with your goals. Do check them out!! Let us know what you think!
I used to have the same problem. I swear by this video called Love Your Legs by Kim Overton. She says to do the workout 5x a week for 20 minutes. I do it 3x a week for 5 minutes and no joke, my cellulite is gone! I'm not even kidding. And I had it all the way down to my knee caps. I don't eat bon bons everyday either. So obviously, a healthy diet is important. The other thing I do that she taught on the DVD is I do the circulation exercises. The way I do it is I have Bliss fat girl slimulator and I get Palmers lotion and then Cayenne oil from Whole Foods and I get some lotion and then about 12 drops of Cayenne and rub onto my thighs and then use the Bliss slimulator and massage in. Try it for 1 month and I bet you will notice a big difference.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will check the video out. I have bliss fat girl cream. I was looking at the stimulator. I really appreciate you sharing your secrets! I work out 5 days a week and eat healthy which makes it soooo frustrating.
Hi Jennifer, Check out any of our 20-30 minute workouts! Cellulite is not only related to our activity levels and food intake... for more on that, we'd have to consult the experts in fascia research. What I wish we would do instead, is fuel our bodies well with both food and activity that lets us live with zest and vigor, independent of what the current culture would have us believe or buy into as ugly (or worse). Trust me, I wish that for myself too.
What I know is that when I am consistent with Pilates of any length of time, every thing about me feels better and looks better. When I know I am strong, I am, and it shows. When I know I am nourishing myself, I am, and it shows. I live differently when I am doing Pilates consistently. Even then however, I still have to actively stop the judgements and comparisons I am prone to make to myself. (Continued)
We happen to live in a time when cellulite is loaded with negative implications. It doesn't mean they are true! At Pilates Anytime, we don't support the idea that cellulite in and of itself, is negative or dangerous and should be banished on the basis of the opinion that it is ugly. Until research shows the way our aging connective tissue presents itself has a hazard AND that Pilates can make it go away with 20- 30 min doses, you won't find any of our classes described or promoted for cellulite loss (regardless of whether or not it happens).
Thanks for your answer Kristi, I will continue to do Pilates for sure! I love PA and I will continue to do the fabulous workouts on this site from all the teachers :)
I have seen results but need advice for my legs. What can I do to tighten up the skin, elongate the muscle, reduce cellulite and define my knees? My knees are thick and there isn't much definition from the knee down. I am 5'2, so I don't have much leg! Greatly appreciated!