Aero Pilates??

Does anybody know how bad these machines are?? Are the worth getting at all?? I have a Balance Body Legacy, and an old Current Concepts personal reformer, but my sister wants to get one of these AeroPilates machines. She is a runner, and does a lot of yoga...but I think the couple of times she has been on my reformer has gotten her interested. I just initially think they are junk...but I don't know I just a pilates snob? Has anybody ever been on one? How horrible are they?
Hi Ann. I've never been on an Aero Pilates Reformer. For those of us that have the incredible opportunity to work on the best equipment (Balanced Body and others in this field) we get used to this high standard. If someone were wanting to try Pilates and could only budget something like the Aero, maybe it wouldn't be too bad.......and show them that stepping into a professional studio to experience the higher quality equipment really does/can make a difference. Not sure if this helps you in any way....just thought I'd chime in. :)
I finally saw it/got on it. It's crap!! I did get a fairly decent workout on it, and it will do if there is absolutely nothing else available.'s crap!!
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As for me, I love my Aero Pilates. They have several models. As typical, the more money you spend the more quality you get. I picked the Pro XP 556 Pilates reformer which is in their mid range at $1,200.00 MSRP but you can find it for a little less at places like Wayfair. I have had it for two years and I love it. Great quality, very smooth (so long as you take good care if it), and nice looking too. Of course if you buy the cheapest, you will not get that quality. But not every body has $1200 or more to spend. Aero Pilates had great equipment and a lot of accessories; check their website, I think you will be impressed.
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I too have an Aero Pilates reformer which has served me very well for about 2 years now and I use my pilates machine 5 times a week or more. It has the jump board also which I find very effective with my workouts. I'm able to do lots of the challenging videos on PilatesAnytime overall. I am looking to upgrade to the Aero Pilates Pro XP 556 or 557 model (this one has springs vs. bungee cords) unless I can save a little more and decide to go with the Merrithew SPX model - or can find a nice piece of used equipment somewhere in Ohio. If the Aero Pilates brand is your best option for the time being; then I suggest going with it vs. nothing at all. I'd suggest their top 3 models though - from a performance perspective. I hope this personal experience has been helpful. My AeroPilates reformer has been there for me over the years, certainly not going to trash it, just because I'd 'like' to get a more 'professional' grade model..Good Luck and happy Reforming!
I've had the Aero Pilates reformer for a couple of years (with the 3 cords) and it has the jump board. I don't really have any complaints about it, but I also haven't used it regularly at all. I want to start doing more pilates at home and will be using it regularly now, and it will serve me well until I can save up for something of higher quality.
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I've used an aero Pilates performer for the last 15 years. It served its purpose. I also have a Supreme Pilates. It's also is better than nothing - the original is better than the updated version. I've wanted to move up for years but needed to save up. I have a Gratz Full Cadillac conversion on order and can't wait to experience the difference. I also can't wait to gift my current home machines to someone who wishes to do Pilates but can't afford machines.
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I have been using the stamina reformer for nearly twenty years.  I am on my second, but only because I decided to upgrade about eight years ago to one that had a stand, jump board and some other features. Now I am considering giving that one to my cousin and upgrading to their top model that includes the tower. I don't have the space or funds for the professional reformers, but I love my aeropilates and accessories, including the box and pole. Now with my membership to Pilates Anytime, I am getting an amazing variety of workouts on my Aeropilates.  For those who can't afford or find space for a professional reformer, the stamina machines are wonderful in conjunction with this fantastic website.  
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I have had the 5 cord AeroPilates reformer ( with stand) for a few years now. I purchased it second hand and it had only been used a couple of times. I have a second home and have it there- it is a rural area and I cannot attend Pilates classes. It is a great machine. I have the spring board, box and pole, and a pull up bar attachment. All are great quality.  This week I happened across an XP 557 for sale second hand for less than half the original cost. It was used just a few times. I am excited about this upgrade since it has springs, and an adjustable foot bar; and is more like the studio equipment I am used to working out on. Don’t be afraid to look for used equipment. I have found some great deals!  My studio has Balanced Body equipment but the AeroPilates is great for at home use!  

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