I have a lot of dancers whose hip flexors really grip when doing any suspended flexion. I have them place their legs back on the floor and on the wall to take a bit off the psoas, but does anyone have other suggestions? Thanks.
Michael ~ Brent Anderson filmed a workshop that works specifically on this issue. It is in the process of being edited and we hope to have it on the site in a few months. In the meantime, you can watch his workshop Hip Pathologies and Pilates to get a few ideas.
Hi Michael....well, I was once one of those dancers...and to honest, still have to 'check-in'. It can take a long time to develop the deep abdominal and deep flexor strength instead of relying on the superficial muscles and pure flexibility. "Rome wasn't built in a day" .... as Joe would say. And I agree with Gia, Brent's workshop will address more specific questions for you too.
Hi Heidi....stay tuned, we have another Polestar teacher coming soon who is planning on addressing this very important subject. The relationship of the hip extensors needs to be considered as well when we're hoping/trying to 'get out of the hip flexors'. :)
Thanks alot. The workshop looks great, new eqp. classess on the issue would be delicious it seems that i have a major problem with my hip flexors at the moment.