Balanced Body Allegro Reformers for Sale

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I have 8 Allegro Reformers (7 Standard & 1 Stretch) with Towers, Mats, Boxes, Jumpboards, Circles, Pilates Arcs and all the props. It's a complete studio. Double padded loops on the Reformer and Tower, padded footstraps, balls, 1 large black wedge, rubber mats, kneeling pads, balls and dowels. Everything is in good condition. For more information and photos email me at Thanks Frank
I'm an instructor interested in one standard Reformer and Tower, as well as as a box. Where are you located? I'm in Missouri and am curious about shipping and pricing, and well as what you can offer me. Thanks! --Teresa
Do you have an allegro with tower left? where are you located? Thanks!

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