Sticky pad for reformer and butt traction

Hey there,
I was wondering if you guys happen to know where I could find a sticky pad that's exactly like the ones in the videos here and in pilates studios? Nothing fancy, not actually padded, not a mat, you know, just a rubbery piece of.. thing that would keep my butt from sliding on the reformer/box during specific workouts?

I have been trying to find something, anything, and I gotta say.. I'm lost!
What would you recommend?
Thanks so much. You're the best.
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Emma ~ If you are looking for something to help you from slipping, these drawer liners work very well. You can customize how big you want them to be too. I hope this helps!
Thank you Gia, that's exactly what I was looking for! Hurray :)
Thanks again, you rock.

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