Member Playlists ~ how do I add their lists in entirety ?

I would like to be able to add an entire list with out having to look for them over and over again. Is adding their list to my page possible ?
AND I AM LOVING Recommended for me lists :) is this new?
Yugonda ~ Thank you for your forum post. We are happy to hear that you like our Recommended Classes list. We've had them for a few months now.

You can add videos to different playlists which makes them easier to locate. I recommend making different playlists for different categories (e.g. Equipment used, specialties, etc.). You can go to the drop down menu that says Custom Playlist and click Create New Playlist. Then you will be able customize your playlist as you wish. I hope this helps!
I'm sorry, what I meant to convey was that I meant other members playlists that they have compiled.
I wanted to be able to access their list on my page somehow. like when I found a member playlist I liked I could add that playlist to my page. it just seemed so labor intensive the other way because I have to write it all down, go to my page, go to the video, add it to a list I am now duplicating from someone else list that has already been compiled. And looking over and over again is time consuming because there are many many many member playlists…
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Yugonda ~ I'm sorry I misunderstood. At the moment we don't have a feature that will let you save other members' playlist, but I will let our programmers know you suggested it. Hopefully we will be able to add a feature like this soon!
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could it be called the Yugonda Feature ?? hehehehe…
Thank You for your time & energy Gia !!

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