reformer sessions

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Hello everyone,
I would like to see more one hour reformer classess.crossing my fingers for the weeked:)))
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Myself included! Just received at home equipment and 40 minutes is not enough. :)
Try Tom McCook reformer workout, its number 1086 50min great work!
Hi, Z. YES.... We both commented on Suggestion forum about waiting for more reformer classes Level 2, 2-3, or 3 that are 40+ min. and are NOT deliberate pace. Deliberate pace classes are mind numbing. I signed out and took a break from PA for a while to see if more could come, and there have been a few, but in the last few weeks, they have stopped coming. Do others agree???
Im dying with all the deliberate paced, counting and basically preaching to the choir classes. we get it… Im just bored senseless lately.. getting props classes is a rare rare rare rare thing too. Troy counting?? really ?? with Meredith as a student? Zzzzzzzzzz… hate to sound like a whiner but yes, Im whining.
Thank you Y :) I concur and 'm right there with you.
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Thank you all for your feedback. We just published a Reformer workout by Blossom that I hope you will enjoy. We also have more advanced and non-deliberate workouts coming soon. Kelli Burkhalter-Hutchins and Ed Botha will have classes coming the next few weeks. I hope you like them!
Thank you Gia for the update. Hope to see a more balanced release of new videos. Looking forward.
I came back to say watch the new Blossom class ~ ROCKED !!
Now this is what I love love love ~ excellent pace, wonderful transitional flow as well as including lineage of movement. IMPRESSIVE !!! (you beat me to it Gia but I will 2nd)

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