ACL rebuild and Medial meniscus removal

Hi, I am three months post op after an ACL rebuild (from my Hamstring) and having a complete medial meniscus removal. I did your workout for hip and knee replacement patients, but am looking for something a bit more challanging. My doctor told me my recovery time would be 9 - 12 months. Right now my biggest issue seems to be a "stiff knee. My knee was immobolized for 9 weeks. 6 weeks presurgery and 3 weeks post. (ski accident.) Do you have suggestions.
Thanks for your help,
Hi Sherry, I'm new here, but I'm a skier too. How's your recovery going?
Hi Vicki, I am now 1 year past my surgery date. It has been a slow heal, but have seen alot of improvement since I have returned to Pilates training.... Did you have an accident as well?
Hi Sherry,
i will have my acl op soon.
May i ask for your private email so that we can chat ,
as i have tons of question regarding the rehab and
also exercising pilates again.
Thanks in advance

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