Our New Design

Ted Johnson
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For those of you that have checked out our new site design, we'd love to hear your feedback.

If you're still using the old design, here's the link to preview the new design: click here
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I liked it very much. Great work.
fresh new look and will give more feedback as I feel around
I like the new ease of block for narrowing search is right there, no extra searching or clicking once the PA site is opened and the top scroll through is cool.
Thanks for your feedback Z A and Yugonda. We intend to add more programs and more playlists to each program as we continue curate the 1600 videos. If you knew a member had been with us a long time or had a lot of Pilates experience, would you find value in following those members reviews and reasons for choosing classes? Is there any criteria that would make it more valuable to you to read what others (besides PA) recommended?
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Kristi, the new website looks great and very exciting;) the criteria for me will be non teAchers who use this site for advanced or int- advanced equipment - mat classess for thesr regular workouts. As a studio basically. Thank you and happy new years. I am very excited about the developments in PA. Thank you for providing this chance to all of us.
the only thing I see that could be added is a home tab on top. once Ive watched a class it doesn't return and I hit video but it doesn't go back to your home screen which has everything in pictures.. I like the scroll down to the challenges and programs too
just found that the PA icon is the home button…
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one more thing… the larger pictures scroll right options truly make everything more appealing… such as me taking 2 tutorials today… just because they were so big and so there :)
Terrific Yugonda. The logo as the home tab works for you then? It was actually like that previously too, but if people don't know that, maybe we should make it more obvious?
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