Comment erased ??

I watched a vid by Brent and it was deleted, nothing horrid was written, it was quite complimentary actually and that is disturbing.
Yugonda ~ I'm so sorry if your comment was deleted. We typicaly don't delete comments unless they are very offensive. I saw a comment you left on Brent's Mat Workout a couple days ago. Was it a different class that you left a comment on? If so, I will investigate to see what happened.
Im sure it was that vid you're thinking of. He had made a funny comment about paying a thousand dollars to anyone that could come up with a song to match row row row your boats beat/fast lyric and I wrote it reminded me of a song with the boopboopadoop… I thought it was funny but obviously it offended someone.
Yugonda ~ I'm not sure why, but the older comments are not on the video, but they are there when you go from the forum. I will check with our programmers to see if they have made any changes or if this is just a bug. Either way, I will try to get all of the comments back where they should be. Sorry for the confusion!
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Yugonda ~ We figured out the bug. It looks like two people left comments at the same time which left two threads in the forum. We will combine the two threads into one so all of the comments will be there. I'm so sorry for the confusion!
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just glad it wasn't that my comment was offensive, it wasn't meant that way ~ I was trying to win a thousand bucks ;) lol

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