Thank you!

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I didnt know where elseto post this but I needed to say thank you for giving me the ability to get back into pilates. I started pilates a long time ago when I found a Windsor Pilates VHS (thatshow long ago) at a yard sale. I feel in love. When I discovered the reformer it was love all over again. Then I had 3 kids back to back (3.5, 2 & 6mo) and I knew there was no chance I would be able to get back into a class and as i had no room for a reformer I had no idea how to get started. Well long story short I found the Springboard and Pilates Anytime. I am starting to find my pilates body again and I feel amazing! Thank you so much and keep the tower classes coming.
How wonderful Sunny Day! Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story! We will keep those tower classes coming!

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