Becoming a Pilates Instructor - education options

I am a passionate Pilates student and have decided to become trained as a Pilates instructor. After researching the training facilities in my area, I have narrowed it down to a Balanced Body and a BASI facility. I also watched the features on both programs on Pilates Anytime. Yet, I find myself unable to decide between the two. The main difference, from what i understand, is that BB has a modular approach, whereas BASI does not. A bit about myself... I am trained as a lawyer, therefore, I do not have anatomy or physiology background. For my personal practice I prefer a more contemporary approach, however I have enjoyed very Classic Pilates classes as well. Will appeciate any input that will help me decide and move forward.
Maggie L
Since BB is modular would it be possible to take the first one and then decide based on your experience? (Even if that produces overlap it would give you more perspectives and more time to absorb it all) Are there one-day orientations or classes offered so you can get a feel for the teacher(s) and facility? It’s a big investment, perhaps just go to each source directly and see how you feel. I believe you’ll be happy either way. Congrats on deciding to take this path

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