Favorite leggings/tights

So besides Lululemon what are your favorite tights or leggings for Pilates? Any companies or styles that you would recommend? Comfortable and cool being the key! Thanks!
Beyond Yoga has some that are so soft yet supportive....I love them...they don't get that static feel like some of the other brands..
Kerstin K
We LOVE Beyond Yoga at my studio!
I'm sort of obsessed with Hannah Stone Originals at the moment. She's a small, independent artist who makes gorgeous, unique, leggings. I wouldn't do sweat heavy work in them, but they're great for teaching/doing Pilates. Just a friendly FYI, they are high waisted: https://www.etsy.com/shop/hannahstoneoriginals
Look at the Lolë leggings. They have a nice website but I often find past season styles (for a steal) on Amazon.

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