looking for a balanced body reformer used

looking for a used balanced body reformer and tower.
I have a balanced body reformer that I just bought this past october. We are moving and I am trying to sell it. I'm asking $4,000. It is brand new is in adobe white and comes with a jump board which I paid extra for. Please let me know if you are interested. I am located in Atlanta Ga and cannot ship. I also have an adobe white matching wunda chair for sale for $1,000. It is the combo split pedal chair and comes with the removable handles.

At balanced body website a new reformer in Adobe white is $3545.
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Yes, but with taxes and shipping it was over $4,000. I can negotiate the price down to $3,000. Still a great deal considering there are no taxes or shipping costs and it was bought in October.
Also includes the jump board which was an extra $300.
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Do you still have your equipment for sale? What is the price?
I have a balanced body reformer/cadillac combo in almost new condition for sale. All springs like new and box.
Kate, how much and where? Can you post photo? Thanks!
Nicole, I will post photo later today. It's worth 6,000+ but am willing to take offers. If I have to ship that would be part of deal too. It is honestly like brand new. kate
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