Help! Balanced Body Studio Refomer vs. Allegro 2

Hi, I am looking to buy a reformer for use at home. I have only done pilates on an Aeropilates reformer and feel it's about time to upgrade. All my training has come from Aeropilates DVDs. Since deciding to invest in a better reformer, I have taken 5 reformer classes at a studio using an Allegro 2. But, when I buy my reformer, I will use only for all my workouts. I am torn between the two reformers. I want something that will last forever, minimal maintenance, quality, stability, and easy to use. Can anyone give me their two cents? Thank you so much!
Mai M
I have used the Allegro (black) at 2 studios and the wooden BB reformer one at a few studios. The wooden one is a lot smoother and more quiet. The Allegro is still very good, and it is perfect for home use as it isn't as expensive. Good luck on your search!
Mai M
I have never used Allegro 2, so I have no opinions on that.
What reformer did you decide on? I’m about to purchase one as well and can’t decide between the studio, allegro or new BB model.

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