Fewer classes

Will there be less classes during the week? It ısed to be daily additions of videos and that was so good as I use PA daily.
yes! would like to ask the same question - feeling the lack of new classes. I am assuming they will resume as before shortly? Thanks.
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Candida and Z A ~ Due to the fires and mudslides near our studio in December and January, we had to cancel over a month's worth of filming. In order to have classes throughout February and March, we had to reduce the number of classes we publish. We hope to be back to our regular publishing schedule soon, and we appreciate your patience while we work on this!
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Thank you Gia - thought that would be the case but good to know we will be back to normal soon. Thanks for your response.
Gia thank you for the information. I guessed something was out of normal but so happy to know that usual pace will be back.

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