Rolling like a Ball Question regarding Back problems?

I started pilates beginners series at home to help with back problems(recovering from small tear l5/s1 that happen a year ago). I have successful done the rolling like a ball exercise without pain for the past 3 weeks. My question is, is this exercise appropriate even if it is not causing pain? If any expect on pilates here could provide their opinion. My back has been feeling great after I started pilates, but I am not quite sure which exercises might need to be avoided.
Axis ~ I'm happy to hear that your back has been feeling great after starting Pilates! Because we are not able to work with you in-person, I think the best way to know the exercises to be avoided for you is to ask your doctor. Also, our Back Care Program includes classes that are safe for most back conditions. You may find these classes and tutorials useful. I hope this helps!

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