Series of 5

Can anyone tell me the series of 5? I have heard it mentioned so many times and I know it is ab work but not sure exactly the order or the exercises it is?
Gretchen B
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It is the ab series consisting of single leg stretch, double leg stretch, scissors, lower lift and criss-cross.
Super. Thanks
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Bunny ~ Here is a tutorial with all five exercises. I hope this helps!
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Sorry just seen your answer - thank you.Gia Calhoun
I cannot do a roll up. Can you recommend how to work at this so I can achieve it?
HyperMobileJan  I recommend practicing a half roll back with your knees bent and hands behind your thighs for support if needed. I would also practice rolling down to the mat from seated. Practicing the inverse of the exercise helps build strength. I hope this helps!

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