Small group Reformer/Tower classes in Washington DC

I wondered if anyone can recommend a small groups, good studio in Washington DC. I'm based in London and had a client visiting for holidays, who attended 15+ classes at my studio, having practised Pilates in Washington for over 5 years. Her experience at our studio was a game changer for her as she finally was able to understand and tuned into her body. My classes allow for 3 people only and she's been attending studios that accomodate 8+ students.
Any recommendations for small group classes studios in Washington would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Hi Agi ,

Mariska Breland's studio Fuse Pilates is located in DC and she + her team are wonderful! I believe they have 2 locations and I'm pretty sure they offer classes :)

I'm from the DC area and it's a beautiful area, so I hope your client has a fabulous time. She's lucky to have an instructor who cares so much about her

Hope this helps.


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