Some advices for brand new beginners SSS

Fowzy A
I am a brand new beginner who hasn't done any pirates and know nothing about it.
Can you guide me where to start?
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Fowzy ~ Thank you for your forum post and welcome to Pilates Anytime! I recommend starting in our Beginner's Center with the program called The Successful Beginner. It has tutorials on common cues and modifications that you might need. From there, you can move on to The Starter Series which has different playlists for beginners. They will take you step-by-step so you can start to build a strong foundation. I hope this helps and that you enjoy these classes! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
Cynthia B
Signing up for the free trial that will convert to $18/month and found that I was about to be charged $2018.00! I tried this twice and canceled.
Cynthia ~ I'm sorry you were having trouble. I looked at your account and saw that you will be charged $18 when your trial ends in a few weeks. We don't offer anything that costs $2018 so I'm not sure what you were seeing. I hope you enjoy our videos while you are on your trial. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

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