Balanced body reformer/ half cadillac versus gratz reformer

Caroline N
Desparately seeking counsel- can anyone help please? I have a balanced body reformer and half cadillac however I am being advised the gratz classical reformer is the way forward- do I upgrade my springs to classical springs on the balanced body and maybe change the ropes to leathers or should I lose my half cadillac in favour of a classic reformer and mat work?
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Hi Caroline
Thanks for your comment. I would not mix Gratz springs with a Balanced Body Reformer/Tower combo because the specifications of the equipment will not be very compatible. Have you used Gratz equipment before? I would recommend trying it out first to ensure it's what you want as the springs and other specifications are different than Balanced Body. I hope this helps!
Caroline N
thanks very much Noelle, 
Radiance B
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Not sure this will help in your process, but I'm swapping out all of my equipment to Gratz. I've been working on Gratz equipment exclusively for a year and my body is totally different than what it once was. The thoughtfulness of their design (working from Pilate's original blue prints) is brilliant! 
Caroline N
thanks very much , I opted to change my springs to legacy springs in the first instance and even that has been amazing- once I have saved a little more, I am sure I will be joining you, as I have only had my reformer since March I decided to be patient and make sure I use the reformer regularly enough first- grata and legacy seem to be the favourites at the moment 

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