Where do you get those straps?

In some of the videos it looks like the straps for the reformer are padded (almost like black fuzzies). Where did you get those? I have the double loops and the singles but I'd sure like something a little more padded!
Carolyn, look up //thepilatesguy.com/pages/_shop/Loo pEase.html
Hope this is answers your question.
Hi Carolyn, I got a pair of those from Balanced body. I love them.. they are not as big and bulky as the fuzzies but they are very soft on the inside. My clients love them ! Go to the Balanced Body webpage and look under the shop area , i think these are under accessories. Jamie
I got mine from Balanced Body as well. I love them, so comfy! =)
Thank you all! I am gonna get me some!

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