Knee Pain<br>Sherri Betz<br>Tutorial 2373

Knee Pain
Sherri Betz
Tutorial 2373

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Wow! A lot of good informations!! Thank you so much!
1 person likes this.
Sherry you are always very inspiring with your way of putting in practice your knowledge and this is so helpfull to us instructrs!! thanks a lot
Sherri Betz
Glad you find the information helpful Ira and Sara! Thank you for the positive feedback!
Sherri this is a wonderful tutorial, thank you! As someone who has had several knee surgeries, from a tennis injury years ago, I see infinite uses for rehab for myself and my Pilates clients. I also see many things in this video that would be useful for knee replacement rehab. Thanks again!
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Sherri - thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I just returned from an appointment with an orthapaedic knee surgeon, because I have had increasing difficulty with squats, and lunges in my left knee, in the past year. Today's x-rays show increasing osteoarthritis, since my last appointment three years ago. His recommendation was to avoid squats and lunges, or to limit the ROM, give up skiing and take Advil twice a day. He said bad knees are like bald tires, they don't regrow rubber. I appreciate this tutorial and your practical and proficient advice.
Sherri Betz
Thank you Pat! Please let us know how the program goes for you! I always tell my patients, that with the current alignment, you are riding on the "bald tire area." If you can change the alignment just a little bit, with better control of the foot and the hip, you will find a new area of cartilage that hasn't been worn away yet!
1 person likes this.
very interesting
2 people like this.
Excellent and empowering tutorial with clear indications as to when we are beyond pur scope of practice. I LOVE that you approach client "challenges" with a tool box of pilates rather than resorting to tools from different areas of expertise, like massage, structural intergration or PT manipulations. Really interested to hear how Pat makes out especially when she goes to show her doctor what she CAN do rather than resigning herself to inactivity. (Positive visualisation of her outcome
Sherri Betz
Thank you Leslie!
More Sherri Betz please!!!
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