Creative Reformer Flow<br>James Crader<br>Class 3124

Creative Reformer Flow
James Crader
Class 3124

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James, this is an amazing class. What wonderful cues that encourage individual exploration, embodiment and perception. Thank you!! Please, more classes. I love listening to your podcast and am thrilled to see you here on PA. Thank you, PA, for the classes, workshops and tutorials you make available.
Thank you, Tammy - to be honest it still amazes me that when I put work out there (videos / blog / podcast / whatever) that anyone actual utilizes it. HA! I'm in learning curve and really appreciate the support, friend!
Thank you, Cindy and Orla - I'm so glad you enjoy the class and are finding the movements and cues useful!
Hi T C! Thanks for the GREAT comment. In that cue I'm suggesting that too often we hinge and/or rely on joints, tendons, ligaments (where fascia is its most dense) rather than recruiting the spindle fibers (major movers) of our soft tissue system. We tend to utilize internal pressure and density to move because it's less energy to do so, but over time that tissue is not designed to move us like that so there are repercussions from practicing moving "like that." Fascia is a funny thing ... we like to consider it separate from our muscle, bones, viscera, etc ... but by compartmentalizing it we lose "what is fascia." So yes, in movement we're looking to involve the fascia in it's truest sense, meaning that we're trying to utilize the WHOLE body for movement so that tensions and pressures and awareness are embodied everywhere. This was a quicker cue trying to say make your muscles work! Ha!
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James Crader thanks for clarifying..I agree on the cue being on looking forward to saying it today :)
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Most interesting things I learned in this class
Relaxing the feet in footwork/ changing where the weight is on the foot during calf raises/ remembering back stroke/ ab preps with the legs over the foot bar, laying on the box head towards bar and doing leg lower and lifts! Want to see more here! / cool side plank move/ adding rotation of the pelvis when doing side splits and then the other direction! Sometimes felt pace and weight was strange sometimes too slow and too little weight and then randomly tons of weight on the front rowing?? Overall worth my time - thanks!!
Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Elizabeth! It sounds like you saw some familiar exercises in new ways ... which always exciting.
Tonya H
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Thanks James so good I learned that I am just really jacked up from all of the teaching I do in my fitness world. I know have lots to think about while doing Pilates but also some great ideas for my students . 👏👏
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I really enjoyed this class and thought the cueing was exceptional. What happened at the end? On the standing splits series, we only did the one side. I just replayed that section to do my opposite side and now I am fully balanced. Thank you.
Thank you, Tonya! Hope your students like the new stuff, friend.
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