with Tash Barnard (Beginner)

with Tash Barnard (Beginner)

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Kamilla N
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So excited 
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Looking forward to a Challenge!
Chanda Hinman
This is going to be so much fun! I love Tash!
Nadia V
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I cant wait!

1 person likes this.
Con muchas ganas de empezar
Kate V
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Looking forward to this challenge!
1 person likes this.
Can't wait for Tash! It has been so long not hearing her cheerful voice... A great pilates pro with an exceptional attitude!!!
Taghrid K
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So excited to see hear and exercise with you Tash
1 person likes this.
Just finished my first one and so excited for this to continue. That was the opener? Wow... 
Julia S
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Thank you so much for this wonderful Challenge Tash!! 
I just finished day 7 and realized how much I improved during this week :) A great way to finish strong in 2023!
1-10 of 20

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