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Layla Khashoggi

Layla Khashoggi

Layla has been dedicated to Pilates since her first introduction to the method in 1987 - at that time driving a four-hour round trip to find a trainer for single sessions when none existed in Santa Barbara.
Read More Finally, Pilates instructors began to teach in the area, and in the late 1990's Layla was fortunate to discover Kristin Turner, who is a co-owner of La Playa Pilates.

Layla continues to study Pilates from as many leading teachers as possible. She embraces the differences between styles, and enjoys analyzing the reasoning behind the original exercises and their variations. She has been especially impacted by workshops or private study with Rael Isacowitz, Madeline Black, Jean Sullivan, Peter Fiasca, Elizabeth Larkam, Sheri Berkowitz, Kristi Cooper, and Jillian Hessel, among others. In seeking an ever-deeper understanding of the human form and function, Layla completed a full body human dissection in 2009. She feels it to be one of the most influential experiences she has had which further drives her practice and pursuit of Pilates.

In addition to her Pilates practice Layla satisfies her insatiable quest to find answers to health and wellness related questions by putting together articles, facts and fun information in a weekly blog called LK's Grab Bag.
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