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Lesley Powell

Lesley Powell

Lesley A. Powell brings together her unique career as a Dancer, Choreographer, world acclaimed Pilates Instructor, Movement Educator, and Artist.
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Lesley Powell, NCPT & CMA, is the Founder and Director of Movements Afoot (1993 - Present), and has been a Private Fitness Trainer since 1986. She received her Certification as a Movement Analyst (CMA) from the Laban/Bartenieff Institute. She then went on to lead Pilates Teacher Certificate Programs with PhysicalMind Institute (1999 - 2007), and is now part of Balanced Body faculty.

Lesley Powell Founded Movements Afoot with the philosophy of teaching people the basic concepts of Movement Theory: Proper Movement Initiation, Integrating Breath with Movement and Spinal Integrity, as well as equipping people with the necessary tools for a lifetime of Fitness and Wellness.

As a Trainer, Lesley has worked at places such as Sports Training Institute, Doral Fitness, Plus One, and Dr. Bacharach's Osteopathic Center for Sports and Dance Medicine. Since she knew how to work with injured clients, Lesley was invited by JRW, a physical therapy practice, to learn Pilates for Rehabilitation. Lesley was on the faculty of Drew University from 1991-2001, teaching classes in Modern Dance, Dance History, and Choreography. She also received a certificate in the Franklin Method in March 2007. Since 1988, Irene Dowd has been her teacher for Anatomy and Neuromuscular Retraining. Lesley has appeared in many articles about Mind Body Fitness including Elle, Newsday, The Village Voice, Shape Magazine, and more.

Lesley continues to teach Pilates in New York City at places such as Westside Dance Physical Therapy and Space Pilates as well as online. When not teaching Pilates, or Mat Reformee, or Parasetter Classes and Workshops, she can be found as a Guest Lecturer internationally, sharing her expertise on the Body and Fitness.

Recent Videos with Lesley

Legs, Alignment, Bone Rhythms, Strategies

May 15, 2020
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Leg Alignment
Lesley Powell
15 min
Balanced Body
Anatomy, Alignment, Gait, Plumbline

May 08, 2020
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Open and Closed Chain
Lesley Powell
20 min
Balanced Body
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