James D'Silva is the creator of The Garuda Pilates Method, The Garuda Apparatus and founder of The Garuda Studio.
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James D'Silva was born and raised in Goa, India, before moving to England to become a professional dancer. Since then, he has performed, choreographed, and taught all over Europe and the United States of America.
Throughout his career, Pilates and body conditioning were an integral part of his training routine. Over the years James has adopted yoga, GYROTONIC®, Feldenkrais, and Alexander Technique influences, generating a unique, holistic, and enjoyable style of movement and exercise.
In 2000, James opened his own Pilates studio in London and from this base, his reputation has become well-established amongst his many loyal clients. He has worked with Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, among others, and has also created best-selling fitness DVDs with Trudie Styler.