Special #2484

Name The Instructor

1 min - Special


We are so proud of the fact that we have a large number of amazing instructors on our site! For our new year's theme of togetherness, we created a fun contest to celebrate some of our instructors. If you can name all of the instructors in our new Pilates Style Magazine ad, then you will be entered to win $500. All entries need to be submitted by February 28, 2016.

The submission period for this contest ended on February 28, 2016.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 11, 2016
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One of the things we're most proud of at is anytime is the large number of instructors we have on the site for many backgrounds, training programs and lineages. In our new year's theme of togetherness, we wanted to make a fun contest for you at home to celebrate some, not all, but some of those instructors that you do see here on the site. We have recently released an ad in Florida style magazine that resembles a certain famous album cover in music history, which our team had created by hand. Can you guess what album cover that is? No naming the album isn't the contest, but naming all the instructors featured on the cover. If you can name all the instructors, you can win a $500 cash prize with runners up receiving a three six [inaudible], any tension description. Now anyone can enter whether you're a potties, anytime member or not. Just click on the link in the description to our contest page and fill in your name and your email address and start naming as many instructors as you can from our cover photo. In the event of a tie, we'll have a random drawing for first place and all other winners will be on the runners up.

List entries must be submitted by February 28th, 2016 specific rules and regulations are on the contest page. As diverse as the plots industry is, we are all part of the same family. We support each other and grow together so that we can continue to share philosophies for generations to come. Have fun with this contest, and good luck.


Sandra R
3 people like this.
Gosh. Darn. I should have worked harder on my "Stalking Pilates Instructors" skills. Then I would definitely have this in the bag!
1 person likes this.

Hi to everybody!

This has been a lot of hours working, thinking, trying to find out and to discover the name of some of the professors....
but I've had a lot of fun.
I've sometimes felt like an F.B.I. detective.... ; ) and it has helped me to know even a bit more about our wonderful professors, their classes and careers....
I'm just hoping I'll be a bit lucky after all the effort I made....
All the best from Spain,

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