Tutorial #2617

Successful Chest Lift

10 min - Tutorial


Improve your Chest Lift with these helpful tips by Tash Barnard. She shows the correct sequencing for getting into flexion so you can activate the correct muscles at the correct time. Learning how to do a proper Chest Lift will set you up for many exercises in the Pilates repertoire.
What You'll Need: Mat, Towel

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Aug 28, 2016
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Welcome back to piles. Anytime. Today we're just going to talk to you about some helpful Haynes with a correct sequencing of getting into flection. And what I mean by that is how to do a chase lift or an abdominal exercise correctly by activating the correct muscles at the correct time. So I'm going to use one prop, which is a towel for an assist, but for now I'm just going to ask money to lie in a supine position with [inaudible] paint. So what I've found over the years of working with clients and working with students is that this chase lift or this traditional Arab crunch, if you like to just, yeah, it's become such a complicated exercise and our naked is such a sensitive area to work with. And the chase slurve too, which is our traditional polarities exercise sets us up for so many of the other exercises which comes in our intermediate and advanced repertoire.

So I really would like to share this with you and I hope, I hope you can find it as beneficial as what I have found. These few tips are just have to give credit to two colleagues. Actually Richie and um, Sam Wood for the courses and workshops that I've attended with you guys and yours. So we're going to go and we're going to start. Okay. So when we lying on our backs, our head is just resting on the floor. Our spine is in a neutral position as well as the pelvis that's in a neutral position. And so when we come into a chase left position, we work in against gravity.

And with our heads being such a heavy part of our body, if the neck is not stabilized and in the correct position, then we are bound to set ourselves up for injury, which is contraindicating everything we doing in polarities. So money, what I'd like you to do is take your hands and interlace your fingers here. Feel that this traction in the fingertips. So again, the hands and the arms are active. Bring your hands, place them are behind your head and let your sums run down your cervical spine. You'll see spine, your neck. Vertebras keeping the head down for now. So, so often we think when I lift my head off the floor, I need to engage my abdominals cause that's where I'm going.

I want to feel the work and the Arabs, the movement starts at the crown of the head. And to get into the movement, we need a preparation which employees is outbreak, right? Okay. So point number one, we start with the inhale. Point number two, we initiate the exhale and engage the deep abdominals. But at the same time I want you to lengthen the back of your neck and draw your chin to the, so not even yet lifting the head up off the floor. So we're going to try that again. So they hit us relaxed.

Gravity is pressing down on you. Your hands are supporting your head. Think of the size of your head and the size of your cervical spine. So there's so much more weight or gravity going to press against your head when moving into space. So inhale, it's more of a bracing the back of your head into your hands. Then bringing your chin towards your chest, your chase towards your sides. Your abdominals are working.

Now to bring the head up off the floor. Monique's eyes are going to be towards the mid line of her thigh. Inhale to hold and exhale to come down. [inaudible] so I'm going to repeat points. Number one is the in hell for the preparation. Point number two is to start the XL length in the back of the neck.

Draw the Chin in the neck is now stabilized, then allow the abdominals to bring the chest forward. Inhale to pose and exhale to lower down. So I'm going to add on 0.3 and four. We're going to 0.1 inhale point to start the Xcel three stabilize, then four move. You only move once you've established your stabilizers.

Inhale and exhale to lower down. So I'm gonna use a tactile cue. So I'm gonna use my hands to guide money into the correct position. For this chase lift. I'm going to take my hands from underneath and she needs to make sure that her hands are nice and interlaced and secure.

Otherwise her hands will slip as I give her that reference to where her body needs to move. So inhale to prepay on the Xcel. Lengthening the back of the neck, curling the chase, reaching up, holding it. And my hands are just assisting a, I'm not dragging or yanking her up or pulling her. She's gonna Inhale. And then the same thing when we come down, she's lengthening her spine. As she rolls down, rolls down, rolls down and hold. We're going again. Inhale, lengthen the back of the neck, drawing the chin. So the neck stabilizers kick in. Then the rectus abdominis.

Let the rectus abdominis draw you up. Look at the alignment of her head. You can see that everything looks in balance in this position. So my knee, I'm going to ask you to show us how to demonstrate how a chase lift is done incorrectly. Lower the chase down so they, so many variations that we see. And I'm sure you've got 10 more to add to what we are going to show you.

But the most common, um, incorrect position of the chase left is where people actually initiate the movement by reaching with the chin. So inhale and exhale and we can immediately see how the NEC is team seeing. The hit is hanging off the neck. Please come down. I'd hate for you to leave here with this eight today. And I would also say the other incorrect thing, the opposite to that is when people bring the Chin and they buried into the chase, right? So can you demonstrate that for us?

Please inhale and exhale again. They so much pressure on the spine in this position. And you can see the hands are yacking on the neck and ear. We're all getting the Heebie jeebies and lower down, right? So if you're doing this at home and um, you don't have an instructor queuing you a great way, Sam.

A great way that Sam would as taught me a few years ago to do the chase lift in a safe manner is with a towel. So next you can sit up for me for a second and in place to tell down, just make sure that you have a, you can just lie supine, that you have enough space. You can move down a little bit more for me and k so that the chase, uh, the towel is just come on from me and I'm going to just straighten it out. So we have, there we go. Alright. [inaudible]. All right, so you can read for the corner of the towel.

The towel is gonna act as a Hem-onc for your head to raced steam. But the same sequence goes for that 0.1 where you inhale point to where you draw the chin. I almost want you to feel that you pressing the back of your head into the floor. Then only coming into that chase lift position. So we inhale for the preparation as you start the Xcel. Great Work Monique. Then bring the Chin and the chased up off the floor and this is a perfect position for her chase lift.

Stay there for me to develop and progress into lake changes. For instance, inhale and excel. Lift one leg up. So now we've taken it a step up. Change your legs for me. Keep moving. As we challenged the body by moving the leavers, maybe go into the single leg stretch where we make it even harder, but the nic is in a safe position. If we didn't have a good and strong setup up here already, by this stage, the neck would be taking tension.

The lower back might be taking some strain, bend both knees for me, lower their head down, and then bring one leg at a time on to the floor. Great work. How's that? How does that feel? Excellent. So I want to leave you with these four points. We inhale for the preparation late. That in hell be purposeful.

You start the XL on 0.2 and 0.3 you stabilize. If it's in the abdominal area, office in the neck area always stabilize and only on 0.4 you execute the movement. If the body is stabilized, will have longevity. I always say a stable joint, but a mobile joint is a healthy joints and at the end of the day we are all striving for that balance and symmetry in our body by having stability and mobility. Thank you for joining us.


1 person likes this.
Love it! Thank you very much I appreciate this helpful tips and the great demonstration! XOXO
1 person likes this.
That was awesome! I have those pants too!
1 person likes this.
thank you, very helpful!
1 person likes this.
This is great help. Thanks :)
Tash thanks very much that was really helpful - can I ask where you got those leggings?!?! They're fab.
Tash Barnard
Thank you for all your great feedback pilates friends! My pants are from Onzie & Monique's from Mermaid & Unicorn www.inspireballito.co.za
Tash I love everything you do here on Pilates Anytime; such a helpful tutorial.
Well done Tash!
Great cueing, Thanks Tash!
Loved it Tash! (just sent you an email... Must.. Have... Those.. Leggings... LOL)!!!
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