Hi everyone. My name is Benjamin Dagan hearts and I'm back at [inaudible] anytime with another workshop dedicated to going deeper into your own practice. This time we're taking an in depth look at the reformer work. I believe that the reformer was truly built to be a teacher in and of itself, so really understanding where the repertoire comes from and what sensations to look for as you go through these exercises is really vital to being more successful in your practice. For this workshop, I chose a sequence of exercises that truly represent a cross section of the reformer exercises from the original repertoire by Joseph [inaudible]. They include beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercises, but truly represent the progression that is inherent in the original work.
I'm joined by Mary Rogers who has the opportunity to ask questions as they come up, and we'll also demonstrate the entire reformer sequence at the end for you. My goal for this workshop is for you to walk away with a better understanding of how the individual pieces, the exercises on the reformer fit together as a cohesive whole. I hope you enjoy it.
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