Discussion #4104

COVID-19 Impact in Tokyo

50 min - Discussion


On April 10, 2020, we held a live webinar with Nagi Takahashi to learn how this global pandemic is impacting people in Japan. She explains how she is keeping herself and her clients safe when teaching and she offers advice for teaching virtual sessions. She also talks about the Pilates industry in Japan and what changes might happen when the pandemic is over.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 15, 2020
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Welcome everybody today. Uh, my guest on the show is naggy Takahashi. Maggie lives in Tokyo. Are we going to talk about what, what it's like being in Tokyo and this period of coronavirus Nike has been applied, his teachers since 2006 and her first plow of these training was in Las Vegas. And then Maggie worked for Bassey for in Japan for about six years and also worked as faculty there. She was the first [inaudible] teacher on [inaudible] anytime that was from Asia. That was back in 2011 just seems such a long time ago.

And she currently owns a studio in Tokyo, which opened in 2013 and she traces her lineage through Kathy Corey, who's also a great friend of please anytime. So thank you Maggie for joining us today. Uh, I just say, Oh, you're so welcome. It's great to have you here. Um, we're going to do our best to answers everybody's questions. So we're going to have a conversation for 20, 30 minutes, something like that. And then we'll answer anything that you would like to throw at us. So Maggie, tell me where, tell me all about where you are. I know it's in Tokyo with, tell me what's happening. So I, um, I'm in central Tokyo.

Uh, an area called, um, where I live is an area called [inaudible]. Uh, and my studio is an AB suit. So you, there's the famous Shibuya crossing intersection. Yup. So yeah, he had this and the intersection. Um, so I'm about, uh, like 50 minutes walking distance from there, like 15 to 20 minutes walking distance from, so it's, uh, pretty, uh, got it. [inaudible] district. Cool. Yeah. Tell me a little bit about your studio. My studio, um, is small, so I have one equipment each and I only do privates or duets. And, um, I don't have any employees.

I just have one person who, uh, uses the space, uh, for the like hourly. Okay, cool. Uh, are you still teaching in your studio? Mmm. So in Japan, uh, talking about, uh, the, the situation of the Corona virus, so the Japanese government just, uh, stated the, uh, declaration of emergency, the state of emergency, and the seven prefectures, including Tokyo [inaudible]. And that was in, that was on, uh, April seven on Tuesday. Yeah. Um, but it's, uh, [inaudible] the rules are [inaudible] a lot milder than, uh, [inaudible] what you have over and over, uh, the States or Europe.

So, um, we are struggling, urged to stay home, but, um, we are not like find or we don't have to, you know, like write a piece of paper of where we're going if we needed to go out. Yeah. So I, um, reducing, um, the number of sessions, but yes, I am still working and there might be a lot of uh, criticism, criticisms do that. But, um, yeah, that is currently my situation. When we were talking yesterday, you were telling me that your clients were the face mastering as, as you do during the session. Um, and also that you spend a lot of time in between sanitizing all the equipment. Yes, yes, yes. So, um, so I told you that I have one other person who is using the studio. So, um, sometimes we do two sessions, uh, that like this at the same time.

But I decided not to do that. Uh, so we can ah, be apart. So social distancing wise and um, yes, I have everybody either wash their hands or use the sanitizer. Mmm. Yeah. To clean their hands when they come in. I have my mask on and um, I am having my clients wear a mask as well just in case these knees or they cough. Um, yeah. And I, after our, I use the equipment of course.

I mean I've been doing this even Mmm. Even without the Corona even before Corona BC. Okay. But yes, I, yeah, I take more time to rub down everything I've used when it comes to [inaudible] in Tokyo. Um, what other studio types are there too? Oh, they're the whole, the big reformer studios. What sort of formats do other people have? So, uh, in Japan or, uh, in the condo area or around Tokyo, there are a lot of private studios as well as there's a very much increase in the number of reformer studios right now. Okay. So before reformer goop classes, right?

Yeah. And a club plot is just, uh, came in, um, December and I think they're trying to expand. So that will be a interesting Mmm, yeah. Thing that's happening in the, uh, it's a ladies community. So most of the biggest studios are presently closed, are presently close I think, um, if when they're, if they're doing good classes. Right. So yeah. So private studios like us, um, we're not saying we're open, open, but yes.

I think there are still yeah. Open. Have you found that some of your clients have stopped coming because they don't want to be outside their homes? Um, I have some clients who have, sorry, stopped coming. Mmm. Yeah. But I always ask, Mmm. If they want to have a online student online sessions. Cool. So you've started teaching online as well?

I have started to teach online, yes. Cool. How's that going? That is, um, yeah. Aye. I thought that it was, um, it was better than I assumed. So it's, it's good that um, the clients, they try to listen to you more of your verbal cuing because yeah. I'm not there for them. Insight. Yeah. So, yeah. And they can actually be more focused in some ways within their body. Yeah.

I think it's a set of skills because you know, you come easily and you can't hands on corrections, so exactly. More focused. You have to be really listening to what the teacher's saying. Have you taken any online session? Same plot is teacher that I have my private classes with every week I'll go see her anymore. So, um, I continue to have my regular weekly private with her and it's kind of fun. I look forward to it a lot because I've found that being at home all this time is quite lonely and yeah, it's over. The internet is better than not seeing anybody and yeah, just, just the fact that you can talk or see someone.

Yeah. Uh, one of the things I know about you is that you teach polarities with Cirque de Solei when they come to Japan. Can you tell everybody a little bit about that? Yes. Um, so yeah. Uh, John, um, I think, uh, told you, uh, told you guys about my introduction and that I took my first teacher training in Las Vegas and that was in 2006, uh, summer of 2006 and actually that was the first time I have, uh, ever seen the searches so late. Yeah. It was a, uh, this Joe was okay. Yeah. And that was, yeah, yeah. That is my all time favorite and yeah. It's just so, Mmm. It's, I dunno how to say it, but, um, who knew that in within like eight years that I would be teaching for them.

And so I got [inaudible] [inaudible] email from the head coach of the show and [inaudible] yeah. It was a random male in like, uh, from, uh, which was send to my studio. So I thought I first thought it was junk. Okay. Okay. And he said, uh, we're looking for a [inaudible] instructor, um, for the Tokyo run. Uh, are you interested? It was like, no way. Are you serious? Of course I'm interested. And yeah, that's how I saw it all started. Mmm. So I go when the Tokyo run is, uh, here.

[inaudible] it's once in two years that this sort of silly, you have their shows and I go there about two times a week. Um, it depends on what time the show starts, but I trained them before the show. So somewhere around, uh, two hours to four hours and one artist has 30 minutes, uh, uh, one-on-one teaching. And I do that, yeah. For several of the artists. Ooh.

What sort of artists do you get? You get like the gymnasts or, um, I, yeah, I, I have taught, uh, gymnast, uh, acrobats contortionists Mmm. And also the clowns and yes. And um, yeah. And sometimes the artistic director, uh, take sessions [inaudible]. That's very cool. Very cool. When we chatted before you told me you think that the amount of spread of the coronavirus is less at this time in Japan than it is a in America. Are people still going to work?

People still out in the streets? What's happened? Um, really wise, uh, we have, uh, in, in Japan we have about a total of a little over 6,000 people who are infected. And, um, the numbers are rising. Mmm. Yeah. Yesterday it was in Tokyo. It was 189 new cases. And the day before that it was a little bit lower, but it's still rising. Mmm.

But not as much as the U S so, uh, people are still, I'm outside. I mean it's less [inaudible]. Uh, I saw the, yeah, the news last night and there were saying, um, yeah. Were comparing like the big parts like Ginza or Roppongi maybe you've heard of those cities and it's, um, from February, mid February, yeah. Uh, compared with, uh, yesterday, it was about a 70 or 80% lower, Mmm. In the for people who are going out. Right. So even though, yeah, it's mild, I guess. Mmm.

Yeah. There's a decrease in and people going out, which is good. Yeah. Do you know anybody who's scoped the virus? Um, not, uh, no, I do not. Mmm. But Mmm. In Japan, um, I think there is this, I don't know, of course, I don't know, uh, that person directly.

But, uh, there was this, there's this comedian, his name was, um, yeah, his name was Shimoda King. But everybody [inaudible] olds too. Uh, everybody knows him. And so he passed away. Ooh, yes. He was 70 and he passed away, uh, due to the Corona.

And I think that news made the Japanese like citizens. Um, it kind of daunted to them, Oh, this, this is really bad. Is this serious? Because I've been seeing the news from, yeah, no abroad. Yeah. I was feeling like, yes. Mmm Hmm.

I don't know if it seems to me that the people were viewing this is Karen living differently, maybe not differently, but they weren't taking it seriously. Yeah. So that news was, I think, a big thing for them. Yeah. Yeah. I think it, you know, you know, I've lived in America for nearly 30 years, but Boris Johnson, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, it was in the intensive care unit last year. And I think that I'm really shook up a lot of my British family in terms of I get this [inaudible] Los Angeles. None of my friends have caught it, but I have friends of friends that have, that have the virus. Some of them has been really serious, but fortunately nobody that I know has died from it yet. [inaudible] yeah.

Fortunately for me too. Yeah. We close the bloodies anytime office on the, uh, Wednesday, the 11th of March. So it's been four weeks that we've all been working from home. Oh. It's very, very different working from how, you know, it's like we spend a lot of time on zoom and using instant messaging and talking to each other and, um, we're learning a new way of doing things. It's very hard for us to get together with the talent that we film and actually be in the studio. We close the studio on the same day, so we did everything woman. Oh God.

It's different. That must be so different. And yeah. Do you have any advice for teaching effectively using zoom or Skype? Yeah. Do you have any advice for everybody? Mmm. So I have just started to do it. So I think, um, uh, yeah, the other series where people are using it a lot more, maybe more helpful, but I realized, yeah, that you would need to be a little more slow-paced and that two.

So if you're teaching, um, than a lot, you're teaching them at the studio, you don't have to particularly, um, say like what if you are, or where the, where their hands are or where it or every single thing. But since it's online, I think it's better to be a little bit more specific. Um, yeah. To all the parts of the body. And, um, some people, you know, because it's online, they watch the, they watch the phone all the time. And that, um, is also, I think a little bit of problem if you're, yeah. And it can be dangerous in some exercises. So yeah. I think, uh, if you're only teaching online, it's a good, Mmm way of [inaudible] as teachers, um, being better on your verbal queuing and then for the clients to become more used to those verbal cuing to move.

Oh yeah. You know, I, I, I've heard the same things from other people that, that yeah. Uh, we talking with Leslie Logan a few days ago and she was checking one of her classes and she found that somebody, I was Judy driver as somebody was drinking a cup of tea rather than doing the moves that they were, they were just watching them video they weren't actually working at. So it's a new set of challenges. It's got its own problems. Yeah. Do you find that your clients have any props at home or they are having to improvise or what, what are you, what are you doing to help them be able to work out without any of the studio equipment? Um, I have people who have a props or scan full, the foam roller or uh, a ball, a softball, like an overhaul.

And yeah, I asked them what they have in their, uh, at their home and it can be from, uh, uh, pushing from their couch to like a sports towel or just, or using their wall is also a good, yeah. Yeah. Oh. So you try and just make the best of what they've got and you don't have to improvise. I, I tried to do that, but I also have a, I also, um, tell them that having just, you know, one, one thing, even a ball or I always think that the foam roller is, should be there in every home. So, yeah. And it's not that, yeah, it's not that expensive, but it's so useful, so versatile. So yeah, I try to tell them that. Cool. Um, or maybe you can encourage your clients from home to, you know, buy one or buy it over the internet.

Yeah, I give them like links from Amazon, so I love that. Yeah. Do you have any advice about how to look after yourself? You know, for people that are stuck at home? Yeah. Active and healthy too. Well, what I try to do is to not focus on things that I can't control, but focused on things that I can't control. And um, yeah, I mean, right now, Oh, [inaudible] scary because we don't know when it will end, but I'm, yeah. Trying to focus on things that I can do at this moment and not, okay. I dunno. Yeah. Three months later, uh, also, Mmm. Many people are, uh, teaching online and so where, so, uh, well we spend time looking at the screen, I think more than more than before this happened.

And what happens is that, uh, if you're looking at this screen, your head tends to go forward and the neck is really strained. So Mmm. Just like one, once in an hour. [inaudible] even even, uh, one time in two hours or, yes. Whenever you, I can do it, just be aware of your posture. Okay. Yeah. And even simplest things like the chair can be a good tool as well. You can go out once a day, right? Yeah. Over there. Yeah. Yeah. [inaudible] yeah. [inaudible] um, fresh air.

Um, and yeah, a soundbite is also good. Yeah, no, I try every day to go out for a walk. You know, I've been using some of the online services. I've been trying out some of the various classes that are online and whoring those. Um, and I try and go for a walk every evening and the, my neighborhood is quite Oh residential. So there's not a lot of people out, but I just need to, I can't stay. That's good. But this week is rain since Monday and it's for Los Angeles. That's unusual. So I haven't actually left the house when my pop every day since Monday.

Since Monday. Oh God is so it's so unusual for Los Angeles. Yeah. Most of the time it's sunny. So I'm kind of excited that after we finish today, I'm going to go out for my, for the first time since Monday I'm going to leave the apartment. Oh, crazy in here. That will feel good. It will. We have a question here from faith. I'm going to read it out here.

Um, if I remember faith, you were in Singapore, so hyphens at Titus Singapore, one of my favorite cities in Asia. I love it there. So hopefully we'll be able to travel. Oh, it's so any tips to differentiate and add value for paid group virtual classes versus those free live stream ones? Mmm. That are out there. All those recorded classes. So how do we create something that's so good that people are willing to pay for it?

That is a very good question. Um, and yes, we were also, uh huh talking about, uh, weather aye charge or if I charge the same for online classes. And for me right now I charge the same [inaudible] and Mmm. And if I were to, uh, okay, if I were to, uh, reduce, it would be just, just a little, I don't think you should reduce it like half because of just, uh, teaching online. Mmm. Hour knowledge. Our, uh, our skills are not different. [inaudible] um, even if we teach online and, and if, if the clients respect us, then I think they would pay the same amount or close to the same amount.

Uh, we've been teaching, um, them at the, but Mmm. Since we cannot give them tactile feedback hands on, um, we need to be, uh, we need our skills. We need to be really Mmm. Begging the level of our skills of verbal skills. I would be asking more questions to them, um, like how does this feel?

Which side do you think is more um, inflexible or yeah, just many questions to have them meet, be more aware of their own body. Yeah. Because we cannot give them tactile feedback and they need to do it on their own. Okay. They need to feel which side is more yeah. More moveable or more, uh, more. There's four more or less mobility and then we can work from that. Thank you. Yeah.

I think some of the other people I've talked to on this subject, they've, they've said, you know, in the past they would watch their client come into the studio for a private and they could almost tell what the way that they moved when they walked in. Yeah. Okay. I can see that they need this or they need that. And that part of the um, consultation with the client is kind of going away because the first you see them is when they switch on their camera on their laptop. So, um, the whole kind of process has changed. I think my, my thoughts on your question faith is if it's a private or duet with the client, then you know they are getting really, really, and you probably know that client already and so you have a lot of experience with them. You kind of know what their needs are and you can really, really produce a great thing. And that I agree with naggy and just talking about charging exactly the same price for that because they're really getting the same thing we'll be at, not to do it in person but over the [inaudible] Oh the video when it comes to group classes where it depends how big the group is. Yeah. I was talking to Tracey mallet a few days ago and she had done a free class that she streamed over Instagram and at one point she had over 30,000 people.

So do you have that many people? There's no way that you can give anybody anything individual. And she also told me afterwards and I made no money from it. So she was like, you know, yes, I've given a big gift to a lot of people, but it hasn't helped me pay all my bills. So I think it's, you know, as you kind of think about it, how big a group class can you really have where you can still see if you're using something, like you can get 25 people on a screen and you can kind of see what it is and you can give feedback. And then there's the challenge part is anytime spends a lot of money to pre record and film and we take retakes and we redo it and we edit it until we've got it right. So when it comes to recorded classes that we filmed in our filming studio, so for like a 50 minute class, you know, we may have taken us three hours of working with that teacher to get it right.

So it was really a very different experience if you're just got a prerecorded video versus a live class that you're doing, um, you know, they're kind of different, different things. So I think the key part of anything that is live is that interaction with the customers. Yeah. So I would encourage you to interact and support them. And most of the think about how many is too many people to have in a a group class. Mmm. And I, I would, the other part on that faith is that you have relationships with your existing clients. And I would follow up with them, whether it's email or even just ringing them up and say, I'm offering this and you know, I'd like to be able to provide that to you. And so those people have a personal connection with you and that's why I think they're going to stick with you through this.

And I think you can also explain to them that, yeah, I need your support. You know, this is my livelihood. This is how I pay. My bills are charging you, so please come to class. The rent is the same. Uh, I hope that helps faith. Um, if you have a followup question, just please put it in the chat. [inaudible] do, do you find it easier to teach online or harder work or, I think it's harder. Yeah. Yeah. And if I'm demonstrating, I yes. Um, I think I use my voice more.

Yeah. Lots of people we've spoken to have said because they have to really concentrate on the screen that they find it more exhausting, whereas it's easy, you're up and you're moving around and you're giving corrections and you're doing those things. And so they keep telling me is how to work. And I personally find just working in the office because I spend a lot of time on zoom every day talking to my coworkers. I am exhausted at the end of the day and the way that I never was when I was.

So I think that's my feeling. It's harder and just, yeah, I mean, looking at the screen for a long time is just not good for the eyes as well. But yeah. [inaudible] definitely harder. When we were chatting about your studio yesterday, you told me, um, I forgot what we decided. It was about 400 square feet. Is that I've forgotten what you told me in me too. Was it 39 square meters around? Yeah. Yeah. I think 37 yeah.

39 I guess studio in Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world and it's about 400 square feet. You can say that. It's pretty expensive. So even much, much smaller. Living in my apartment here in Los Angeles is about 800 square feet. And I think you told me yours was a little bit smaller. Yes. Yes. Um, tell me about your pussy cat.

Is it an indoor cat or is it allowed to go out? It's an, it's a toilet indoor cat. He wants to go outside, but if he does, he'll be really sharing like, like hell yeah, he's indoor cat. I got him when he was three months old. Oh yes. Yes. He's seven right now. Yeah. I fostered a pussycat for what I thought was one week and that was like a year and a half ago. So it's become a permanent foster site. I think I've, but the, it keeps me company. She keeps me company here in the apartment and when she wants attention, she'll come up on my desk and sit on the keyboard. And um, until I pay her attention, which she, I can't get any work done when she sat there.

She's in another room right now. Yes. Because I, I have to focus on you and Maggie, we have another question here. How do you think the [inaudible] industry in Japan will change after Corona? Hm. Well, I would answer that from what I think, but I'd love to hear what you have. Nike, what you feel awesome. Thank you so much. Um, so yeah, in Japan, uh, more people are starting to teach online. Um, yeah, they're giving live, uh, online classes. So I think that stay even after that was the, as one option. She'll take classes even after the Corona, uh, settles. Yeah. So that would be, I think a different, Mmm.

One of the difference it would make in the [inaudible]. Yeah. And okay. [inaudible] maybe, uh, what people would start to take a private session because in Japan, how, yeah, how Claudius came in was, um, it was mainly not dominant. And now, as I've told you, group classes are popular and more group. Yeah. Were former classes, studios opening up more and more people are, uh, on equipments, which is very good. More taking more privates as well.

I hope so. Yeah. And I think that would maybe girl after the Corona. Yeah. I think one of the people have a lot of chance to sit and think about their lives because you know, in the U S now where, depending on where in America, but we have moat, we have like a month into being at home. And I think that taking away that freedom to go and, you know, go and exercise and move and do all these things. So all the things we've kind of taken for granted I think is going to make us all think about, yeah, am I really making the most of my life? Do you know, do I really need maybe spend my, my dollars on buying things?

And really what matters is to be able to move and enjoy my friends and enjoy because human beings have a social beings. So we like being with others. So I think that that, I think we might see that some values of everybody is going to change. And one of the things that is obvious in Los Angeles is there's less cars so there's less pollution and I'm much more aware that the city is quieter. I can hear a lot more of the birds singing and nature or these things that are harder to hear. I wonder if, you know, people's sort of view of the world might be a little bit different, but yeah. But lots of people, when I've done these webinars with other folks who've asked, you know, when can my [inaudible] studio open? And the answer is I don't know. This is what I think is going to happen. I think that in America, you know the number of Corona [inaudible] maybe it'll peak soon.

I really, really hope so. The number of intersections kind of goes up and begins to draw up with the Beth's going to be, you know, a few weeks later cause disease and it's a few weeks before you get there. So you know, we're going to have these indicators going up and then there hopefully going to come down. And then the challenges is that if the restrictions on movement, Oh, lifted too quickly, everybody gets reinfected and they'll go back up and then we'll have to all stay at home. Right? Yeah. Yeah.

And what I also suspect that there's people that there's not a lot of testing certainly here in Los Angeles, so it's very hard to know. Have I had it? And I even thought you, I had a kind of flew back at the beginning of February. I wonder if that was the Corona virus. I'd been looking at the symptoms and trying to work pan as well. The number people getting kissed at are very low. Yeah.

Yeah. The scary thing about this viruses that you don't get symptoms even if you have it. Yeah. So I don't know if I've had it already, but it, my behavior would be different if I'd had the antibody test. And so if I had the antibody test and it showed that I have the virus and we don't know this yet, I don't think that having the virus means you have immunity from catching it. Again here, which these are lots of things we don't know, but I can imagine in the next few months that I would have that antibody test, that I would be able to get it and I'd get like a certificate or something or something I could put on my phone.

I've had the virus because then people would feel differently about me going into near the gym or to go to the studio or go into the store because I wouldn't be able to infect them with it. You know, I've had it, I'm recovered now. I can pass it on, you know, if that was pass it on by touch, you know, I could pick up the virus here and there, but if I was to sneeze, I wouldn't be passing it on to you a period of time this year and next year where it could be that that antibody tests could say, you know, you're [inaudible] immune from this disease. And I think during that time we'll see some things open up. Like some of the [inaudible] studios will open up and you know, they'd be very limited because you know, if, if you know, I have part of my family are in their seventies and so if you're older, you're, you have a lot more. So, you know, it's a lot riskier of disease. So if, say my older sister has this, I would not encourage her to go into a public place like a plotty studio just in case, you know, she caught it because it could be fatal for her.

And if she didn't catch the disease to, you know, they're talking about the vaccination for Corona virus being the second half of 2021 sometime. Yeah. You're going to invent it. But that's typically how long it takes to make a vaccine. Yes. So she can stay isolated. My oldest sister, until she can get the vaccine, then she might be able to live another 10 years. So I think that there's this kind of intimate, this kind of middle period of where, you know, we haven't found a vaccine for it, where people are going to be, you know, really about going into public places and maybe not quite as cold as we are being in LA at the moment, but somewhere kind of in between. And then I think that when the vaccine and most of the pop people in the population have been given the vaccine, then I think, uh, we could begin to return to normal life. It's a, it's a, it's such a good question. I really wish and I am. Yeah. I am interested in what will happen after. Thanks. Settle down.

Yeah. Another question from, I wish whoever asked that question. Perhaps you can say the lady's name. I don't read Japanese here. You're welcome. Thank you for the question. I wish I knew the answer, but I, my sort of thoughts about this is that we have this kind of transition period before the vaccine and then post vaccine, but also to make enough vaccine doses for all the people in the world is going to take, I don't know, I don't know if it's six months or a year, but it's going to be a while before everybody gets vaccinated. So the, the new question for faith. Uh, I'm a new defied instructor. Any tips for new instructors like me starting out in this extraordinary climate without the existing client network? Yeah, it's tough for any advice for faith starting out with your friends and then expanding from that. So maybe give us a [inaudible], a virtual session, um, private session to your friend and then, um, maybe your friend can okay.

Introduce you to some of her friends. I think Maggie's suggestion there is a really good one. I would use your network of all the people you know, to say, you know, and I, I think giving that first free session could be a great way and just say, I'd like to do this with you. You know, I think I can really help you. And then at the end of the session, be really clear if you'd like me to do this, this is my right. Yeah. I don't know the pricing for these things in Singapore, but whatever you think is appropriate for freshly graduated teacher and just build your way through that.

Yeah. And all. And also I think, um, maybe reaching out to, uh, the instructors that you know, or even if you don't know them, maybe reaching out to them and, um, uh, give you some advice might be good. Yeah. I think that, you know, reaching out to any PyLadies teachers, you know, saying I'm here, um, you know, can I have a zoom meeting with you and buy some of these things? And just by telling people that you exist, I met with a, it could be that that particular teacher has more clients than she knows what to do with, in which case she'd be happy to, you know, pass some clients on to you. Oh, I think it's a lot to do with networking initially with your friends. And then I think I would encourage you to contact other polarities professionals in your world. Um, and maybe there are people who are, um, physiotherapist, PTs in your community that, you know, initially maybe work with a client, but once they've kind of graduated from that piece of care that you could help. So I would kind of make a list of people to kind of network with and um, see how you can grow your practice.

I would say it's kind of like one client at a time and it's definitely the most trustful. Yeah. It's most trustful to spread the word out. Yeah. I think it's a tough time, faith though to just graduate this. But that would be my suggestion. And um, you know, just keep following up with people. I've talked to some of these teachers that are really like, Oh, I don't feel good about ringing up my clients.

I used to teach in person and my advice to them is just do it. You know, that might not be how you did business before, but you know, rehearse maybe with a, with a friend about how you're going to have the conversation, but maybe text, maybe email, offer them a free session. Um, some of the older clients are just less comfortable with the technology. So you may have to have like a 15 minute real about how to switch on the camera or you know, what I feel you need to do. Yes, yes, exactly. Yeah. I hope that helps face, um, um, we're getting towards the end of our hour here. Nike, do you have some advice for folks, you know, do you have any thoughts on this time? Well, um, our mind as well, so plot is teachers in need I think right now. Yeah. Whether you're teaching online or I am, yeah.

I'm actually getting appreciated that have my studio open because they can come in and yeah. Just have their own time, uh, to themselves and just be, I'm mindful of their body and to talk. Mmm. Even about the most, I don't know, stupid things is just, yeah, it is. And we realize how like our normal life is so [inaudible] Mmm. Grateful at this time. Yeah. So I tried to stay, I tried to like stick to my normal daily life as much as possible.

I know it needs to be changed, but yeah. I, I try to like live a normal life you've been at this time and to talk to somebody is so important, I think. Yeah. Um, yeah, because aye. Yeah. [inaudible] [inaudible] my head was like blowing up, thinking, thinking, thinking what I should do about my studio and yeah. And then I started reaching out to other studio owners. I just started saying, Hey, how are you? I'm just checking in. And that makes a really big difference. Yeah.

Yeah. My, my, my advice to everybody is, you know, look after yourselves, you know, not find bodies. That's number one. So yeah. Move, keep your own practice going. Um, if you find meditation valuable, then I think that, you know, having that quiet time with yourself is great. Um, stay in touch with your friends wherever they are. You know, we have some great tools today are things like zoom, you know, FaceTime, all of those different things. Um, and I think that, you know, just to know that you are not unique, everybody in the world is going through the same thing at the moment, different points on the curve for Corona virus, but we're all experiencing much, much the same thing. Um, I would encourage you like Maggie to charge the same that you charge in person as you charge when you do online and think about how much of your content is appropriate to give away. And I would encourage you not to give away too much because you kind of devalue your profession. Um, um, so those are some of my thoughts. Um, well they agree.

Thank you naggy. If you have questions, just email us at [inaudible] anytime and we're happy to do our best to help you. My email is John Jerry Chen. Our plot is anytime.com and I'm always keen to help. Okay. So I think we need a guest from Robin before we leave. Um, you can also email support or plot is anytime. And uh, we're here to help you, uh, next week. Uh, who are guests next week we're going to be talking to uh, one in Madrid.

Oh wow. Tough time at the moment. Yeah. We're going to be talking about how to keep your [inaudible] equipment clean. So for those when we reopen our studios, although that's still have those open, how do you really keep it clean and make it good for the folks.

And we're going to have a U S subject on Thursday for, um, people that are applying for a U S stimulus package, which is called the payroll protection program, which is all about getting money from the U S government to help us through these really, really tough times. So join us. You can see our schedule, the classes at [inaudible], anytime.com backslash life. And Maggie, I love it. I look forward to welcome you back to California. And, uh, yeah. I miss, I miss, I missed. Yeah. Santa Barbara. I miss LA. Yes. So much. Um, yes. So when things settle down, I'm definitely going to visit. I look forward to taking you around Los Angeles and we'll have dinner and we'll celebrate movement and life and the freedom to do what we want to do again. Oh, yes. Yes. It's recorded. Yes, I promise. Yes. Thank you so much everybody. Thanks for joining us.

Bye everyone. You John. Thank you, Noah. Thank you, Maggie. Byeeeee. Bye.


Arigato, Nagi! Very scary time, but for me, after 8 years of living in Tokyo until last summer, very natsukashii. May you stay safe.
My profile pic, btw, is on the coast near Kanazawa....ura Nihon. X

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