Special #5884

2024 Pilates Anytime Bloopers

3 min - Special


Laugh along with our beloved Pilates Anytime instructors in this delightful compilation of moments that did not quite go according to plan. From tongue-tied cues to unexpected prop mishaps, these genuine moments showcase the playful side of our teaching community and remind us that even the pros have their blooper-worthy days. Thank you all for an incredible year, and here's to many more!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 31, 2024
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Hey. Oh, oh, hateful on these anytime. What's up? You're just in time for the gun show. Hi, everybody. Amy Haven's here talking about the benefits of oh, shoot. You forgot. Hi. I'm Courtney Miller, and I got this, guys. I got this. Okay.

So let's think about our, I was like, what the fuck am I doing? And that is the end of our standing single strap series. Maybe I don't say it like a robot. Hi, everybody. Welcome to Pilates in advertise anytime. You know, find a spot that might feel good for your oh, no.

No. I'm gonna be using twelve pound dumbbells, but work. Nope. Nope. Hi there. I'm Tracy. And I'm Maria.

That was funny. Do we already do this? And I totally missed it? Sorry. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Okay. Footbar comes down.

Doesn't have to be all the way down. Just bring them with you and push back. In front of and abutting my shoulder blocks. So from here. Oh, a little burn than your abs.

Now we're gonna grab the higher you hold, the heavier it'll feel. Wouldn't be the same if there was no train in Pilates any time. You don't like this? You don't like this, Nicole? Chuck. Hit it. Hit it. And then roll back to the shoulder blades curling the tail bolt under and finding that flow. Whoo.

Here it it wants to go again. Okay.


Melissa D
1 person likes this.
The end of year bloopers always make me laugh! Love it!
Marchel A
1 person likes this.
Melissa D, we love watching them as well - happy New Year!
Maryna Z
Wishing to see more Courtney Miller please 🙏 in 2025🙏
1 person likes this.
Love this!  And great choice of music for those sexy dance moves ;)
Love it, Happy New Year!
Tanya P
Love! Happy New Year!
Sara T
2 people like this.
Thanks for the laughs and for also letting me know I'm not the only one creating bloopers when I do Pilates ;)
Holly C
1 person likes this.
Great Job Presenters!!! It's so difficult being in front of the camera.  Happy New Year everyone!
1 person likes this.
LOL!!! Nicole!! I love you guys!!! Pilates anytime feels like family! I feel like I know all the instructors personally lol. 
Love the bloopers! Makes it all the more authentic and real! 🤩
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