Tutorial #5846

Rowing Front and Saw Flow

10 min - Tutorial


Objective: This flow encourages the combination of abdominal engagement with spinal mobility.

Important Cues: Maintain length through the spine throughout the flow, using the abdominals to support the body. In addition, take note of where the movement is being initiated from.

Recommended Springs: 1 Red Spring
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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So let's move it now into some core work with spinal mobility. We're gonna be on a red spring. Let's turn around. The feet are elongated nice and long. Now from here, we're gonna grab our straps.

We wrap them around the elbows. Here we go. Class the hands. Gonna take it right underneath my ponytail, the bottom of my head. Now screw back. You can have your legs crossed if you want to, or you can be straight out depending on if you have space there. Now we're gonna Tracey our elbows forwards towards our head, and we're gonna curl.

So we're in that curled position. We're gonna roll down through the spine. And then roll all the way back up and making a letter c, and then I'm opening my arms here. Albows towards your head initiate with a lumbar spine in that pelvic tilt, rolling down, looking towards my feet, and now drawing in the abs, curling one vertebra at a time, kind of going up and over, and then up to a straight spine as you open. Let's try that again.

So close the elbows, initiate with a letter c with a spine, making that shape. We're rolling down. I'm still looking at my feet. Now use your apps as you curl up one vertebra at a time, rounding to that upper thoracic spine, up and over that little beach ball, and then we open up. Now we're gonna change it just a little bit now.

We inhale back in a flat spine. So there's your flat spine. And then we curl, rolling down and then we roll up. It's basically mimicking your neck, Paul, on your mat. Lift up, open.

So we go back flat spine. I'm just gonna switch legs here if you've got your legs crossed. Flat spine. Now curl, rolling down, close the elbows, see spine, now up and over, drawing those abs and then stack 1 vertebra at a time as we lift up shoulders stacked over our hips. And again, we're going back in that beautiful flat spine, neutral spine.

Until we can't go any further, and and we close the elbows, roll down. Keep looking at your feet. Now up and over, see curve, scoop out those abs, pull those abs in, up and back. Try and get into the mid thoracic spine. So we round and we stack one vertebra at a time as we come back up to a seated position. Beautiful and release. From here, we're gonna move a little bit closer now.

Hands are forwards. I'm gonna choke it up just a little bit, so I've got shorter straps. Alright. So I'm looking forwards. We're gonna roll down. So in that pelvic roll down here, exhale rolling back up again.

So it's just you roll up. Obviously, the spring is helping you and assisting you here. Rolling down, rolling up, one more, rolling down, hold it here, bring your right knee up, your left knee up, and hold it. We're just gonna reach the legs out and in, just testing the ground, inhale out, exhale in, inhale out, exhale in a couple more, inhale out, lengthen those legs, Excel in one more, inhale lengthen those legs, exhale in, float the right leg down, float the left leg down, initiate, pinch your chest, roll yourself up, use your core slowly, keep your arms straight, to roll back up again. Finish off. Shoulders over hips. Beautiful. Now put your straps down.

We're gonna hinge back. Open your feet. Flex your feet. So your hips are back. Make sure you're not too far back. You're right on the edge.

Now I'm keeping it at a red sping. If you wanna load it up a little bit, I might add a yellow one just to give it a little bit more a little bit more as we would say, a little bit more strength, right hand, left, strap. Now we're going to put our hand on the hip. We're gonna do our unwinds, and it's gonna pull us pull us. So I'm gonna choke it up just a little bit more.

So hit, what does this remind you of? Yeah. It's the sore, isn't it? So now I'm gonna reach the handout. I'm in my saw, and then I'm going to row, comes back, and then I'm gonna reach forwards into a stretch and saw. And again, row rotation, stretch. Press the energy out through the heels. Let's the spring take you. And again, Rotate. Rotate reaching for your foot.

One more. And rotation. Beautiful exercise there. And extension rotation. Check it up. Stand on your hip to start with.

So we're unwinding here. Now we're gonna go into our row with a rotation and back. Now reach your hand out. And we're gonna reach forwards into that sore and rotation. Reach towards your foot. And, again, rotation.

So you got strength, and flexibility. Row rotation. I love that. Row. Rotation reach. Can you see if you can look to the backhand? Maybe you can increase that rotation a little bit more. Just a tad more.

One more. And rotation back. Beautiful. Put your strap down.


Nice tutorial, thanks for shining your light on Joe's exercises.  
Tanya P
1 person likes this.
thank you! my back feels happier! :) Tracey Mallett 
1 person likes this.
Love this. Can't wait to try it.

Tauvia D
1 person likes this.
That saw variation is awesome!Thank you Tracey!

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