Gil Hedley ~ Integral Anatomy

Glastonbury Abbey
August 4, 2011
"Your thoughts directly impact your body. They are not innocuous phantasms, or purely "mental" phenomena disassociated from what we reference as physical. Thoughts have vibrational signatures, like food. Observe the ingredients of your thought-diet. Perhaps you chew on the same old thought-meal day after day. Is your body thrilling to your thoughts? If so, great! Savor the thoughts that taste good and invigorate you.
It is our distinct pleasure to repost anatomist and spiritual teacher Gil Hedley's insightful and thought provoking Facebook posts here on Pilates Anytime. Each week we'll share Gil's inspirational perspective on the human form as a reminder that we can appreciate the ability of our bodies and cultivate joy in our minds while we practice Pilates.
Gil is a self described educator, teaching in the school of life. "I use the exploration of human anatomy as an entrance point into the exploration and transformation of the whole person."
To read more of Gil's posts, you can go directly to his Facebook page, Gil Hedley ~ Integral Anatomy, or you can check out Conversations with Gil Hedley and Exploring Inner Space right here on Pilates Anytime, where Gil goes into depth on topics like, the impression of emotional states and exercise upon one's morphology, the issue and language of "control" over the body, and the issue of the will as it regards movement.
Gil at Stonehenge
Exploring Inner Space


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