Class #1017

Mat for Men

45 min - Class


Kevin Bowen has returned to teach a Mat Class for men. He teaches great modifications on exercises like Corkscrew, Saw, and Leg Pull. Kevin starts with a foot warmup and gentle stretches, then ends with standing full body work. Even though this class is targeted to men, everyone should try it and reap the benefits.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball

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Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to do a class and we're going to do a modified mat class that I would teach for men. So I'm just kind of go along with it. Uh, those of you who know plots and know the full exercise, if you'd like to do the full exercise, by all means, but I'm going to teach the modification and then we're going to do some full body work at the end. Okay, great. So we're going to start standing. Just have your arms down at your side. Take your feet apart so they're lined up underneath your ass. And let's just begin by raising our toes and lowering them, raising them, and lowering up and down. We're going to do a little willpower warmup, little willpower and grace warmup. Okay, thank you Stacy. I told her I would thank her. Great.

And then we're going to hold the toes up. We're going to spread them apart and we're gonna place them down. So we're going to pull them up, spread them apart, let them relax, put them down, pull them up, spread them apart. You almost have to look at them, don't you? Let them relax and bring them down. Wait till we get to the next part. Bring them up. Spread 'em apart.

Let them relax and bring it down. Now just the big toe. So you're going to lift the big toe up and down, up and down, up and down. You may have to look at it so you can tell it what to do. It's fine. It's okay for you to do that. Just don't have your thumb. Do the same thing the big toe was doing okay. Up and down.

Up and down. One more time. Now the little toe. Let's pick the little toe up and down. Little toe, up and down. Little Toe and down little toe. It's not so easy. Is it just the little toe? I know the other ones want to come up to little toe, little toe.

Now bring them both up or all of them I should say. And we're gonna go big toe. Little Toe. Big Toe down, little toe down. Big Toe. Little Toe. Big Toe. Not So easy, Huh? Big Toe. Little Toe. Big Toe. Little Toe. One more time. Each last time. Boom. Bring it back up, all of them and let it go.

And now grip the floor with your toes and then release it. White knuckle it. Grab the floor, pull your arches up and release. And again, grab the floor, pull your arches up and release in. One more time. Grab it, pull your arches up. Ah, and release. Very good. Walk your feet out just a little bit. Take them apart in just a little bit. Soften the knees, take your hands up and bring them back behind your head. From right here, what I want you to do is to bend and come up, same side, and come up. Bend and come up.

Bend and come up for more. Bend over, come up, two, three. Stay over on number four. Hold it in. Extend your upper arm out and stretch and bring it all the way back up and bring it in opposite side. Here we go. Ben, come up, Ben, come up, then come up. Then come up last four up, three, up to up. Hold it there. Reach the upper arm up and over.

Bring it back. Come back, straighten your legs up, extend your arms out, stretch and reach. Be careful there and exhale. Bring your arms all the way down. Very good. Okay, let's go ahead, sit down on your mats and go ahead and lie back into a bent leg position. Arms at your side, legs touching. And all I want you to do is to drop your knees right and left.

Just move them back and forth. Get a little movement through your body. Just drop right and left and do it at your own pace. This is all about you getting some movement through your legs and your hips. Very good. Bring yourself back to the center. Separate your legs apart a little bit, even more, a little wider than your hips.

There you go. Now drop your legs side to side. [inaudible] Rob Him, side to side. Good. Just moving back and forth. Feel the difference in the movement and the more you do try to make the movement even bigger as you really try to reach over to each side. Great. Feel the movement through your whole body. Finish it off and bring it back to the center.

Walk your legs back together in line, your hipbones up, your knees and your feet. And this time reach your arms up towards the ceiling. And from there try to reach your hands even further and pull your shoulder blades off and then release them back down. And again, pull. I'm going to reach him up and release it back down and pull them in. Reach it up and release it back down. Let's do three more.

Reach them up and bring it back down and reach him up. Bring it back down. And last time, reach him up. Bring him back down. Excellent. Now Open your arms out to the side and press into the floor and then close. And again, open your arms out to the side.

Press into the floor and close. Let's do three more open amount. Press and squeeze back together. And again, open them out and press and squeeze together in last time. Open 'em out and bring them back together. Good. Now turn your palms so they're facing towards your knees. Take your right arm back and your left arm down and just paddle your arms back and forth at your own pace. Just move it back and forth at your own pace.

Good. And just feel the movement happen. Release and let the arms slide. Good. Excellent, very good. And then finish off and bring your arms back in alongside your body. Good. We're going to focus now back on the lower body.

So you're going to inhale to prepare. We're going to do a little hip escalator up. Exhale, curl your tailbone underneath. You. Press into your feet and lift your pelvis up in the air and come up as high as you can without over arching your back. Good. Inhale at the top and exhale and articulate your spine all the way back down again and again. Inhale at the bottom. Exhale, curl, press up. Come all the way up.

Once you get to the top, take a big breath in. Inhale and exhale and bring your arms back down alongside your body. Great. One more time and we're adding on. So inhale. Exhale, curl the tailbone up, lift the pelvis up. Good. Inhale, reach your arms up. Exhale, take them both back behind you and stretch and hold them there on the floor. Inhale and exhale and articulate your spine back down one vertebra at a time.

Very good. When your tailbone touches, reach your arms back up. Bring them all the way back down alongside your body. And again, inhale, exhale, curl. Lift the tailbone up in the air. Inhale, reach your arms up. Exhale, stretch back, reach. Inhale there. Exhale, reach your arms away from you and articulate your spine back down until your tailbone touches. Once it does, bring your arms back up. Bring your arms back down, and we're gonna do one last time. Inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone up. Lift the pelvis up at the top. Inhale, reach the arms up. Exhale, stretch them back behind you. Inhale at the back end. Stretch your arms away from you. And exhale, release your spine back down one vertebrae at a time. Very good.

This time, reach your arms up and hold them up. And then exhale. Bring your fingertips together and bring them down right into the center of your chest. So your tips are touching in the sternum. Inhale and exhale. Curl your tail. Excuse me, curl your head up and round up and look between your thighs. Try not to move your tail. Inhale and exhale and release back down. And again, inhale, sales softened, sternum curl up, inhale at the top, exhale and release back down.

And one more time. Inhale, exhale, curl and roundups off in the sternum. Inhale at the top and exhale and release back down. Very good. Just go ahead and place your arms down at your side. Let's do five deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Great. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale, and one more time. Inhale and exhale. Great. Lift your legs up, keeping your knees bent. That can be your starting position. We're going to move right into the a hundred so good news is you get to do the a hundred of your choice with your hundreds legs position for men. Usually I just have them keep the knees bent. All right, you're going to reach your arms up to the ceiling. You're going to inhale, you're going to exhale and round.

Up and bring your arms down alongside your body. Find your hundreds position and begin. Inhale and exhale. Inhale, and exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, and exhale again. Inhale, exhale, inhale. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Bend your knees. Now. Inhale, exhale, two, three, four, five. Only two more. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Stop. Pull your knees into your [inaudible]. Chastin. Round yourself into a tiny little ball.

Hold it right there and relax your head back down. Great. Reach around, grab the back of your thighs from where you are and just go ahead and rock yourself up and sit up nice and tall. Great. Straighten your legs out in front of you. Reach your arms out in front of you. Inhale to prepare an exhale. Roll all the way back down. Good. It's your arms back when you get there. Circle them around on the floor and use your hands to push yourself up and sit up tall again. Good. Just push yourself up. That's all it is. There you go.

Now roll back again. Reach your arms out. Inhale. It's the easy way. Exhale. Roll all the way back down. You're looking at each other like, is he for real? Reach your arms back, circle them around, push yourself into the floor and push yourself back up. We'll make it a little more difficult. Don't you worry your pretty little heads about that. Okay. Inhale, exhale, roll all the way back down. Very inhale.

Reach your arms back, circle them around. Do not sit up this time what I want you to do is I want you to straighten your right leg and bend your left. Okay? You're going to use your left arm to slide it alongside of your body and I'm going to roll down on my microphone. Hopefully we're not going to have a meltdown and you're going to reach your right arm up in the air. And what I want you to do is pretend like you're holding onto something.

Use your left arm for support and you're going to round up and sit up tall and pull as much as you can on your left leg. Pull onto its sit up tall and roll all the way back down again. Okay? Keep your left leg even more bent. So round. Sit up tall. Sit up as tall as you can wall. Push it up over your head. Sit up tall. Pretend like you've got a 10 pound weight in that hand. Oh, and roll all the way back down. There you go. And one more time.

Inhale to prepare. Exhale, roll. Push up nice and tall. Sit Up nice and tall. Inhale there and exhale and release and go back down. Excellent. Let's change sides. We have to do three more on the other side. There you go. Reach the left arm comes up. Inhale to prepare.

Exhale, roll up. Sit up tall. Pull onto that leg that are really helped you to sit up tall. Good. Inhale and exhale and release. Back Down. Yeah. And when you're really feeling comfortable with this, after I leave tomorrow, for example, inhale, exhale, roll up. What you're going to do is try it with a weight or a ball in your hand. Oh, inhale, exhale and release and go back down.

And if you really nice to your clients, you can do what I'm gonna do. Next. Inhale, exhale, roll. And come up. You can come up, whoops behind them and give them a little push. Oh, inhale and exhale and release back down. Ah, very good. Okay. Pull your knees into your chest, grab the back of your thighs, rock yourself up. Okay, so we're going to do two versions of rolling like a ball, the full version if you'd like to do it where you're up like so, or the little bit of a modified version. So you're going to grab underneath here. Hang on, pull a little bit apart on your legs if you'd like. Squeeze your feet together, drop your head down a bit. Inhale, exhale, roll back. Inhale, exhale. Come up and try to hold the position. Inhale.

Exhale, roll back. Inhale, exhale, come up. Good. And again. Inhale, exhale, roll back. Inhale, exhale up. Now we're going to do three fast. Get ready. Inhale. Exhale, roll back. Roll Up. Inhale, exhale, roll back. Roll Up. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Hold it up. Sit Tall. Yes. Straighten your legs out on the floor and roll yourself all the way back down there. A very, very good, you're still with me right now.

I'm prepared. I'm prepared. Okay. Little single leg ab series. We're going to do a whole series of exercises. Some of you may be used to them, some of you may not know them. Um, so please pace yourself if you have to take a little break, that's perfectly acceptable. But we're going to do a relatively long series and then we'll stretch out. Okay, so first we're going to do the single leg stretch, which everybody knows you were the lying back. Pull the right knee and the left leg out. Hold the position. Look straight between where both thighs would be and you're going to inhale on the right. Exhale on the left. Inhale on the right.

Exhale on the left. Inhale, right. Exhale, left. Inhale, right. Exhale left. One more, and exhale, pull both knees into your chest. Hold the position, double leg. Exhale, extend and stretch out into it. Inhale, circle back around. Good. And again, exhale, extend back into it. Inhale, circle all the way around. Exhale, extend back into it. Inhale, circle all the way around and one more time. Exhale, extend back into it. Inhale, circle all the way around. Pull both knees into your chest. What I want you to do here is take your hands behind your head and just drop your knees to the side and come to the center and drop your knees to the side and come to the center.

Drop your knees to the side and come to the center. Drop your knees to the side and come to the center. One more time. Each side, knees, side and center, knees side and center. This time we're going to drop our knees to the side. We're going to drop our knees lower and lift our feet higher. It's a little tricky and then we're going to turn and look up at the ceiling.

Okay, so we have a little spiral thing happening in our body and then we're going to rotate to the other side and do the same thing. So the knees are going to be lower, the feet are going to be higher. You're gonna rotate the shoulders to the ceiling and then you're going to rotate back to the center. Keep it controlled and go to the other side. Rotate it around. Excellent. Come back to the center. Back to the other side. Knees, low, rotate.

Really try to turn and look up at the ceiling and come back and go to the first side so the knees are low. The feet are high, and come back to the center and go back to the last side. Yes. It's not easy. I know it's not easy. Come back to the center. Ah, pull both knees into your chest. Give yourself a little bit of a break. Ooh. Okay. Release for one second. We're on it again. Straighten the right leg up. Lengthen the left leg out, and you're going to do single straight legs.

Round your head up and inhale on the right. Exhale on the left. Inhale on the right. Exhale on the left. Inhale, right. Exhale, left. Inhale, right. Exhale left. Two more. Inhale, right. Exhale left. Very good. One last time. Inhale, right. Exhale left. Bring both legs up.

Take both hands behind your head. Curl up a little bit high or lower your legs down halfway and then bring them back up and lower your legs down halfway and bring 'em back up. And two more. Only lower your legs down and bring him back up. And last time, lower your legs down and bring them back up and pull both knees in towards your chest and release yourself back down. That was a little challenging, not too challenging, right? Okay. Grab the back of your thighs. Rock yourself up.

All right, you're going to hang on here. We're going to hold this position and then we're going to take our hands on top of our knees. Okay. And we're going to rock and roll here. Sort of like rolling like a ball, but our version of a modified open leg rocker, if you're feeling up to it and you want to straighten your legs up, by all means do so. But I'm doing this for the gentleman so it's a little more friendly for them. Okay? So you're going to inhale on the way back and exhale, come up, push weight into your knees and pressure. Hands down onto your knees.

So inhale back, exhale up, right. Inhale back, exhale up. Come up and try to sit up tall and in round. Inhale back, exhale up. Sit up tall. That's it. And again, inhale back. Exhale up, and inhale back. Exhale up. Sit up real tall. Release it there.

Straighten your right leg, bend your left, hang onto it, and take a little stretch here. Good. And then drop the left leg out to the side if you can, and reach forward. And then sit up tall and switch sides. Straighten the opposite leg, pull into it. Try to sit up as tall as you can hear. Very good.

And then drop the leg out to the side and reach over. That's it. And then straighten both legs out and roll yourself back down. Okay, Ben, both knees. Extend both legs up. Just try to hold the position.

We're going to do a little modified version of a corkscrew. Okay, so you've got your legs straight. Now just begin the exercise. You Bend your legs, you circle around, you stop and you straighten. So it goes Ben. Circle the other way. Circle around, stop and straighten Ben's circle the opposite way around. Stop and straighten and again, Ben Circle, stop, center and straighten. So you can make this movement as difficult as you want. Bend Circle around, stop, center and straighten. And again, then circle around, stop, center and straighten and hold it up. Flex your feet back.

Take a nice stretch through your legs. Visualize the back of your legs, lengthening all the way up. The energy comes out of your heels. Relax. Bending your knees in, releasing your legs down. Very good. Reach around again. Grab the back of your arms or back of your arms, back of your thighs, I should say, of the back of your arms and round yourself up. Oh, okay. Very good. Okay. Little saw action we're going to do here. Okay, so what we're gonna do is we're going to bend one leg and take the other leg out to the side. It looks like a stretching man with no, right? So we're going to play with it this way just to make it a little simpler. We're going to take the lengthened leg and bend the arm here.

We're going to inhale and we're going to exhale and stretch over. We're going to come up and we're going to come to the center and we're going to do that again. We're going to twist. We're going to reach. We're going to come up and we're going to come center. We're going to twist, we're going to reach, we're going to come up and center and now we're going to really twist and try to look behind us. Reach over, come back and twist to the center. And one more time. Twist it around, trying to look behind you. Come over, come back up and come to the center and then just switch sides. You do the other side. Okay, hold it here. You've got the action happening, Ben here. Okay, so turn, reach over, come back and twist center and again, turn, reach over, come back up. Turn, center, twist. Exhale. Come up and center this time.

Try to twist it a little further. Look behind you. Reach over, come up, turn center and last time, twist around. Look behind you. Reach over, come up, twist center. Bring both arms out to the side, spread your fingertips out, straightened both legs out. Bring them together. Bring your hands together and roll yourself back down. They're very, very good. Okay. You get to flip over onto your stomach now, aren't you guys? Put your heads towards the center. That way I can see what's going on.

You can see what's going on and that's right. All you're going to do is have your hands like so forehead down and press down with your forearms and lift your head and chest up a little bit and say hello to each other low. And then come on back down. And again, press and lift up and come back down. Be aware of your whole body in space. Try to keep your legs as close together as possible. Good. And one more time. Press and hold it up.

And now bring your arms around so you look like the Spinks and your arms are bent and try to lift yourself up a little higher. And what I want you to simply do is try to straighten your right arm a little bit, so you're going on a diagonal and then you're going to come back down and then straighten your left, look back behind your shoulder a little bit. Go on the diagonal and come back down. And again, straighten the right and come back down and straighten the left and come back down. Excellent. Now release in, slide yourself all the way down. Shake your lower body out, release, adjust a little bit. Very good. One Hand on top of the other one, and let your forehead rest on your hands. Okay.

And all I want you to do is to kick both legs back in towards your glutes three times. You just go, kick, kick, kick and straighten. And again, go kick, kick, kick and straighten. And again, kick, kick, kick and straighten. Great. And one more time. Kick, kick, kick and straighten. Excellent. Now pressure upper body up. Use your arms for support.

Lift your legs up as best as you can, just a little bit up. Drop your head a little bit, and then reach your arms out to the side and take them in front of you and then swing them back behind you and take them in front and swinging back behind you. Take them in front. Whoops. Bring him back. Hold it there and release your body all the way back down. And Go ahead and push yourself back up and sit into rest position.

Ah, take some great big breaths. Let your back have a little bit of a break. Inhale and exhale. Breathe there. Very good. Good. Okay. Swing your legs around in front of you. I am going to grab you guys a couple of balls for later.

We're going to play with these and we're going to do a little bit of a neck pool, a little bit of a neck pole. Okay, so we're going to do the scarlet O'Hara thing with two hands. All right. You're gonna sit up as tall as you can. You're going to lean back. You're going to exhale and roll and release yourself all the way back down when you get there. Reach your arms back behind you. Excellent. And Roll Up. Do a full roll up. Inhale. Exhale. Roll yourself all the way up. Shh. Good. Sit up as tall as you can. Good.

Scarlet O'Hara at times to inhale, lean back. Exhale, roll and round yourself all the way back down. Inhale, reach your arms back behind you XL. Roll yourself all the way back up. Good, good, good. And then we're going to come up and we're going to spread our fingers apart and we're going to take them wide out to the side and we're going to inhale. Exhale, roll all the way back. You're leaning, you're rounding, you're coming all the way back. You're reaching your arms back. Inhale, exhale, peel off and round yourself all the way up and come all the way up and sit up tall. Very good. Bring your arms back in front. Roll yourself all the way down. Once you get there, leave your arms at your side, bend your knees, bring them up.

I'm going to give a ball between your legs. Christie's going to do the full version, aren't you Christie? Yes, you are. Um, uh, this ball may work for you. Let's let me have you have this ball. Okay. Okay. Little shoulder bridge leg action happening. Okay. So what we're gonna do is we're going to inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone up in the air, lift the pelvis up and hold yourself at the top. Keeping a grip on the ball, but not too tight.

I want you to straighten your right leg and hold it there for four, three, two. Don't let your pelvis move. Bend it. Great. Straighten your left leg. Hold it there for four, three, two, one. Bend it. Release the body all the way back down. Articulate your spine when you get to the bottom. One more time. Inhale. Exhale, curl the tailbone up. Lift the pelvis up in the air. Good. Inhale there. Straighten the right leg, bend it.

Inhale, exhale, straighten the left leg. Bend it. Inhale, exhale, straighten the right great, and bend. And last time. Inhale. Exhale, straighten the left and Ben and inhale and exhale and release your spine all the way back down. Very good. Pull the knees into your chest, hug on there, and I will take the balls away from you. Thank you. Very good. Yeah, we can throw them away, right?

All right, excellent. Grabbed the back of your thighs. Rock yourselves up. Come on up to a seated position. Good. We're going to do a little spine twist with a little modification. So we're going to go back in that same position where we were before, where we have one leg out, one leg in, hold the position, take your body up, sit as tall as you can think of rotating and spiraling your spine. Inhale, exhale, twist towards the leg that straighten and come back to the center and come back to the center.

Okay, come back to the center and one more time. [inaudible] come back to the center, reach the arms out and again, this time we're going to twist towards the leg and twist towards the center and the other way, twist the opposite way and twist towards the center. Exhale, twist and center. Inhale, exhale, twist and center holding here. And then just switch the legs out, change the other way, come back first to start, elbows out to the side and twist towards the straight leg. Twist and center again, twist and center again, twist and center. Open the arms out. Inhale, exhale, twist and center and go the other way. Twist and center, very good.

Twist and center. Other way, twist and center. Excellent. Bring both legs out straight in front of you. Roll yourself all the way down. Reach your arms back, circle them around, bend your knees in. Grab the back of your thighs, rock yourself up and come up into a seated position where you're up on your sitz bones here. Extend your legs out. Hold. Extend your arms out, hold, bend and relax for one second and again, extend, extend, bend and relax again. Extend, extend.

Hold. Now lower your upper body down and bring your upper body back up. You don't have to go far. Lower it down. Bring it back up. Wow. More time. Lower it down. Bring it back up and hold it. Bend your knees, grab the back of your thighs and roll yourself all the way back down.

Okay? Yes, I know, I know you're going to lengthen your body out. You're going to make a banana shape and you're going to roll towards me. Okay, so you can do two versions. You can have your head down if that is easier for you or you can be up like so. It's up to you. Extend your legs out, flex your feet, find your comfort zone.

Pull the body in, take the top leg up. You're going to kick forward. Inhale, flex your foot. Exhale, point, and come back not to big. Inhale Front. Exhale back. Inhale, front. Exhale, back. Good. Inhale, front. Exhale, back. Good. Try the street in your leg a little more. Inhale Front. Exhale back. Two more. Inhale. Exhale. Last time. Inhale, exhale.

Come back with both legs together and release your body all the way down and then just flip over to the other side so your heads will come in towards the center. Got To keep everything in motion here, Huh? Okay. Find your comfort zone. Find the place that you'd like to be. Remember if you want to, you could have your head all the way down. Bring the legs in front a little bit. Flex your free. Take the top leg up and swing it forward. Inhale, front. Exhale, back point. Inhale, front flex. Exhale back again.

Inhale, front. Exhale back again. Inhale, front. Exhale back. Two more. Inhale, front. Exhale back, and last time. Inhale, front. Exhale back. Bring both legs together, lower them down, lower your upper body down, okay. Onto your hands and knees quadro pad, as we would call it, right. What I want you to do from this position is I'd like you to bring your hands together and make a little heart shape out of your index finger and your thumbs when they touch. Okay? And try to get that just underneath your heart. Then take your legs back.

Try to spread your toes out so you're evenly on all 10 toes and hold the position in the plank and hold it. Hold it, hold it, hold it, and release. Bend your knees, sit back and stretch. Good. Bring yourself back up. Make sure that you're going to align your finger heart with your regular heart. Hold the position there, and we're going to count for 10, nine, eight. Press back and connect your body. Five, four, three, two and one.

Kneel down and sit back and take a little stretch, Harry. Very good. Okay. The next plank will be our leg pull position for the front. So let's come up into that position with your hands just underneath your shoulders. Okay. Holding the position there. What I want you to do is take the leg, pull and kick up and down. Not fast, up and down, up and down, up and down. Hold the position and we're going to do some pushups if he can.

How about for all right. Oh boy. So we're going to go down and press up, down. Press up, down, press up, down, press up, hold, press back into your heels. Stretch. Hike your body back. Bring yourself back down. Kneel, sit back, stretch back. Very good. Come back up into your plank again. Hold the position. This time we're going to take the right leg up and hold it.

We're going to point, flex point, flex point, flex point, flex, hold, bend and straighten. Bend and straighten. Bend and straighten. Bend and straighten. Bend and hold. Press up and down, up and down. Up and down. Up. Hold it down. Straighten it out.

Plus the foot down. Bend the knees in, stretch back. Good. Coming back up again and to the plank. The other side. Spread the toes out. Line the body up. Energize the backside of the body and the front side of the body. Take the left leg up. Point, flex point, flex point, flex, point, flex. Then bend, straighten.

Then straighten, bend, straighten, bend, straighten. Bend in, hold. Press up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Straighten it out, foot down, kneel down and stretch back. Good. We okay. Need a little risk break? Not yet. Okay. Come back up on your plank. Not again.

Take the right leg up. You're going to come up on your side. There you go. Wish I had more space. Come back down. Bring yourself around and we're going to try the other side. So take the opposite leg up. Bring it back and around. Take it up. Excellent. Find the comfort zone there.

Circle yourself back around. There you go Neil. And now sit back into rest position and get a full stretch there. Very good. Okay. From where you are now, circle your legs around.

Bring your legs out in front. Find a comfort zone for your hands cause we're going to come up into the other leg pull position, whether it's forward, side or back. I always turn my watch around because it digs into my, and I get into my position. And then we're going to bring ourselves up. So you're going to lift up into your leg, pull front position, hold it, and then bring yourself down. And again, lift up and bring yourself down. And again, lift up and bring your leg up and over and up and down.

Up and over. Up and down and release down. Okay. And crush your legs and stretch forward and over. Stretch it out. Very good. Excellent. Excellent, excellent. And from that position, I'd like you to stand up. Okay. So for the next part that we're going to do standing, you can either be on your map, but I think I would prefer you to really be on the floor so you don't get stuck on the mat. So either behind or in front of your mat. Okay, you're going to face me. Okay. So I'm going to do this with you.

We're going to begin by doing some lunges out to your left side. Okay. Hands on your hips or on your thighs, I should say. And all you're gonna do is you're gonna come out and come in. L and N, L and n out and n for more. There you go.

That three n n two and then, good. Now we're going to continue with April. We're going to bring the foot up. Bring the foot up. Two good. Three up, four up, five up. Drop. Low Up. Seven up. Eight up. One more. And hold this one up. Hold it up. Balance Up.

Hold it there. Good. Press your arms out to the side. Extend your leg out in front and release it down. Bring your hands in. Same thing to your right. Ready? Here we go. Out and in. Out and in. Out and N. Great. Good. Get Low.

Drop low and three. It's okay to breathe. Two red and one good. Now for the next day, bring the leg up. Leg Up, out, leg up, out, leg up, out. Leg Up. Four more. Leg Up. Three. Leg Up. Two. Good. And one. One more. Hold it up. Yeah. Here we go. Take the arms out.

Extend the leg out. Good. Lower the leg down. Bring both hands down. So we're going to go squat and then to your left. Squat Center. Squat. Left squat center, Squat, left squat center, squat, left squat center again. Boom. Good. Keep it up and I'm going to move forward a little bit.

Is Center and squat. Last time squat, come to the center. Take the leg back. The one you were stepping on that your left leg. And from there what I want you to do is to Paul, extend, pull, extend, pull, extend, pull, extend four more. Three to hold it up.

One a tall and release. Same thing. Opposite sides. So we go squat, squat out, out center. Center, right. Center. Center, right, right against center. Center, right, right. Center Center. Good. Center, center. Excellent. Three more. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And one more. Here we go. Out and hold. So take that leg back, hold it there and pull. Pull back, pull back. Three, four, five, six, two more. You Go, hold it. Hold it, hold it, hold it. Straighten up. If you can balance on one leg, spread your toes out and release it down.

Very good. Shoulders up and back. Up and back. Up and back. Good. And reach the arm up and, and up and back and up and back. One more time. Up and back. Now take your left leg back, reach your arms up. Let the right hand grab the left hand and pull it over and stretch it to the side and come back to the center and release switch sides.

Take your right leg back, bring your arms up, let the hand pulled over. Let your left pull the right over. Stretch. Come back, step up. Reach up, spread your fingertips apart. Lift chest even higher and arch backwards like you're trying to look behind you towards the back of the room and release. And one more time. Exhale. Try to look up and behind you and release in one last time. Exhale, release.

Open your arms out to the side and give yourself a hug. That's all. Thank you very much.


1 person likes this.
Great class Kevin. The modification for corkscrew (for men) was excellent and I got more out of it than ever before. Enjoyed the cardio workout at the end too. Will be bookmarking this one.
2 people like this.
What an enjoyable workout Kevin, delivered with clarity and confidence . I really like your teaching . I too enjoyed the cardio workout at the end and often do something very similar in my own workouts . I will certainly be bringing some of your excellent modifications to my classes. Thank you so much .
1 person likes this.
nice variations , thanks!
2 people like this.
Enjoyed the class Kevin. And enjoyed the modifications!
2 people like this.
love it!!...Please..more Mister Bowen..PLEAASE!! txs a lot!!
2 people like this.
Funny those students don't look like men!
Kevin Bowen
Thanks for the positive responses everyone - wish we had a few more men in the Mat class!
Great class! I really enjoyed the modifications. I agree that we need more men.
I like the modifications of the exercicies. Every time I love PA. Thank you very much.
Kevin, Do you have any remedial little toe exercises you can recommend? My toes were severely challenged in the 1st 2 min. of this workout! I could not do the lifting of the big-toe then little-toe portion without eversion-inversion of my whole foot!!. Thank you for heightening my awareness of my toe dexterity challenges!
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