Class #1043

3rd Trimester Mat

35 min - Class


In part three of her program, Carolyne Sidhu Anthony teaches movements that you would need during labor and delivery if you have chosen a natural birth. For the 3rd trimester workout, she chooses to work on circular movements, stretching movements, and deep breathing and releasing. Carolyne recommends this part of the program for women near the end of the 3rd trimester to stay mobile in the body. She ends the class with another meditation so you can connect to your body and release any excess tension.

If you want to refer back to part one and two of the program, you can watch Prenatal Mat Workout for the 1st trimester and Prenatal Mat Workout for the 2nd trimester.
What You'll Need: Mat, Fitness Ball

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Okay, so now we're going to do something from the third trimester mat class and what we're aiming to do in this class is do more movement that someone's going to need during labor and delivery if they have chosen to do a natural birth. So we're going to start standing up because we're trying to emulate standing up in the first stage of labor, doing a lot of circular movements, doing a lot of stretching movements and obviously a lot of deep breathing and releasing the third trimester mat class that I'm going to do here. I would suggest for people at the end of the third trimester, because you're still moving quite freely in the beginning, so when you're getting a little bit heavier and you don't want to move so much, but you still want to keep yourself mobile and and in some kind of condition, then this might be the class for you. So we're just going again, stand on the edge of your mat and we're just going to take a few breaths to start off with and we have the ball in front of us and we're going to use that in a minute. So stand with your feet, hit with apart and arms, just relaxed by your side and we're just going to take that lovely deep breath. Again, inhale and exhale to release. Anytime you take your arms above your head, you're just giving space to your lungs and your rib cage.

Lifting off the uterus and exhale to release and again, deep breath in. Exhale to release. One more time. Deep breath in this time you're going to roll down through your spine and you're going to reach for the ball. When you've reached for the ball, you're going to bend the knees, send the ball forward as you bend into that knee, Ben extending the spine, you're going to inhale on the exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, and inhale to release the tailbone all the way to the ceiling. And again, exhale, tailbone to pubic, pubic balloon to chest, and inhale to release. And again, exhale, tailbone to pubic, Boone pubic boon to chest. Inhale to release. And last one. Exhale tucking that pelvis and a bringing the ball to [inaudible].

Watch you as you slowly roll back up through your spine. I'm just coming down to circle up. You're going to inhale the arms up and you're going to hopefully hope that that ball doesn't go anywhere. And as you roll down, you're going to gather up your ball and press the ball forward as you can. Lengthen through your spine, bending those knees for me. Don't strain your hamstrings. And then from here you're going to inhale, lengthen the legs a little bit and press the legs down.

So you're bending and stretching the news, trying to stretch through the hamstrings. Exhale, press up and inhale to bend the knees even more. Feel that stretch in the hamstrings. The tailbone is up towards the ceiling in your anterior pelvic tilt. Working into the pelvic floor as well. And exhale to press up and inhale to press down this time.

Exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic to chess, and continue rolling all the way up through the spine, circling the arms around. That's it. And uh, and exhale, rolling down. We'll do that sequence one more time. Reaching for the ball, pressing all the way, lengthening through your spine and bending into your knees. On the exhale, you're going to take tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest. On the inhale, rock the pelvis in the opposite direction, opening up the pelvic floor. Keep the knees slightly bent and exhale tailbone to pubic. Burn pubic. Learn to chest and inhale to release that tailbone.

And again, exhale, rocking the pelvis under and inhale to release. Last one. Exhale, tucking under and rolling up through your spine. Circling the arms around. Deep breath in and exhale, rolling down through your spine. And we're going into the hands during stretch, bending the knees, pressing the ball away. Inhale to bend the knees and exhale to straighten the knees and inhale to bend and exhale to straighten.

And again, bend. Exhale to straighten. Pay attention to the breathing. It's an inhale to bend. And this time. Exhale, tucking the pelvis under and rolling up through your spine. Now you're going to come and sit on your ball, thankfully, and you'll keep it where it is. Come sit on your ball and that's it. Taking the arms down by your side again and take a deep breath in and exhale to release.

Yes, and again, deep breath in and exhale to release. Taking your left arm up, you're going to inhale the left arm up and exhale over into your side bend and inhale to come up. Changing sides and exhale over. And inhale, lift and exhale. Yeah, and inhale, lift and exhale. Stay here for me. Take a breath into that side ribcage. Inhale, and as you exhale, lengthen the arm and open up that rib cage. And again, deep breath into the side. Rib Cage.

Exhale to release. Inhale, and this time you're going to exhale, coming up and take it over to the other side. Exhale to bend over. Stay here, take a deep breath, the side with cage. Exhale to release and again, deep breath. Exhale to release. One more time. Inhale and exhale. Bring the arm back and sitting up nice and tall, both arms go up on the inhale and you're going to class your hands and turn them inside out.

And from here you're going to circle the arms and the body at the same time. So circling around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. And let's go the opposite way. And inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale around. Last one, coming back into the center and stay. You're going to inhale on the exhale, bring the pelvis and the arms down, making a nice seeker with a body. And on the inhale, go all the way back, send the tailbone back and take the arms back as far as feels comfortable.

And again, exhale to bring it all forward and inhale to take it back. And again, exhale to bring it forward and inhale to take it back. And one more time. Exhale to bring it forward. Now circle the arms around and stack up through your spine. Inhale up and you go to exhale.

Press forward stretching into the hamstrings. Nice flat back. Pull the ball underneath you as you circle the arms around. Inhale up and exhale, hinge forward, stretching the legs and pull the ball underneath you. Inhale and exhale, stretching. [inaudible] and in here one more time. And exhale, pressing forward.

And this time stacking up through your spine and sitting up nice and tall. You're going to take your shoulders round and forward and round and forward and rotate and forward and round. And we're going the opposite way. So take them up, back, down and forth. Nice big circles with the shoulders up and back and up and back in. One more deep breath in. Inhale and exhale to come all the way down.

We're going to come off the ball and we come sideways to the ball and bring the ball close into the hip. Make sure the hips, the hips are as you press into the ball, go up in over supporting the head and taking the top leg out to the side for hand. Goes in front and test yourself by taking the left foot just off the mat. That's it. So from here, inhale to lift and exhale, lower and inhale, lift. And exhale and inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. One more time. Lift. Now, just bring it down to hit level and you'd just go to make small circles. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale, other way. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around.

Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale, and go and put head. Put that foot back down on the mat and bend that knee and bring both knees together. Still working into the hip area. We're going to inhale, open the knee and exhale to close and inhale open. Exhale, close. Inhale, open. Exhale, close. Inhale, open, and exhale. Adding on. We're going to inhale, lifting up and exhale scooping down. That's it. Inhale to lift and exhale. Lower.

Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. One more time. Inhale, lift, and exhale. Coming all the way down, taking that leg out, placing the whole foot on the mat and taking a side stretch up. Going over, lengthening through, and taking a deep breath into the side body and exhale to release. Uh, just stay in the stretch and keep breathing and releasing. I'll take a breath in and as you exhale, bring the arm up and over. Push into the ball to bring you up and coming all the way down and bring the ball to the other side and bring it close into the pelvis, supporting the pelvis in the ball.

Take the leg out, place the whole foot on the floor and go up in over the ball. Support the head and place the other hand on top. Test yourself for your weight. That's it. And Inhale, lift, and exhale there. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower.

Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift, and exhale. Stay halfway down. Small circles. Stir the pot. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale, other weigh. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around in here. Hail, exhale, and go ahead and bring it all the way in. [inaudible] quick rests.

And from here, inhale, open the knee and exhale to lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift and adding on. You're going to inhale, lifted all the way up and scoop it down. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower lift, lower lift, and two more times. Inhale, lift, exhale down. One more time, lift and lower.

Go ahead and extend that leg out. Place the whole foot on the floor. Take this arm I can [inaudible] holding on and take a deep breath into your side. 40 and exhale to release and just stay in the Strip and take a breath in. As you exhale, release the arm coming up, press into the ball and coming all the way down. You're going to turn to face the ball and this time in the third trimester definitely bring the ball underneath your arms and your head and press out and come back up onto your hands and knees. Well supported with your head, neck and shoulders. Feet together, knees apart.

And from here you're going to take tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest and inhale to lengthen out. And again, exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest and inhale to release. And again, exhale, tailbone to pubic burn, pubic going to chest. Inhale to release. One more time, tucking under and inhale to release. Now keep the anterior pelvic tilt and you're just going to rock back towards the heels and come forward.

Small movement and rocking back and coming forward. And again, rocking back. This is a good labor position. And coming forward and exhale, press inhale forward. And this time you're going all the way down to the heels. [inaudible] keeping the ball supporting your head and just release your lower back. Take a breath into your lower back and exhale to release.

And again, deep breath in. Exhale to release and gently rock the ball from side to side. Keep breathing and releasing and coming back to center. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, bring the ball towards you as you roll back up through your spine and taking the ball behind you, supporting your shoulders and your head. And again, you can either hold onto the ball with the hands or you can take them down onto your mat. And this time we're going to take the breath in. On the exhale, you're just going to squeeze the glutes and press the pelvis up and inhale to slowly roll back down.

And again, exhale, squeeze the glutes, press the pelvis up and inhale to come back down two more times. And exhale, squeeze your glutes pressing up and inhale to come down. One more time, squeezing the glutes, pressing up and inhale to come all the way down, chasing hands on the mat to bring a head, neck and shoulders up. And Go ahead and keep the bull by the side as you come down onto your mat and cross your legs. And if it rolls away, I'll give you mine. So sitting up nice and tall on your mat. Go ahead and place your hands right underneath your tummy.

And obviously I'm going to pretend I have one. And from here just to lengthen your spine until you feel the need to close your eyes, go ahead and close your eyes and where you have your hands. I want you to take your breath down into your hands and fill your hands up. So inhale for me and on the exhale just release. And you're telling me what gently come away from your hands. And again, deep breath into the hands, allowing the tummy muscles to release and exhale, relaxing through your body.

And one more time. Nice deep breath into your hands. Inhale and exhale to release. Taking the hands and just placing them on your knees, lengthening up through your spine and relaxing your shoulders. You're going to inhale for me on the exhale. Just allow the chin to drop to your chest. Then you're going to take your chin up to your right or left shoulder and look over your shoulder, stretching through your neck.

You're going to come across the front on the exhale to look towards your other shoulder. Inhale here and exhale. Drop the chin to your chest and continue. You're going to inhale to your shoulder, going to exhale. Come across your front, looking over the other shoulder. Inhale and exhale to drop that Chin towards your chest. We'll do this one more time. Inhale the Chin to the shoulder and exhale coming across the front. Okay, over the other shoulder. Inhale and exhale. Dropping that chin down towards your chest. Stay here for a minute. Take a breath into the back of your neck and exhale to release your neck muscles, and now we're going in the opposite direction.

You're going to inhale to take the chin back up to that shoulder as you come across the front. Really allow the jaw and your tongue and your throat to relax. Come across the front, looking over the other shoulder. Inhale and exhale. Dropping the chin towards your chest and inhale up to the shoulder. As you come across the front, really let go of the tension all around your jaw and your throat coming across the front to look towards the other shoulder and exhale, dropping down.

And one more time. Inhale up to the shoulder. I had exhale coming across the front, looking over the other shoulder. Inhale and Exhale, dropping that chin to the chest. Stay here. Take a breath in. As you exhale, slowly allow that spine to relax backwards and then inhale to come stacking back up.

That's it. We're going to release one leg, hold onto the knee and onto the ankle and let the weight of the leg come into your hands. And this is hip opener. You're going to inhale to open the hip and exhale to close and inhale, open and exhale, close and inhale, open. Exhale, close. One more time. Inhale, open, nasty here. Small circles. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale. Other way. And inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale, round. Inhale, exhale around.

Inhale, exhale, and come back to the center. Just bring a little bit closer to you and go ahead and bring it back down and please set leg in any comfortable position. So to do the others as you probably need it, lifting up. And again, you're going to inhale, open, and exhale to close. Just push it away. Inhale, open and exhale to close. And inhale, open. Exhale to close. Inhale, open, exhale, close and inhale, keep it here and just small circles into that hip socket. Inhale, exhale around.

Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale, other words, and inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. Inhale, exhale around. One more time and go ahead and bring it closer to you and then bring it back down onto the mat. Cross your legs if you want to or you can take it into z position. You okay?

All right, go ahead and take my ball and place your hand on the ball and we'll just do mermaid is okay. And inhale, lengthen the arm up and exhale. Press over onto the ball, into your moment, and inhale. Just come up a little way and exhale up and over and inhale to release. And this time exhale up in over. Stay here. You're going to take a breath in. As you exhale, rotate towards your ball and place both hands on your ball.

And from here if you can, you're going to inhale and into a little bit of an extension of your spine. And as you exhale, you're going to bring the ball back towards you and come into a flection. That's it. And inhale, lengthen out, pressing the ball away, straightening the spine, and exhale, bring the ball closer to you and bringing it back. One more time. Inhale to lengthen through the spine and exhale this time come all the way up, bringing the ball all the way forward for you. Bring the ball to the front and change hands.

Lex taking the hand on top of the ball or down onto the mat and you're going to inhale and exhale over. Inhale to come up and exhale to come over. Inhale to live and exhale over to stay here. Take a breath in and exhale, turn to police at hand on the ball or on the mat. And on the inhale, lengthen through your spine, pressing that ball away, and exhale, bring the ball closer to you coming into contraction and inhale to release the spine and exhale to bring it back in.

And inhale to release. And this time exhale, bring the ball all the way back in and slowly coming back to the center. You're going to take the ball onto the side and hope it behaves and bringing the legs a little bit further in front of you. That's it. Just keep the legs a little bit apart and the back on your arms. And from here again, his ankle pumping stuff. So what we're going to do is we're going to bring the heels forward.

On the exhale, you're going to press the balls of your feet down and just gently point the toes and then bring the toes back up and bring the heels forward. And again, pressing the balls of the feet down first and then the toes, and then the twos come up and the heels go forward. And again, pressing the ball of the foot down and point and flex and come back. One more time. Ball of the foot goes first. Toes just cascade over and flexing back at San Diego and bring it forward. And from here, just the ankles, ankle circles.

Inhale at just the ankles, cause he'll do the legs in a minute. You also connected somehow. That's fine. And we'll go the opposite. I have no idea. I thought everybody's could just learned a new lesson. Okay, whatever it is.

Just want to pump that blood back up into the upper extremities and then come back to the center. And this time we're going to rotate the legs all the way out from the hips gently and then rotate them all the way in. That's it. Getting a nice stretch out and rotate all the way in. And again, inhale to open. Exhale to close. One more time.

Inhale open and exhale, gesture. Let's come back to the center. You're going to bring your ball into the center here and I want you to put your head on it and just relax into that and feel the stretch in your inner thighs. And if you need to take your legs further apart, that's fine, but no strain, just a gentle stretch. And you're going to inhale and exhale to keep releasing those muscles.

And again, deep breath in and exhale to release and to feel the lower back. Starting to give. Inhale and exhale to relax. And in this position, just gently rock from side to side with the ball, letting go of any tension in your shoulders and your neck and in your hips. Keep breathing and releasing.

And from here you're going to roll that ball all the way over to one leg and stretch across your back. And just stay here. Keep breathing and exhale to release. And again, deep breath in. Exhale to release. One more time. Deep breath in and this time on the exhale, roll the ball to the opposite leg and to feel the stretch. Take a breath in and exhale to relax. Take a breath in.

Then as you exhale, slowly bring the ball back up. And if you want to, you can bring the soles of your feet together and hold onto the ball and roll it forward for your insight thigh muscles stretch and inhale. Exhale to release. Just hold it here and take a breath in and exhale to slowly roll up through your spine and go ahead and pick the ball away from you. Bring your knees together and come down on your side and go ahead and take a deep breath into your body and exhale to relax.

[inaudible] and again, deep breath into your body and exhale to relax and release. Find your own rhythm with your breathing, relaxing and releasing your body. Feel the muscles in your head. Relax across your forehead, releasing the eyes and the jaw and the tongue. Find your own rhythm with your breathing. And every time you exhale, allow that body just to relax and release.

Feel the tension drain from the neck and the shoulders down through your arms and your hands. Feel your spine relaxing across your hips, relaxing your tummy muscles, releasing your pelvic floor, and feel the tension draining from your legs and out through your feet. Keep breathing and releasing. I feel your body growing heavier and Tibia as you let go of the tension in your body. And from here, you may if you wish, use a CD that's created, especially for pregnancy, which includes a relaxation and officially ization to music that is targeted, um, to releasing the body for Labor and delivery.

And at the Center for women's fitness, we have a CD that you might like.


1 person likes this.
firstly, i am not pregnant. but i am seriously sore from gardening yesterday. i also have chronic back problems. i found this to be an invaluable resource in relaxing my body. i so appreciate unique workouts such as these...they are medicine for my body. thank you!!!!
Mmmmm... I'm 39 weeks and that was just so what I needed.
1 person likes this.
Loved this class. I did it every day for the last month of my second pregnancy. I successfully managed a VBAC for my second pregnancy and I think this class had a lot to do with it! Having read Carolyne's bio it resonates so much with me. As an ex dancer I stopped pilates during my first pregnancy because I couldn't see how I could safely continue to do the type of work I was doing previously whilst pregnant. I believe I ended up with a C Section partly because my body was not prepared. Doing this class was invaluable second time round in releasing my pelvis and pelvic floor for birth and I have no doubt it put me in a position where my body felt ready for birth in a way I was not prepared first time...Please pass on my thanks to Carolyne. Leonie
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I love the tone of your voice
1 person likes this.
I love her voice so much. I would love to have meditation from her. I have two students who are now in their third trimester and will use a lot of these. Great help.
Very fit for me ,I am 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant ,after this class feel much better from my hip joint and sit bones .Thank you very much!
I thought loaded flexion was contraindicated once the diastisis had appeared. As there is loaded flexion in the roll down part at the beginning so I am confused now?
Hello Michie, once a diastasis has appeared during pregnancy then loaded flexion is contraindicated. However, not every pregnant woman will develop one. Also the roll down in this instance is supported by the ball and the spine lengthened half way through. This position is recommended for those looking at positions for natural labor and delivery and I include them in a class situation so the woman is prepared.
Marta M
Wonderful class, Wonderful Teacher..i Admirer so much.This class has been so Inspiring.Loved the meditation at the end of the class.Thank you so much Carolyne.
Hello Carolyne - thank you for this lovely class. You make all the work look gracious and effortless - yet we all know this is not the case :)) thanks again and hope till soon.

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