Class #1044

2nd Trimester Mat

35 min - Class


Carolyne Sidhu Anthony teaches part two of her three part prenatal program. For the 2nd trimester Mat class, she takes the work off the floor and onto the Fitness Ball for more comfort. There is still a focus on breathing and releasing, but there is a little more work than part one since generally women have more energy during the 2nd trimester. Carolyne ends the class with a relaxing meditation to get rid of any tension in the body.

The exercises in each part don't have to be used in a specific time during your pregnancy. They can be mixed and matched as you choose. In Prenatal Mat Workout, you can view part one of this program.
What You'll Need: Mat, Fitness Ball, Theraband

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Okay, what going to come now into the second trimester mat class. And what I've done is I've taken the work off the floor and put everyone on a ball because then they're more comfortable and then you don't have to keep going up and down or lying on your back or things like that. I'm the same principles going through is a lot of breathing and releasing while we do some exercises, generally during the second trimester, a lot of women have a little bit more energy than they did in the first trimester. So we try and give them a little bit more of a workout while we can. And then obviously in the third trimester we're going to bring it back down again. So this is going to be the ball workout and understand that you can intermingle all three of these trimesters and pick and choose from many.

So it's not like this is the only thing you can do in your foot in your second trimester. So go ahead and just sit on the ball. And one of the reasons why we chose to do a lot of things on the ball is as a Doula, I'm a birth Doula as well. And I go into births with my clients and and sometimes that if they haven't done any work on the ball and they think they're going to use it as a birthing tool, they get really upset cause they, they're not sure how to sit on it and do stuff. So when you come through the program, you're doing the work on the ball, it's just the next step to go into the birth with the ball and you're fine on it. So that's another reason why we do this. So let's go ahead and take our arms down by the side and we're just going to do some nice deep breaths. Any which way you choose.

You're going to take a breath in and exhale to release. It's getting rid of all that tension. T deep breath in and exhale to release. One more time. Deep breath in and exhale to release. And now this time we're going to take the breath in between the sit bones Ian here, and exhale, very gently bring the sit bones together. And again, deep breath in between the sit bones and exhale, very gently bring the sit bones together. Now take the breath in between your hipbones and exhale very gently. Think about the hipbones coming together. Very gently, very little connection. It's just thinking about it, not actually pulling them too much. And this time, inhale, take the breath into the lowest part of your ribcage. Exhale, bring the bottom of your ribcage together and again, deep breath into the bottom of your ribcage. And exhale, bring the bottom of your rib cage together. And another deep breath in.

This time you're going to take the arms all the way up, class your hands and turn them inside out. You're going to take the shoulder blades up underneath the ears and on the exhale just gently slide them down, your rib cage. And again, gentle lift up and exhale to release. So what we're doing here in the second trimester is trying to really lift the rib cage away from the uterus, giving you some room to smooth, to breathe. You can room to smooth to the like. Inhale to lift and exhale this time.

Bring the shoulder place down and them there. Take another breath in. On the exhale, bring your tailbone to your pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, and drop the arms forward. So we're getting into a seeker forward and then take the ball all the way back. Inhale to lengthen all the way back. That's it. And exhale to bring it forward. So again, trying to create mobility in the pelvis and in the spine, taking all the way back and again, exhale, dropping forward with the arms, curving under with the pelvis. Inhale to take it back.

Good. And again, exhale, pulling forward. And inhale, this came, just comes straight up. We're going to take the hips over to the right and the arms over to the right. So you're making a c curve to the side so the hips go the same way as the arms. Exhale to do a lateral flection. Inhale, lift and exhale over, so bring the hips, have seen that set.

Inhale to lengthen up and exhale to do the curve over to the side and again, inhale, lift and exhale, press. Inhale, lift. Exhale over to the side. Really pressed that ball to the side with your hips and over. One more time. Inhale, lift and exhale over. We're going to drop the arms round and we're just going to circle the ball round. Really releasing the tension in that lumbar spine and again, this is a good exercise to do in the first stage of labor when you're having contractions. It help, helps to ease all of that area for you and as go the opposite way and taking it round and circle and K and circle.

This is just the warmup round. She's like, this is going to be so easy. Circle around and then come back to the center. We're going to take the arms down again and take a deep breath in and exhale just to release and again, deep breath in, keeping the arms up here. Now this time you're going to hinge forward, pressing the leg straight, getting a stretch into the hamstrings, hindering the back forward, and then pulling the ball underneath you as you roll back through your spine. Inhale to lift and exhale, lengthening forward, straight leg straight back, and then curve it all in. Rolling back up through your spine. Inhale up and exhale, lengthening forward and exhale, rolling up.

Inhale the arms come up and exhale, pressing forward. Inhale to bend. And this time just let the arms come on top of your legs and sit up nice and tall, just the pelvis moving. Inhale and exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic burn to chest, and inhale, press the ball all the way back. Tailbone lifts to the back and again, exhale, bringing it forward and inhale to press it back so the ball is moving and exhale, pulling it forward. Nice and easy and gently and inhale back and exhale forward and inhale back.

We're going to take the legs apart, anywhere that's comfortable and we're going to do the same thing. Inhale for me on the exhale, bring that pelvis forward and this is going to really stretch into the pelvic floor and inhale to exhale. To take it all the way back, we're going to do an inhale forward because the inhale is going to help increase the stretch of the pelvic floor and exhale and inhale forward this opposite of what you want to do and exhale back. But here's your stretch. The pelvic floor releases on an inhale and it closes on the exhale. One more time and inhale to pull it forward. And this time just come back to center.

We're going to go over to the left and we're going to press and here again is a stretch right through this area. On the exhale, we're going to circle back on the inhale. We're going to open up on the exhale, circle back, and inhale to press. Exhale, circle, and inhale, press. Good. Exhale, circle, inhale, press, exhale, circle, inhale, press, exhale, circle, inhale, stay here for me. You're going to all shift to the side, curl the toes under of that back leg, and again, this ankle pumping to get all the blood up into the upper extremities. We're going to go forward on the inhale. On the exhale, press the heel back, inhale to press forward, and exhale. Press that heel back and again, inhale forward and exhale back. Inhale forward and exhale back. Now we're going to add on.

We go to inhale forward as you exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, bending the back knee, and you're going to get the lovely stretch right through your thigh and the front of the hip. Inhale to come forward and exhale, pressing that pelvis underneath you, bending the back knee and inhale forward and exhale back. Inhale forward. Exhale back and this time pressing forward onto the front leg. Press the back heel down to the mat. Get that stretch in the back of the leg, lengthen up through your spine and rotate away from each other, so around to the back, into your rotation. That's it. And take a deep breath in. On the exhale. Just allow your body to relax into the ball.

And again, deep breath in and exhale to release. Yes. One more time. Deep breath in. And this time as you exhale, bring the pelvis underneath you to rotate back to the center. Go right through the center and round to the other side. Curl that back, toes under, and you're going to rock forward onto the ball of your foot. And exhale, rocking back. Heel goes down to the mat.

Inhale forward and exhale, pressing back. Inhale forward and exhale back. Inhale forward and exhale back and inhale forward. And this time as you go back, do a pelvic tilt. Bend the back knee and stretch through the front of the hip.

Inhale to rock forward and exhale to rock back. Inhale forward. Exhale, pelvic tilt. Bend the knee and inhale forward and exhale tucking under. Now inhale forward and hold it here. Preset back heel down to the mat. Lengthen through your spine and rotate away from each other and take a nice deep breath in. Exhale to relax.

One more time. Deep breath in. Exhale to release. Deep breath in and this time talking under with the pelvis, rotating back to the center and sitting back on top of your ball. You can either keep your arms down on the front of your thighs or you can take them out for stability, whichever feels better for you. You're going to take the breath in between the sit bones on the exhale.

Before you lift your leg, you're going to bring your sit bones, hip bones and rib cage together, and then lift the leg and inhale to lower and exhale, bring the bones together first, lift the leg, inhale to release, and exhale, sit bones, hip bones, ribcage together, and lift. Inhale to lower and exhale boons and inhale to lower. And again, exhale, lifting up. Good and inhale lower last one. And exhale, bring the burns together, lift the leg and inhale to lower. Taking the hands back down onto the lies pressable back and just give yourself a little bit of a stretch. Take a nice deep breath into your body and exhale, just release and inhale. This time. As you exhale, if you can grab your bands on the way up, we'll slowly roll up through spine and grab hold the bands.

We're going to take the bands and place them under our feet and have the bands so that they're not too tight that you can very easily create movement with them and you're not straining. So if I strain, you know the bands are too tight, we're going to take a breath in and on the exhale we're just going to do bicep curls and inhale to lower and exhale, pull, inhale, and exhale, pull, nice and easy. Inhale and exhale, pull. Inhale, lower, and again, exhale, pull. Inhale, lower. Exhale, pool. Now keep the arms long and exhale pressing back. Inhale down. Now relax your neck and shoulders.

Just press from the lower part of your shoulder blades. And inhale forward. And exhale, press. Inhale forward. Exhale, press and inhale forward. You'll be spine it going in your neck. Just relax those neck muscles. Make the movements small and exhale, press.

Inhale, release. Couple more. Exhale, press in here. Release one more time and press and release. Take it out to the side. Inhale and exhale. Lift to keep the elbow slightly bent. Inhale and exhale, lift. Nice, soft elbows. Inhale lower and exhale, lift. Inhale, lower and exhale, lift and again, inhale, exhale, lift.

Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Two more times. If you're straining, take it lower, should be easy for you, and exhale, lift and come all the way down. Now go ahead and cross the band and place you have one hand on your knee and the other hand lifted. You're going to inhale on the exhale. You're just going to pull that elbow back and inhale to release. Same arm and exhale.

Pull the elbow back and inhale to release. And again, exhale to pull. Inhale to lower. Exhale, pull and inhale lower. We're going to add rotation and exhale, rotate from the rib cage and inhale to Lidl. And exhale, rotate. Inhale to low and again, rotate round.

Inhale to lower. Exhale, rotate round. Inhale to lower. Let's do two more and exhale to rotate. Use Your ribcage. Inhale to lower. One more time. Exhale, pull and inhale. Come all the way down and I suggest that you take that, change it so it's on the top of the underside. Otherwise it's going to pull and just the arm. Inhale and exhale, pull they, and inhale though, nice and easy. Exhale, pull and inhale and exhale, just the arm to start with and down. And exhale, pull. And now we can add the rotation and exhale he could be this and inhale and exhale. I'm trying to make it easy for you and a, and exhale, lengthen and inhale down.

Keep the elbow lifted, pull the elbow back, rotate through the rib cage. And um, and again, exhale, lift, inhale, lower. Let's do one more and exhale, rotate around and inhale, come all the way down. Take those bands away from you and hold onto them wherever feels comfortable. And we're going to take them up above our heads. Slightly forward. Drop the shoulder blades down. You're going to inhale on the exhale, you're going to bring the elbows towards your waist and inhale to live.

And exhale, pull. Inhale, exhale, pulsar. Feel this underneath your armpits and into the lower part of your shoulder blades. Pull. So Lat, pull down, inhale and exhale, pull. Inhale, lift. One more time Paul. And Inhale, lift. You're going to bring that all the way down to the front. You want to make your arms wider. Go head. It'll be easier. Hold onto the bands.

You're going to inhale all the way up and exhale, take it all the way back. Try to drop it down as far as you can. So the wider you have this, the easier it will be. Pull on the band so you've got some resistance there and to the front. And again, inhale, lengthen up, exhale back. Ah, make the breath work for you. Inhale, open that chest and exhale down. And again, think about the sternum opening. Inhale and exhale back. One more time.

Lifting up and exhale back. Just drop the bands and take the arms down to the side. You're going to bring the shoulders up, back, down and forward, up, back, down, forward, and again, up, back, down, forward, up, back, down. And in reverse. We'll take it back. Lift forward and down and back. Lift forward, down and back.

Lift forward down. One more back, lift forward. And down. Just take a deep breath in and exhale to release. We're going to put the bands to one side after the way, and you're going to come off the ball and Neil by the side of your ball. That's it. So pull the ball into your hip and then make sure that you're leaning into the ball with the whole pelvis so you know your pelvis is supported. Then go ahead and take the top leg away and then go up and over the ball.

Support your head with the underneath arm and this hand goes on top of the ball. Now just test your weight to make sure you're okay by just lifting the leg a little bit off the floor and if you're okay, here we go. We're going to inhale, lift, and exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift, and I don't ever put my foot back down on the mat. Inhale, lift and exhale lower. Stay here. You're going to rotate out and inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale. Inhale, lift.

Exhale. Inhale, lift, and exhale lower. You're going to turn it all the way in and same thing. Inhale, lift. Exhale. Now inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift, and exhale lower. Bring that leg into meet the opposite knee, and from here clam, you're going to inhale, open the knee and exhale lower. Keep the feet together and inhale, lift, and exhale.

Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift and exhale. Adding on. We're going to inhale, keep it lifting, keep the knee lifting to the ceiling and then medially rotate it and drop the me down so you're scooping into the hip socket and exhale, lower. Good, and inhale to lift and exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift and exhale lower. Two more times. Inhale, lift. Exhale. Lower.

Last one. Inhale, lift, and exhale, come all the way down and quick rest. You're going to take that top leg out, put the whole foot on the floor. You're going to take this arm up in OBOR. Hold onto your wrist and lengthen the body up and over the ball. You're going to take a breath into your ribcage.

Inhale as you exhale, lengthen the arm away from you and press your foot into the floor and get that stretch across the side body. And again, breathe into the rib cage. Exhale to release in lengthen and again, deep breath into that rib cage. This time on the exhale, I want you to rotate towards the ball and feel the stretch in the back. Now take the breath into your back ribcage. Inhale, exhale to release, yes, and inhale and exhale to release. Just stay there and enjoy the and slowly come back to the side. You're going to take a breath in and on the exhale, bring the arm up first head, neck, and shoulders. Press into the ball to come off.

Kneeling on the mat to change sides, so bring the ball close into your hips and then press the pelvis into the ball to make sure you're supported. Then take the top leg out and go up and over the ball, supporting your head, and then the other hand goes on top. Test your weight by taking that foot off and if you're okay, we're going to inhale, lift, and exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift, and exhale, lower lateral rotation. Same thing. Inhale, lift, exhale. Now inhale, lift. Exhale.

Now inhale, lift. Exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift, and exhale. Go ahead and medially. Rotate. Heel goes to the ceiling. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower and lift. And Inhale, lift. Exhale, low. One more time, lift and lower. Go head and bring it all the way in.

For Clam, you're going to open the knee on the inhale and exhale, lower. Inhale, open. Exhale, lower. Inhale, open. Exhale, lower. Inhale, open, and adding on. We're going to scoop the knee to the seating on the inhale and exhale, circle it in. Inhale, lift. Exhale, Mido rotation. Inhale, lift, and exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower.

Two more times. Inhale, exhale down. Last one. Inhale and exhale down. And Go ahead and link that Alexis out. Put the whole foot on the mat. Take the arm up and over. Hold on to the wrist and length in the whole side body.

Take a breath into your side. Inhale and exhale. Lengthen the arm away from your foot. And again, deep breath in and exhale to release. Inhale, and this time, allow yourself to rotate towards support or feel the stretch across the back. Take a breath into your back body. Exhale to release. Okay.

And again, inhale, [inaudible]. Exhale to release. Yes. Just stay in relaxed for a minute and slowly come back to the center. Take a breath on the exhale. The top arm comes up first head, neck and shoulders.

Push with the arm to bring yourself up and come back down. Now are we going to come up and face the ball and hold the ball by your side? You're going to bring your knees and your your knees apart and your feet together. Lengthen up through your spine. Take a breath in. On the exhale. Begin your roll down through your spine, pressing the ball away, and as you stretch your arms away, you're going to bring you back into a nice long spine. Take a breath in on the exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, and then inhale, send that tailbone up to the ceiling and exhale tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, and inhale to release the tailbone up towards the ceiling.

If this is hard on your arms, you're very welcome to bring the ball underneath your elbows and put your forehead on the ball and do the same thing. Exhale, tailbone to pubic burn, pubic burn to chest, and inhale to release that tailbone all the way to the ceiling. And one more time. Exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, and inhale to take that tailbone up to the ceiling. And I want you to stay in this position. On the inhale, you're going to rock backwards towards your heels, keeping that pelvic floor open and exhale to push forward. And inhale, opening up your pelvic floor and exhale, closing the pelvic floor. And again, inhale to open up and exhale to come forward. One more time. Inhale, opening up the pelvic floor and exhale to press forward. And this time you get to sit all the way back on your heels.

Bring the ball close to you so you can put your head on the ball and just relax. You'll take a deep breath in, exhale to release the tension in your body. And again, deep breath in. Exhale to relax. I want you to gently rock the ball from side to side.

Just listening through that side, buddy. Keep breathing and releasing, relaxing the shoulders. Nice, easy rocking from side to side and coming back to the center. Take a breath in as exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest. Press the arms into the ball. As slowly roll up through your spine. You're gonna take your ball behind you and I want you to place the ball so that you can lean into the ball.

So keep a hold of it and you're going to take your shoulders on the ball. And then I want you to make sure that you can support your head and feel comfortable. You can hold onto the ball if you wish, or you can take your arms down onto the mat. You can take a breath in on the exhale, the tailbone to the pubic bone, pubic bone to the chest, and then press the pelvis up to our ceiling. So your head, neck, and shoulders are completely on the ball. Stay here. I want you to breathe into the front of your chest. Inhale and exhale to release.

So breathing right into your stern and trying to open it up. Inhale, exhale to release. And one more time. Inhale. And this time on the exhale, slowly rolling down through your spine, bringing your pelvis back down to your mat, coming all the way down, or you show the blades. I'm supported on the ball. Do you feel comfortable? Okay, good. And we'll do this one more time. And from here you're going to take a breath in on the exhale, tailbone to pubic bone, pubic bone to chest, pressing the pelvis up to the ceiling, making sure you can completely relax your neck and shoulders on the ball. If you want to take your arms up in, out to stretch into your, your chest a little bit more that spine. And again, you can take that breath right into your sternum. Inhale and exhale to release.

Yes. And again, inhale, exhale to release. And one more breath in, in here. And as you exhale, slowly begin to lower the body back down onto the mat. Bring your head, neck and shoulders up and coming away from the ball. Bring the ball where now go to lion, our backs. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, just lie on your side.

We're going to stay there for one exercise, so you're going to come down on your bat. So come onto your side first and then roll onto your back and put your heels on top of the ball. Let's go down by your side and again, if you don't feel comfortable in this position, just go ahead and lie on your side and just relax. From here. You're going to take a breath in. On the exhale, you're going to press the heels into the ball as you lift your pelvis up towards the ceiling and inhale to lower and exhale, press the pelvis towards the ceiling and inhale to come all the way down. We just have to Ma and exhale. Press the pelvis towards the ceiling and inhale to come down.

And just one more exhale, pressing up and inhale to come all the way down. Bring the ball underneath your knees and just allow your pelvis to relax for a minute. And then I want you to just take your legs off the ball and roll onto your side and just stay there. Find a comfortable position on your side. You can support your head with your underneath them. We're not exercising, we're just going to breathe so you can bend your knees in. And from here I just want you to take a deep breath into your body.

And on the exhale, just allow your body to relax and release. And again, deep breath into your body and exhale, allowing your body to relax and release and begin to feel the muscles in your sculpt. Just relaxing and releasing and the muscles across your forehead. You're just relaxing them. Keep breathing. And every time you exhale, allow the tension to leave your body relaxing your eyes in their sockets. If you feel the need to close your eyes, go ahead and close your eyes. Find your own rhythm with your breathing.

And every time you exhale, allow the tension to leave your body. Feel the muscles around your jaw, relaxing your tongue, relaxing, and as you inhale, feel your throat opening and releasing. Every time you inhale, feel your chest opening. Feel your spine relaxing. Let go of the tension in your abdominals.

Release your pelvic floor, relaxing across your hips. Keep breathing and releasing and feel the tension draining from your legs and out through your feet. Feel your body growing heavier in Tevya. As you relax more and more. And from here, go ahead and just gently cleanse shutters.

Feel the tension in your toes. Take a breath into the tightness and on the exhale, release the tension through your toes. And again, clench the toes. And this time you're going to flex your feet. Feel the tension. Breathe into that tightness and exhale to release the feet and clench the toes. Flex the feet. Feel the calf muscles tensing.

Feel the knees tensing your thigh muscles in your hamstrings. All tight. Take a breath into that tightness. And on the exhale, allow the tightness in the legs just to release. And again to use feet, calf muscles, leg muscles. Now squeeze your glutes, pull up your pelvic floor, take the tightness into the abdominals. Whole the tightness. Take a breath into the tightness. And as you exhale, allow all of those tight muscles just to relax. And really, and again, toes, feet, calf, muscles, leg muscles.

But muscles tell me now, feel your back muscles. Tighten your shoulders, tighten your chest, tighten and take a deep breath into this tightness. And as you exhale, allow all of those muscles to relax and the release all the way from your chest, right down through your terms. And one more time to [inaudible] feet, calf muscles by muscles, but muscles, abdominals all down your back into your shoulders. You're going to clench your hands and feel your arm muscles tighten. You're going to feel the tightness in your neck.

You're going to clench your teeth and screw up your eyes and really pull that tightness in. Pull tight. Now take a breath into this tightness. And as you exhale, really let it all go right from the eyes all the way through your body and out through your tunes. And one more time, you're going to put all of those muscles tight from your feet, through your legs, through your body, into the top of your head, pulling tighter and tighter, clenching those hands and take a deep breath into this tightness. And as you exhale, allow everything to relax from the top of your head through the back of your neck, through your shoulders, into your chest, relaxing the tummy muscles, the back muscles, all of the legs, and take a deep breath in and exhale to release. And again, deep breath in and exhale to relax and just stay there for a minute. Staying relaxed and take a deep cleansing breath in. Exhale, you can open your eyes.

I can come back into the class and slowly come up. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
Thank you Carolyne. This was wonderful. My daughter in law and client is due w/our grandson in July. This is just what we need.
Thank you Denee! Congratulations on your grandson :)
This was a really good class! I teach prenatal yoga & pilates. I love using the ball with my class since it is very effective for labor. I will watch your other video soon. Thank you! I think your doula experience really helps!
1 person likes this.
Great class! Come back and do a prenatal reformer soon please!
Muchas gracias! Preciosa clase.
Hi there
I thought lying supine was contraindicated after 16 weeks? Am I wrong?
Felt so amazing after this class!!!
Lovely. Some of the hamstring/glute stretches will be "ambitious" for the women I work with but are sooo vital for creating balance and strength in the body. I fell asleep right on my mat after the progressive relaxation!
Zhanna S
2 people like this.
Great workout for seniors too!
Savannah H.
what size stability ball are you all using here?Ā 
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