Class #1498

Side Bend Twist

45 min - Class


Elizabeth Larkam teaches a class she calls "Sequencing for Success - Side Bend Twist." She includes exercises that incorporate side bending and rotation to prepare your body for the Side Bend Twist. She also shows ways to use the eyes to direct where your body is moving.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome to Palladio's anytime. I'm Elizabeth Larkin and I'm really happy to be back with you in this gorgeous studio to teach you one of my favorite new math sequences, which is sequencing for success leading up to the sideband twist. My colleagues are here with me, Rhonda Pressner from El Sorito, California is the owner of fit wise, Polonius and wellness. Daniel Holder is here from Salt Lake City. She's with pinnacle performance and Norris is here from Chicago, Illinois. Norris is the owner of Ciran PyLadies.

Let's get started on all fours now. Move your head in the direction of the ocean side ocean there and plant your palms wide. Now come down onto your forearms by bending your elbows and place your elbows shoulder with the part, planting your palms down in the direction of the ground. Press your forearms and elbows and palms into the ground and move the spine between your shoulder blades up to the ceiling as if you could bring your sternum up towards the spine between your shoulder blades. Now bring your sternum closer to the ground and the spine between your shoulder blades closer to the ground as well as you inhale, puff up between your shoulder blades, supporting your thoracic Kyphosis, creating a ground force down with your palms down with your elbows down with your forearms. Broadening your shoulder blades from your spine.

Now bring the spine between your shoulder blades and your chest bone closer to the ground. Continue this motion. Inhaling, chest bone moves to the ceiling. Exhaling chest bone moves towards the ground. Once again. Inhaling wide between your shoulder blades. Exhaling chest bone comes towards the ground.

Now on purpose. Snug your shoulder blades close together as if the inner border of your scapula could pinch your spine. Um, know that you've done that. Don't do that anymore. Broaden your shoulder blades on your rib wall, puffing your shoulder, the spine between your shoulder blades up to the ceiling. Now keep your shoulder blades wide on your rib wall as your sternum comes towards the ground. Okay, so this is the motion. Continue.

This motion of the thoracic spine is moving between, um, the shoulder blades. The sternum is moving up and down. The thoracic spine is moving in the direction of more flection and in the direction of extension and the shoulder blades are always wide on the rib wall. Okay, I think we've probably made that point. Come up now to sitting and have a seat with your, let's see your head is going to be at this end of the mat.

Your legs out stretched. Now we'll be seated here with both knees bent and your elbows bent as well. This is going to be the preparation for leg pull up, bending your elbows more, bring your elbows all the way down to the ground. Now the chest bone can rest down in the direction of the floor. Planting the souls of your feet. Preparing to lift your pelvis a little bit.

As you inhale, lift your chest bone, lift your gaze and lift your pelvis towards the ceiling and then land down. Bring your gaze towards your knees and towards your pubic bone. Inhaling, planting your elbows, lifting your pelvis, lifting your chest bone. See the ceiling above and behind you and then land your pelvis down. [inaudible]. So we'll keep the cervical spine in neutral. Inhale to lift, exhale to lower, and once more, aim your knees forward towards and beyond your big toes, pressing from your elbows towards your heels and come down from there.

Now make your way up to sitting and a Norris and Ronda, you face, me and Danielle, you and I will face outwards. Have your knees a little bit bent here with the heels on the ground and your palms on the ground as well. Now press your palms into the ground so that the heels of your hands are in line with your greater toe. Cantor. When your knees are bent like this, it will be possible perhaps to, uh, tilt a little bit towards the front edge of your sitting bones as if your pubic bone could aim down in the direction of the ground. Um, if you find that it's difficult to do that, then it would be excellent, excellent time to get a little bit of a booster seat, a booster box underneath your sitting bones. Because the exercise seated spine twist will be much more effective and safer too. If you have your, if you're able to anchor directly down on your sitting bones.

So we'll pause for a moment while you get your booster box. So here you are seated on a little bit of a booster box or a pad or a little bit higher. So that can with ease perch high on your sitting bones. Plant the palms of your hands in line with your greater trow cantors. Inhaling, spreading wide to the back and sides of your ribs and lungs.

As you exhale, plant the palms of your hands down and slide your arms outward on the mat, keeping the pads of your fingers and then keeping the tips of your fingers in contact with the mat the longest distance from the center of your chest bone in the middle of your thoracic spine, out through your fingers. Now take off and reach out wall to wall as if your collarbones resuming out through your middle fingers, spreading your elbows wide. Bend your elbows and take a hold of your elbows. Plant your left sitting bone. And as you inhale, turn to your right. Exhale, sit a little taller.

Inhale, turning your left lung in front of you to the right and your right lung behind you to the left. Turn more. Slide your shoulders down. Once again. Inhale to rotate standing tall on your left sitting bone. Exhale to come to the center. Other elbow on top. Planting your right heel. I'm your right sitting bone. Inhale, turning towards your left. Exhale, sit a little taller. Inhale, turning more to your left.

Your right lung comes in front of you to the left. The left lung comes behind you to the right. Exhale, sit a little taller and come back to the center. Bring your elbows down, slide your legs outward. Nod your nose downward. Then roll your heads. Neck and shoulders forward. Yeah, bringing the cheekbones of your face in the direction of the sitting bones of your pelvis. Unfurl yourself. I now come all the way up. Rounding your spine upwards, perching high on your sitting bones, and at this moment you could if you'd like, bend your knees again or have your legs outstretched.

Place the heels, the palms of your hands, downward. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, slide out your palms, your fingertips, your fingernails. Reach out wall to wall to wall, bending your elbows even wider to the side. Hold on now lower your shoulders so that your forearms are in line with the bottom of your chest bone. Your sife would process. Now in a moment you will turn to your right.

Close your left eye, keeping your left eye closed. Move your right eye towards there. Move Your eyes to the corners of your eyes. Sockets. Inhale to turn to the right. Keep looking to the right corners. Exhale. Sit a little taller. Have your right eye, your eye's leading to the right with your right eye open.

Inhale to turn. Keep turning to the right and sit a little taller. Turning more to the right with your eyes being the advanced team of your spine. Open your eyes and come back to the center. Change the new elbow on top. Closing your left eye.

Both eyes glide to the right corners of your eye sockets. Inhale to turn. Anchor your right sitting bone and sit a little taller. Both eyes glide to the left. Keep a ground force through your right sitting bone. Rotate to the left.

Sit a little taller, standing tall on your central axis, sitting tall. Both eyes glide to the left corner of your eye sockets. Sweep your gaze back to the center. Eyes Open. Lower your arms. Nod your nose downward. Roll forward as if you could roll down inside your shirt.

Inhale here. Exhale shoulder blades lead the way down your rib wall and make your way up to vertical. Slide out your palms, your fingertips, your fingernails. Reach out wall to wall to wall. Bending your elbows wider. Hold on and lower your shoulders. Arms in line with his iPhone foot process. Turning to your right now.

Close your right eye and now both eyes will glide to the right turners at their eye sockets. Inhaling to rotate. Exhale. Sit a little taller. Inhaling your eyes glide to the right corners, perching high on your left sitting bone. Turn your left lung in front of you to the right. Once again, standing, pushing your left, sitting bone into the ground. Rotate both eyes. Moving to the right. Open your eyes. Come back to center.

Change the new arm on top. Turning to your left. Now you'll close your left di inhaling. Both eyes glide to the left corner of your eye sockets. Rotate. Slide your shoulders down as you sit a little taller on your right sitting bone.

Inhaling, creating an imaginary force couple between your right lung and your left lung. Both eyes gliding to the left, the right lung in front, the left lung behind. Open your eyes. Come to the center. Nod your nose downward and roll forward. Yep. The cheekbones of your face towards the sitting bones of your pelvis. Inhale to fill up the back of your lungs into your rib basket.

Exhaling. Roll up your spine. Come up from here. Slide out your palms, your fingertips, your fingernails. Should we close both eyes now? Well, you could just keep your eyes open. Turn your left palm up. We'll be turning to your right.

As you inhale, turn to your right. Exhale. Sit a little taller. Inhale, turn more to the right. Steer firmly through your sitting bones up through the top of your head. Turning your left palm down and your right palm up. Turn a little bit more to the right side. Turn your head, neck and eyes to the left.

Seeing over your left shoulder radiate from all points there. Turning your ribs more to the right because you can and swing back to center. Nod your nose downward. Roll forward. Inhaling here. Exhale to come up, sliding out your palms, your fingertips, your fingernails. Reach out wall to wall. Turning your right palm up.

Turning to your left. Inhale to rotate. Eyes lead the way. Exhale to turn a little bit more. Change your palms. Now left palm up. Create a ground force from your right sitting bone towards your left hand. Spiraling up your central axis radiate outward from your sacrum through your heels and your chest bone out through this pads of your fingers.

Come back to center. Nod your nose downward. Roll down as if to roll down inside your shirt. [inaudible] exhale to come up from here. No, we'll come onto all fours with their head in the same direction here. Planting your palms firmly. We'll address the moon, the motion of the s of the sternum. Again, pressing into the little finger side of the heel of your hand. Move your chest bone towards the ceiling, puff up the spine between your shoulder blades, and then keeping your shoulder blades wide on your rib wall.

Move the spine between your shoulder blades down to the ground. Continue motion keeping your pelvis and lumbar spine fairly steady. This is a focus on the thoracic spine between the shoulder blades. Inhale, we'll facilitate the puffing up towards the ceiling. Exhale the motion down in the direction of the ground.

Meanwhile, back at the lower front ribs. Continue that connection of the upper abdominals and the um, lower intercostals. Inhaling wide to the back of your nostrils deep to the back of your lungs. And once more, inhale to widen. Exhale to come down. No, we'll have another version of m leg pull up.

Come to sit with legs and knees bent and you'll have your arms behind you with your fingertips aiming in the direction of your toes. If that feels unsteady for your shoulders, feel free to angle your hands outward just a bit. Also, if that's unpleasant for your wrist, keep in mind that you could certainly do the bent elbow version that we showed before as if your pelvis was honest. Swing. Um, yeah. Port swing, press into the heels of your hands and on the inhalation, lift the front of your sacred man, your sternum, swinging your pelvis towards your, beyond your toes. Lifting your chest bone, lifting the spine between your shoulder blades, and then swing your pelvis down. Here we go. Plant this, um, the shoulder blades down and lift the spine between the shoulder blades up to the ceiling. Exhale to land.

Continue this motion pressing from the heels of your hands so you have a forward arch of your pelvis. Stand your ground on the heels of your hands and the heels of your feet. And then when we do this again, look up underneath your eyebrows. So your eyes are the advanced team of your spine for spine extension. Land your pelvis, Dow and have a seat facing me.

Legs are out stretched. By all means. You could have your knees bent and perch up high on your special sitting bone mat. So climb aboard your mat there. That's right. You could have your knees bent or your legs out stretched as it suits you here. Plant your palms. Now for side bend, um, side bend, seated side bend stretch. Inhale to prepare, having the volume of your ribs on top of your pelvis. Shoulder blades.

Slide down towards the heels of your hands and slide your palms. Lots of sliding going on the pads of your fingers. Reach along the Mat. Reach outside to side to side, to side to side. Now, but in your, um, this would be this side hand down. So Rhonda Norris, it's your right arm. Danielle and I will come over the top, bringing your hand to the top of your head and then feel how it would be to bring your hand over to this side of your head. Make sure you come over the top of your head.

Come over the North Pole there and then, um, your palm will have the intention of covering your ear. I can't hear you. My palm is over my ear. Now sideband, bringing your ear to listen to the ground. Your bending elbow is heavy. Anchor your sitting bone and aim the opposite elbow down with your palm.

If you find now that the pressure of the hand arm over the top of your head is stressful for your neck, bring your palm towards the top of your head again. We'll do that now anyway because it's a good idea and your sitting bone down and slide your elbow along the ceiling, poking your elbow up and along the ceiling side bending. This particular sitting bone is aiming down towards the ground so you fan open the sides of your ribs, pressing down with your palm. It's on the ground or perhaps your elbow spring up. Now springing being a relative term and plants your new palm and the top of the palm on the top of your head, the palm towards the side of your head and eventually the palm covering your ear reading. You're bringing your ear to listen to the ground. Bending your elbow, your elbow is heavy, you're heavy ears coming towards the ground as well.

And when that side bending occurs, it may be beneficial to bring your hand more to the top of your head or the top side of your head. So you have one sitting bone heavy and the opposite elbow heavy as well. Inhale to poke your elbow up to the ceiling. That would be your ceiling. Elbow. And reach your elbow along the ceiling away from your anchored sitting bone.

Push into the ground force of your hand and your elbow in s bring up from there. Inhale to come through center. Exhale, start the side bending again. Anchor your sitting bone. And then once you have your forces organized, one sitting bone down, one elbow down, other elbow poking up to the ceiling. We start to rotate. Turn the ground, rotate aiming your elbow down into the ground, turning towards the ceiling as if you could unscrew your ribs from your pelvis.

There's a concept or I'm giving more, um, options for a motion around your diaphragm. Exhale for side bending and fluction. Inhale for side bending and rotation. All the while pushing your poem into the ground. So your sitting bone, both of them, especially the far one, can be on the ground twice more.

Aiming your elbow along way to the ceiling and beyond. This says, you will recognize his preparation for side bending and rotation. Reach out with your top arm, reach up with your top arm and then over to the other side, a slow motion, cartwheel bending your ceiling elbow so your hand comes to the top of your head or the side of your head or your ear and aim your bent elbow upwards towards the ceiling, pressing with your ground force of your palm and your elbow into the ground. Or it could be only your palm. As you exhale, turn in the direction the light from your chest bone illuminates the ground. Inhale to turn and aluminate the ceiling.

Exhale to rotate. Side bending and rotation in the direction of flection. Inhale, side bending and rotation in the direction of extension. Exhale to rotate, pressing boasts, sitting bones, especially the far one into the ground. [inaudible] exhaling, oh, inhale to fill up your lungs into your rib basket and once more, push into the ground. Make Room.

Bring yourself all the way up and come to leg. Pull front again or leg pull up. I should say, I beg your pardon leg pull up. We've done several versions already. You've had your elbows bent and your knees bent. You've had your knees bent and your elbow straight.

Now straighten your legs and bend your elbows. You could have your legs in parallel position or a bit of external rotation as you prefer for the postier and lateral aspect of your knees. Now planting your elbows into the ground. Let your chest bones sink in the direction of the ground on purpose. Bring the spine between the shoulder blades and your chest bone up in the direction of the ceiling.

A reminder that we did that earlier and it's a motion that's useful. Now sinking your chest bone down, looking down towards your pubic bone. As you inhale, glide your gaze in the direction of the ceiling. Plant your elbows, lift your chest bone and hover your pelvis. Exhale to land. [inaudible]. Inhale to lift. Exhale to land twice more.

Your eyes are the advanced team of your spine. The eyes are looking directly at the ceiling above you and land. And once more, inhale to press up, keeping your shoulder blades wide on your rube wall. Come down from this. Now make your way for um, leg pull down so you have your elbows bent and your toes talked.

Um, toes tucked under in a blow plank here. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, press your uh, sternum up towards the ceiling. Reach long with your left foot and hover your left leg up off the ground. Inhale to put your left foot down. Exhale, reach long and hover. Drawn your lowest front ribs up towards the ceiling and change alternate sides.

Now sliding your shoulders down your rib wall, collecting your lower front ribs to your spine. Continue alternating side reach long through your heel and a reminder to bring the chest bone up in the direction twice more. Once each side, the direction of the spine between your shoulder blades, standing your ground through your forearms. Last one here and your elbows and come down from that. Bending both knees. Have a seat though. Legs outstretched, palms down in line with your pelvis.

Inhale to prepare a shoe. Exhale, slide out your palms, your fingertips, your fingernails. Reach out wall to wall. Now, long arms here, side bending, one arm to the ceiling, one hand over. And while you're inside, bending, rotate, reaching your hand between your elbow and your hip and your greater canter. Inhale to sweep your hand to the ceiling. See above and behind. Exhale to rotate the proximal organization of Thoracic rotation inside bending twice more. Plant your sitting bones, she said to herself firmly [inaudible] and turning your floor long up to illuminates your thumb and rotate right come up other side. Spread wide, side bend, ear, neck, shoulder and ribs.

Plat boasts sitting bones, especially the one away from your floor. Elbow. Exhale to rotate. Bringing one lung in front of you to the front, the other behind. So you create the idea of a force couple, um, coupling of your lungs to encourage, um, a central or proximal organization of your torso. Exhale to rotate.

And since it is Palase and since it's useful and helpful, you might as well snug all abdominal layers in and up towards your spine, wringing out your ribs. Once more ringing at your waist, eyes follow your thumb and then your eyes lead the way. Come on up from here. Push up, and now we'll have the leg pull up to the ceiling with both legs straight and both elbows straight as well. Aiming your gaze towards your pubic bone. Sinking your chest bone back behind you.

Now sliding your gaze towards your toes and bring your sternum and the chest bone and the spine between your shoulder blades up in the direction of the ceiling. See the ceiling above you and then swing your pelvis back down and you will land. We'll take three more of these. Inhale forward and lift because inhalation facilitates extension. Exhale to land, sliding your shoulder blades, winding your shoulder blades, and giving space for the spine between your shoulder blades to come to the ceiling. And once more, inhale forward and up. Okay, exhale to come down.

The next version of this will involve lifting one leg up. Here we go. Inhale forward. Now plant your right hand, your left foot and reach your right leg and land. Plant your right foot and your left hand up and down. Take turns.

Creating a diagonal to stand on and a diagonal to move from. Inhale to lift. We have one more each side. Inhale to lift the spine between your shoulder blades and the sternum. Come down from here. Land your sitting bones. We'll come onto all fours now.

Here you are on all fours. Ready for leg. Pull down, spread your palms, spread your fingers. Create a firm base with your hands. Aim the inner aspects of your elbows towards each other. We can give a lot of cues here just to give the area around your shoulder blades, time to rest, but I suppose it's time to move on. Tucking your left toes under. Drive your left heel back.

Create a solid foot to stand on there and then stand on your right foot as well. Here you have four points of contact. Inhale to puff up between your shoulder blades. Adjust, uh, address your left foot. Now as you exhale, reach back with your left metatarsal is your left toes. Collect your lowest front ribs. Hover and alternate sides.

Here we go. Exhale, reach long and hover in live long and prosper. Broaden across your collarbones links in the back of your neck by keeping your gaze between your thumb stand firmly through the metatarsal heads of your right foot. Stand firmly through the metatarsal of your left foot. We have one more each side. Exhaling long from your toes to the top of your head.

Exhale to reach out. Bend your knees. Now land down and come to sitting. Here you are with legs, outstretched, palms on the ground. Inhale to prepare oes platform time. As you exhale, slide your shoulders down and reach out.

Wall to wall to wall to wall. Now reaching long with your left arm, but your left hand will not come onto the ground so it's side bending without the support of your left arm, your hand, or your hand. On this side, I really I my stake a Norris and Rhonda. That's your right arm. And okay, now turn rotate towards the ground and reach your right arm back behind you. Turn rotate to the ceiling and reach your feeling arm back enough to have left and right already my mistake. Exhale to rotate so it's even more proximal control.

Not allowing yourself to sink into a supporting arm side because it's not there. Exhale to rotate more proximal control of rotation and side bending. Last one of these side bending. Rotation in the direction of the flection, keeping a ground force through your sitting bone. Reach up and timber to the other side, side bending. Exhale to rotate.

Inhale to see the ceiling above and slightly behind you. Anchoring your sitting bone. Noticing she said to herself, oh, check out the differences between sides. Remember there always have been differences between sides. There always will be differences between sides and pilates.

Instructors will always have one twice more. Exhale to rotate. Reach out with your free arm. Inhale to come up. [inaudible]. Exhale to rotate to come up. Reach up now and come down facing me as you are.

Bend your knees towards this side of you and plant your elbow, your forearm onto the ground. Hold on underneath your ribs, underneath your waist, aiming your elbow towards the ground in line with your shoulder. Now, both knees are bent and in a moment you'll press down with your elbow, your forearm and your hand and lift your pelvis up. That's what we're doing now and Len down [inaudible] inhale, creating a ground force with your elbow and forearm lift and come down. Now put your hand on your shoulder. Remind your shoulder to come down as your pelt will down.

I mean wears down towns everywhere. Well, yeah, there's a situation because of gravity. But anyway, bring your shoulder away from your ear lobe and pressed your collar bone in the direction of your elbow. We have two more of these scapular depression and scapular abduction. Lifting your pelvis and come down. Swing around to the new side. Here you are on the new side with your elbow in line with your shoulder holding on underneath your ribs, underneath your waist, forcing your shoulder blade towards your pelvis and pressing through your collarbone. Lift your pelvis up and then land. It could be exhale to lift.

Inhale to land twice smaller. Exhale to lift and land. Using the exhalation to facilitate scapular depression and abduction. You could also, while we're at it, you could inhale to fill up your lung in the direction of your elbow and that stiffening last one of these inhale could facilitate the proximal control of your shoulder blade on your rib wall. Swing around to the new side. Now with your knees bent, you will have your elbow straight and position your hand out to the side of your greater trow canter so that it's possible to have just the angle where you can move your shoulder blade down. Not Be so close that you have too much scapular elevation.

Difficult to find that now. Yeah, so why don't I just make sure I'm really dressed all right. Now holding on underneath your ribs. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale scapular depression and sweep up standing on your knees. Reach up off your hat and then land down.

We'll have three more of these. Inhaling, pressing firmly through the heel of your hand, your gaze, your eyes follows your thumb. Exhale to land twice more. Inhaling, scanning the heavens for signs of intelligent life. Um, lamb in Haley. Here we go and come down. Swing around. Now the new side of weights. Here you are on the new side, which we've already established will be different that much we know.

Sliding your shoulder blade down. Inhale to live, plugging in your, um, head of your into the socket and come down. Three more of these push. Swing your pelvis out, Anna and down twice more. Inhaling to the back of your nostrils, filling the back of your lungs into the basket of your ribs. Inhaling and exhale. Swing around the new side of weights. It's always the new side.

This time we'll add side bending with rotation. Inhale to live and from the ceiling you will exhale. Rotate, bringing your front lung behind you to the back. Continue this action. Inhaling, seeing the ceiling above you, your gaze, your nose follows your thumb and see the floor behind you. Two more of these in hailing.

Standing firmly fully into your floor, hand gliding your shoulder blade a long way from your ear, low and generic. Inhale to rotate a huge wingspan, rotating around your central axis, wringing out your ribs and wringing out your waist lands, pelvis and swing to the other side. Create a hand and arm a shoulder aside to stand on. Inhale, swing your pelvis out and up. Now turning around your access. Rotate, bringing the front lung behind you, the back long towards the front. Continue this motion.

Okay. Your eyes are the advanced team. They can either follow your thumb or your eyes can lead the way. Another time I may have the good fortune of doing a class on the eyes and rotation, in which case we can explore much more fully the closing of one eye to rotate and then the closing of the other. Last time, that was a shameless plea to invite me back. Land your pelvis, swing to the other side.

I'll come back if you let me close my eyes. Okay, now you have elbow bent and your legs will be out straight. Press up to an elbow, a forearm plank, and while you're here rotate and rotate and rotate. We have two more of these pressing your elbow into the ground and rotate and rotate. Land your pelvis. Other side.

How fortunate that there's another side because the first side would get tired. Now elbow aims into the ground. Reminding yourself that the shoulder blade can glide down on your rib wall. Swing your pelvis up and here we are. Road lifting off the ground further and see the ceiling.

Push into your elbow. Rotate. Uh Oh. Twice more. Push. Turn around your central axis and once more push turn, rotate. See The wall behind you. Land your pelvis. Swing around.

Now when you start with your knees bent and your elbows straight as your pelvis swings in an arctic come up, your legs will straighten out as well. Place your hand on the top of your shoulder. Remind your shoulder to come down as you press into your hand. Slide your legs out and lifter while you're here. Exhale to rotate. Turning your longs, ringing your lungs around your heart.

Inhale to turn towards the ceiling. Exhale, push into the ground. Lifting up as you side bend and rotate and up twice more. Embrace space with your palm and your arm. [inaudible] embrace space. Hovering your ribs up, reaching up to the ceiling, bending your knees and come down from here.

Swing around to the new side. You will start with your knees bent, your elbow out straight with your hand on the top of your shoulder. It's a reminder that the entire project will be initiated by scapular depression. Here it is. Exhale to slide down. Reach out with your legs, create a side plank and begin the rotation. Exhaling, seeing behind you.

Inhaling, seeing above you. Exhale. [inaudible]. Inhaling, exhaling, and push. I'm so fascinated with the move. Do we have one more or are we done with that?

That's it or so done with this. Come down with here. Good. Thank you so much for joining us. There you have beside Ben twist. I'll look forward to being with you next time on Pele's anytime.


1 person likes this.
I love Elizabeth!!
Hi Elizabeth, you're always hypnotic, fresh and NEW! Thank you very much.
2 people like this.
Love her catsuits…. where did she get them? ;)
I believe all of Elizabeth's attire is from Monkey G.
Side Bend Twist, Excelente clase de Elizabeth, excellent class. Thanks very much for sharing. Gracias por compartirla. Saludos desde Malaga, Spain.
1 person likes this.
confusing in that the participants are doing different things than is being instructed.
Thanks Elizabeth for making our brains work to . I can feel new neural pathways forming. The body feels pleasantly worked and adjusted!
Love the steps leading up to successful side twists...thank you!
Elizabeth you are ALWAYS a great teacher and give me so much inspiration!!!
Thank you.
thank Elizabeth, very like.... Guerrina Brizzi
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