Class #1540

Push the Envelope

35 min - Class


Kathryn Ross-Nash teaches an accelerated Mat workout for the more advanced practitioner that focuses on the upper abdominals, obliques, side bending, Teaser variations, and twisting movements. Her philosophy with this class is to breathe, enjoy yourself, push the envelope, and move!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Apr 01, 2014
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Hi, I'm Kathy Ross Nash here for [inaudible]. Any time I have Nia dra and all that hum row here to have fun and play with me on a mat that focuses on upper abdominal and side bending as well as a little oblique twisting work. Ring everything out. Get ready for the weekend. Um, so follow along. Have a good time. Remember to breathe and enjoy yourself. I like to push the envelope. I don't care if everything is perfect. This is a method.

We use the apparatus to make everything perfect. We have to move and have a good time. Ready? Let's have fun. Good standing at the end of the Mat. Pull the stomach up and in. Step a little off to one side. Cross the leg in front. Fold the arms and levitate yourself down to the mat.

Scooping the stomach in without a sound. Okay and float all the way down. Enjoy the piece because this will be the last time you stopped for the next half hour. Inhale deeply. Exhale, come up into the hundred position. Inhale, bring the right leg up. Two, three, four, five and lower. Two, three, four, five, left leg up, three, four, five and lower. Two, three, four, five, right leg, two, four, five and lower. Two, three, four, five and four to four or five and lower. Two, three, four, five and five. Two, three, four, five and lower. Two, three, four, five and six, four, five. Fill the lungs all the way up. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, pull the stomach back.

Set. Make it your best. Reach that leg long out of the hip. Pull the stomach up and in. Exhale, exhale. Exhale. Sit Up. Take your feet, place them underneath the strap. Heels together, toes apart. Stretch all the way back. Anchor the thighs. Inhale up, peel off the mat. Exhale over. Inhale down an exhale back.

Inhale up and exhale over. Inhale, and exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, stretch long. Inhale, exhale. Inhale all the way back. Grab onto the handles. Keep the right leg underneath, stretch it up, cross over, lift the hip. Single leg. Ticktock, bring it up. Anchor the hip. Open to the side. Pull the stomach up, reach across, stomach in and open. And up. Reach across, push through that bottom leg and open and up. So you're lengthening through the head, through the heel. Shoulders and rib.

Stay on the Mat, but the hip lifts off. We're a true twist and open and up and the leg. Shange the leg left leg up. Pull the stomach in and cross. Lift the hip and up. Anchor the hip and center.

Over and up and open and up and over and up and open. Two more. Reach across, push through the heel. Feel the two way stretch and center and over and up and up to the center. Bend the leg, take your feet from the strap. Take the right leg up, lift the left leg two inches off of the mat. Circle around and stop at the nose. Two and up. Three and up, four and up five roofers.

Bottom leg reaches long. And to sweep around three stop at the nose for, I can talk through this. I can talk through anything and switch your legs. Stretch, stretch, stretch, cross around up and one cross around, up and two cross around, up and three length in the neck and four reach around rivers. Scoop it and up to the nose. Down, around and up. Down, around and up. Down, around and up.

Last one around and up. Right from there. Sit Up, right into rolling. Likable. Head is down. Feed to the seat. Roll back and balance. Hold. Role two and balance. Hold one more plain. Roll three and balance. You're going to come up into a teaser. Roll back, roll teaser. Fold the legs, scoop the stomach. Roll back and teaser. Fold the legs.

Scoop the stomach and back and teaser. Fold the legs. Scoop this stomach. Now we're going to tease her lower and lift the legs. Lower lift scoop in rollback. Come up. Lower lift scoop in, roll back. Come up.

Lower lift scoop in. Finish your rolling like a ball position. Hands behind the head. Single leg pull hands back one, one, two, two, three. Lift. That upper body for the upper stomach really has to be engaged. Stretch nigos right to the ear. Stretch. Elbows are open. Stretch. Stretch two legs in, stretch out.

Now as you come in and get smaller, the little mushroom stretch out like a string bean. Little, little mushroom. Stretch out. Scoop it in. Stretch it out, scoop it. It's amazing how much the hands help, Huh? Scoop it in. Stretch it out. Scoop it in. Stretch it out. Scoop it in. Stay there. One leg up, one they down. One, one, one, one. Reach away. Lift upper body. Lift it. Lift up, up. Lift up, up. Lift up, up. Reach out, reach out, reach out, reach out, reach out, reach out, reach out, reach out. Good. Bend your knees in, twist.

Bring both legs in, twist. Bring both legs in, twist. Bring both legs in. Twist, stay there. Two legs. Go Out, go center. Leave one leg out, twist two legs. Go out. Leave one leg out. Straight and twist and strict and twist. I bet you thought I was nice before. And twist, stretch and twist. Length in the spine. Twist, lift the upper body and twist. Sitting up spine. Stretch forward.

Anchor the thighs. Lift the waist. Inhale, exhale all the way down. Crown of the head. Roll all the way up. Stack the vertebral one on each other. Lift the waist up. Exhale, bring the lungs all the way out. Lift those arms up. Roll all the way up. One more plane. Long waste.

Peel yourself down the waist. Lift the tailbone anchors the stomach scoops in and limped in the waist. Back stacking the Vertebra and good too elongated. Lift up. Exhale all the way over. Anchor the tailbone. Elongate out on the diagonal ribs. Come in, lift up all open. Press and come center Stritch.

Oh, all the way down. Achor the tailbone. A long gate, a long gate. Ilan Gate. Lift up open. Press hands float up and just press your hands. Don't hold. Press them open like Walker. Pressing the hands. Roll back. Push your hands. Roll back. Push your hands. Good. Roll back long fingers.

Push two. Stomach goes back. Chest is open. Roll back, stomach rolls back. Scoop the stomach. Open the chest. One more time and scoop. Draw together. Lengthen yourself down. Corkscrew flat. Pull the stomach in. Lift the left hip. Flatten both hips. Lift the right hip center. Lift the right hip.

Scoop down. Lift the left hip. Roll up a little bit. Roll to the right pelvis. Left pelvis is up. Everything's flat, right. Pelvis is up. Scoop off a little bit. Roll. Keep the waistline long. Heels are glued. Legs don't shift. Lift all the way up.

Soft chest roll to the right side of the body with a long spine. Sweep the floor left side of the body all the way up. Roll to the left side of the body all the way down to the right side of the body. Lift up tall. Roll down slowly through this buying toes over the nose. Open the legs up. Sit Up. Hands behind the head.

Four side bed, elbow. Tenae. This feels so good. Twist. Touch the elbow to the knee. Lengthen up. Twisting is the mother to side. Bend to side side bending from mother to twisting. Rich. I always get that mother, daughter thing messed up and lift as my daughter and stretch down.

Now lift up and you're going to lengthen your arms. Turn, reach the side body. Reach out. Anchor the hip. Turn the other way. Doesn't that feel so good? Reach out over. Good twist. Anchor the opposite hip. Reach out to come up. Twist. Anchor the opposite hip.

Reach out to come up. We're going to add the twist. Reach over. Come up, crown of the head to the knee. As you come up, stay there and increase the twist. Twist, twist center. Turn down the side body. Lift up, head to the knee. Come up, increase the twist, twist, twist center. Stretch over. Reach out and up. Head to the knee. Come up, stacking the Vertebra. Twist, twist, twist, center. Stretch down. Lift up, stretch over. Pull the stomach in. Deep in the twist.

Deepen the twist deep and the twist and center. Draw your legs together. Flip over onto the back for the neck. Roll heels together now as if you're moving a marble along the mat. Keep the pelvis down. Press up, opening the chest, legs together. Head to the right along the collarbone to the left and center to the left.

All the way down to the right and center. Keep the length as you lengthen down please. Your two fis, press them together. Pull the stomach in. Pelvis is on the mat. Ribs are in chest pushes forward, right leg flex point down, left leg flex point down, chest open as you reach. Flex point, flex point, flex point, the Lex point, Lex. Point right cheek on the mat, right fixed cheek on the mat. Hands behind the back. Elbows down. Kick one, two, three. Press your toes on the mat and lift the chest up. Up, up. Turn the other way. Kick one, two, three. Press. Reach up, up, up. Turn the other way. One, two, three. Press up, up, up, and one, two, three. Press up, up, up, hands underneath. Pull your stomach in. Sit back on your heels.

Stretching your low back. Flip over for the neck. Pull fie underneath the strap. We're going to have our elbows nice and wide. Begin laying down. Push through the heels. Let's interlace our fingers. Inhale, roll up. X Hill, crow over. Elbows wide.

Inhale up now actually pull on your neck and the tailbone rolls down. Push with your heels. Articulate, articulate. Stretch your neck at the end and open. Peel off, peel through the spine. Push through the heels, stretch all the way over. Lift all the way up. Length in the spine feels if your head is being hung from the ceiling as you articulate down and for fast. Inhale up.

Exhale all the way down and good. Over and up. Low down, over and up. Roll down. Last one and over and up. Roll all the way down. Good. Take your feet out from underneath the strap and we are going to go into our spine.

Twist arms to the side, flex the feet, pull the stomach in. Turn, exhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Inhale, nothing moved. Looks good. Smile and inhale. Hands behind the head. Elbows Open. Exhale, exhale in. You'll say I love [inaudible]. Exhale. Inhale, exit. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Now for the truth hold XL XL. Inhale, reach, reach, so good for those golfers. Twist, twist, center, twist, twist, center line for the sidekicks shows them really what they're twisting with. Lie All the way down back. Just the mat. Hand behind the head. Bring your legs forward now. No sexy on the beach length in your head is part of the work pressing into your hand just like you did. Hip Height, parallel. Stretch it to the nose. Deepen. Raise you back and nose, stretch back. Reach three, stretch back, reach four stretch back, reach by stretch back, reach six, stretch back seven. Nothing moves.

Eight last one leg on leg. Turn it out, kick it up, flex it and two and down. Three push with the heel. Four lengthen out. Very good. Five, six heel to heel. Seven heel to heel. Eight heel to heel. Little Circle, one, two, touch the heels, touch, think I, I, there's no place like home. There's no place like home that's in touch. Those heels. Whereas your ruby slippers reverse and one two lengthen out of the head.

Crown of the head lengthens. Reach out of the head. Out of the heel. Out of that's good. Out of the heel. Heels together. Pull the stomach in. Lift two legs up. Don't rock back and beat one. Two, open the legs. Use your thighs. Five, six, seven, eight and cross two cross cross five six, seven, eight. Now flutter two three run like your little high heels on. Six, seven, eight turn it out and beat. Two thighs, three, four, five, six. I like tissues and cross two, three cross five, six, seven, eight and flutter. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, two legs down. Very good. Paul. The stomach in length and now the head lift up and down.

Lift to and down. Bikini, weather and down. Four down, five, six, seven. Now leave your legs up. Bottom leg, lower lift. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Bring the legs down. Good. Hands behind the head. Lift the upper body up, up, up and down. Lift the upper body up, up, up and down. Lift the upper body. Mind doesn't move much and down. Lift the upper body up, up, up and down. Legs and arms, eh, everything up. And I didn't make it. I didn't make it up.

I just teach it everything. Up and down. Everything up, up, up and down. Go up again. Top leg lifts, one top leg lifts to top leg lifts, three, four, elbows, all five, five, six, seven a n down. Take the leg forward. Arm forward, side, bicycle. Slide it behind. Flexing. Give it a nice hip stretch extended. Reach it down.

This is dessert. Sly in full flex. It. Extend it, reach it down, slide in full, flex it extended, reach it down. One more. Slide in flex. Extend Rovers up, bend it in behind the shoulder. Slided down. Reach out, bend it in behind the shoulder. Slide it down, reach up, bend it behind the shoulder.

Stretch and down bicycle. Reach Front. Bend it in. Touch the knee and back. Reach Front, bend it. It need to nene a really reach that thigh back and front and bend and touch. Stretch back one more front and then and touch. Stretch heel to heel. Reverse it long back. Don't let the knee drop.

Very good guys. Bend in and stretch forward. Reach out. They make it look so easy. Bend in and stretch. Front. Reach back. Try to keep the box square. Bend it in, stretch it front one more time, really far back. Bend it in. Touch in. Stretch it forward. Leg on leg. What's good for the top leg is good for the bottom leg. Stretch it front.

Bend it in. Stretch and back. Front bend, stretch and back. Front bend, stretch and back. Front bend. Stretch, reverse back in. Scoop and stretch back in. Scoop and stretch back in scoop and stretch back in scoop. And what you can do with one leg you can do with two legs and double bicycle one too. You're a gazelle jumping over the plains three and four reverse one, backpedal a hundred back Vettel three, three and four legs together.

Big Circle forward, up and back. Forward up. I want to see back forward up and reverse it back up and in, back up and in. Back up and in. Very good. Let's stay facing each other so that we can see each other's beautiful faces.

Roll right to the other side, hand behind the head. We all have cute bottoms but I'd rather they see our faces and good. Pull the stomach in and stretch. Kick, kick one and back and two and back and three and back and forth. I'm going to be out the window soon and five and back and six back. Seven buck, eight back, leg on leg.

Turn it up, lifted up and down and to get that heel to the heel, top leg reached further up and down. Reach out through the leg, long waist out and down. Out and down. Last one out and circle one those heels to three. Make sure you get behind you because that's where you work. Your bottom, six, seven rivers, one, two, long neck, three, four good. Five top leg, longer, six, seven and eight. Two legs up and beat. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now Cross, cross, cross, cross. That's it. Now run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run. Turn it out and beat. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and cross. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and beat. Run, run, run, run, run, run and down. Very good. Two legs together.

Lift and down and two and down and three try not to rock the hip. Reach out from the legs out. Touch the wall. Out. Break. Dip your toes in the ocean. Reach and down and reach. Stay up there. Bottom leg, lower lift. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two legs down, hands behind the head. Upper Buddy, up, up, up and down. Upper body, up, up, up and down. Upper body, up and down. Upper body, up, up, up, and fish. Up, up, up and down. Two legs. Go Up, lift up, up, up and down. Don't let the legs go behind you.

Actually think about pulling them in front of you and down, and up, up, up and down, and upstate. Their top leg up, down. One, up, down to, up, down, three, up, down, four. Very good. Two legs down, side stretch. Slide it. Ring it in, stretch it behind. Stretch it up. Reach it down. Slighted in. Think about the hip stretch on the Cadillac. Stretch it and down. Slighted in. Bend it in. Stretch it up and down. Slided in. Bend it in.

Stretch it up and reverse. Lift it up. Bend it in. Bring it in and down. Lifted up. Bend it in. Bring it in and down. Lift it up, bend it in. Bring it in. One more. It's dessert. Bend it in, wring it in and regular. Bicycle and forward.

Bend in, stretch to the nose. Bend in, stretch to the nose. Open the front body stretch and nose bend in reverse Ba. Scroop stretch it forward. Touch the person behind you where the wall behind you and stretch. Make sure that knee touches the knee as it passes through and stretches far and go even further this time.

Bring it in deep and it hip is down and stretch. Bottom leg, front in, back, stretch to in back. Stretch three in. Keep that leg forward, the bottom, the top leg forward and reverse back in. Scoop back in scoop. Reach that leg back there, far back there. Bend it in and Scoop Luke directly. Front. Bend it in and scoop what's good for one is good for two. That's exactly where you want to work. And Bicycle. One, two, three, four rivers, one, two, three, four and five. Good, big circles.

Forward up. Reach it back and down. Forward, up. Reach it back and down. Forward, up. Reach it back. Rubbers, back up, nose down, back, ear, nose down, back, ear, nose and down. Very good line or back. Shake out your legs. Give yourself a little breath so I just have a little bit back for the next parts of your closer to the head. Okay. Legs are up lower. The 45 twos are all the way up.

Just touch your low back. Letting the do your toes, but keep this back low back and touch low back and touch. Lift up and down. Cool and roll up. Lower and lift. Lower and lift. Lower and lift and down and up. Lower and lift. Lower and lift.

Lower and lift and down. Come up, hands behind the head. Lower lift one lower lift two lower lift three. Lengthen everything down. One leg comes up, right leg comes up. Lift hands and heel. Arrive before the head. Arms Up, Walla up, left hands and he'll reach through the legs and the arms. Arms Up. Roll up, lift. Reach to the arms.

Reach to the legs. Articulate through the pelvis. Arms Up. Roll up, lift. Reach the arms. Race through the legs. Get ready for teaser twist. Roll up into a teaser. Twist, twist, center. Roll down. Roll up, twist, twist, heels glued center roll down, Rola, twist, twist, center and down. Roll up, twist, twist center. Roll down. Sit yourself up.

Scooch yourself back, grab onto the handles. Open the chest. Try not to move the upper body at all. Lift one hip off center. Lift Center, lift, kick in, then bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, a little sweaty, but really swept potlucks. Two, three up in. Now reverse ts. I reverse Cancun to the right, to the left hip up.

Bend in to the left, to the right, to the left. Bend in to the right to the left. Nice. Then wastes in and over and over and over. Bend in. Slide one, leg out for my favorite exercise today. Bring the pelvis up and forward. Keep this hip nice and open. This book could be either here or here, depending on your hip.

I prefer it like this. Hands behind the head. Lift all the way up. Keep that hip open. Bring the ear, the elbow to the knee just like we did before. Reach out and come up. Don't move the legs and reach over. Stretch out, out, out. Reach out in, up. Stretch over, over, over and up. Stretch out, out, out and up. Over, over, over and up and out. Out, out and up. Bring the knee in.

Chest expansion. Open the chest. Look to the right center, left center. Bring it up and squeeze the chest. Open. Left Center right center. Lift up, squeeze over the shoulder. Press your hands back like you're pushing on a wall and up.

Fill the lungs. Hold the breath. Hold the breath. Exhale. Take the other foot out. Hands behind the head. Adjust to the knee and hip in alignment. Lift all the way up. Stretch over. Lengthen up, stretch out and lengthen. Stretch over and Oh, stretch over and uh, ah. Over and up.

One more time. Over and a beautiful turn. Face this direction. Put the right leg on top for a boomerang prep. Now, no shifting back. Take the hands forward. Think about rowing. Keep the hands forward so your weight is forward. Lift your legs change. Bring it down. Scoop the stomach back and down.

Scoop the stomach. Back and down. Scoop the stomach back. Bend in for the seal for seals to standard wrap. Scoop, press and rollback. Nothing moves. One, two, three. Roll Up. One, two, three. I really have to balance here. Roll back. One, two, three. Roll Up. One, two, three. We're all back on two, three, roll up. One, two, three. Last one. Roll back. One, two, three. Roll up to stand and face this way. Step off and let's go into our marching.

And one, two, three, four. Nothing moves. Fine. We worked on the stability of the whole time up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up and good. Open to the side. Nothing moves. They have all that side bending. We did stable from the middle. Standing leg through the head, up, up, up, up. All those hip stretches up, up, up and uh, lunges. Hands on the hips. Lunge forward. Scoop the stomach back. Lunge. Forward Scoop, back, lunge. Forward Scoop back. Easy on it.

Lunge forward and with arms onto the leg. Lunch, stay there. Arms go back, arms go forward. Arms go back, arms go forward. Arms go back, arms go forward. Scoop up and good other sides out. Arms back forward. Stomach lengthens along the thigh and up and lengthen and up.

Scoop in. Open the legs. Heels here, bend in, tailbone under, scoop up. Think of the pelvic lift. Knees over the toes. Deep Scoop. Draw the thighs together like you're drawing the carriage in and scoop and in. Looks good. Bend in this time. Stay Down Gondola, straighten one leg, bend straight, deeper, straight, deeper. We're in Venice. Deeper. Straighten, straighten, bend, reverse, straighten, straighten. Then deeper. One, two, three, four and one, two, three, and four. Bring your legs together for running.

Nothing moves. And one lift. Two for the ankle for lift, five things, seven, eight, nine, 10 1112 jumping Jackson and oh one and two and three, and for higher, higher, higher, and higher. Hey, thank you.


2 people like this.
Hurray! Thank you! Love love love everything and anything by Kathi! Wonderful workout!
2 people like this.
That was great! Thank you!
3 people like this.
That... was FUN!!! More Kathi please!
3 people like this.
Who is the Gentleman dressed in Black please?
1 person likes this.
What a workout. I thought 30 minutes would not be enough. Wrong! Thanks!
More level 3 accelerated! They are great.
1 person likes this.
Great! Every time i do a Kathi's workout, i leave full of energy!
Jacqueline L
1 person likes this.
Awesome! Love the fast and efficient pace.
Hi "Mat Work," The gentleman in black is a friend of the studio and student of Romana's named Alesandro. Care to tell us yours?
2 people like this.
Wow !
Your class Rocks and so do you!
More Kathryn...........
1 person likes this.
Kathy when I see my face lights up, I really like your work, i love you so much
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