Hi, today we're going to do an advanced level bathy flow mat class. So, um, there'll be some difficult movements. Uh, definitely look after yourself and modify if necessary. Here we go. So sitting upright, feel the weight of your body resting right over the top of your sitting bones and reach behind and hold onto your legs. Take a moment just to close your eyes. Now as you sit in this moment, feel the bones of the body heavy, the muscles in the body lightly working to support the bones so that there's the energy in the arms. The harms are lifting the spine upright and inhale.
And as you exhale, just allow your body to [inaudible] prepare itself for movement. How? Allow your mind to commit itself to your practice. An inhale and exhale, letting anything else that's okay. Distracting you. Go for the moment and focusing in words and opening the eyes. Gazing straight ahead reading. And as you breathe out, feel the navel.
Press back towards the spine and feel the spine go into a long curve. The shoulders don't back away. They stay just over the pelvis and inhale, build the spine back up again.
Exhale, curl the spy deeply committing, deeply connecting, keeping the head just above the shoulders. Inhale, reach out and and exhale. Curl. This time we'll all back through this spine. Feel the lower spine imprinting into the mat. Take the arms to the side.
Simultaneously We'd find the lower back. Inhale, the arms come wide. Exhale, the arms pressed back in. The abdominal muscles deepen. We curl the spine forward, keeping the back extensors working as much as the abdominals are maybe not as much but some. So as we curl and create that long round shape, we're not collapsing in on our spine. Finding the low back. Inhale both arms reach XL. Both arms come the rural rolling back the spine elongates.
The arms reach overhead. The arms come to this side. They press forward. As we roll back this time at the bottom, take just the left arm to the side and center, settling in the right arm and center. Feel as the arms change, the center of gravity shifts and we have to use the center of the body to support the change in the center of gravity. Pause and breathe in rolling the spine, reaching shoulders over hips. Elongate the back. Reach the arms overhead. Press the arms open. Reach them forward. Curl the spine, roll back. This time, reach the arm closest to me.
Open it up, look back at it and center other side, reaching out and center and left. Reach Center and right reach and center from center. Class the hands together. Create a strong, energetic forward force. N Twist Center. Twist Center, twist center, twist center. One more. Each side.
Separate the hands. Roll this spine up. Elongate the back. Open the arms, press the arms forward, curl the spine. Turn the palms down on your way down. Inhale, exhale. Lift the left leg in the right arm and down. Opposite arm, opposite leg. Lift and press. Feel the strength in the center of the body.
The commitment to stillness in the center of the body as we take the limbs back and forth. And last one, reach and down. Take a breath. Exhale, roll the spine. Control the spy. Find shoulders over pelvis. Elongate the back. Reach the arms overhead. Open the arms out to the side, and then set them next to you to press the pelvis closer to the feet. The feet are very close to the pelvis. The pelvis is very close to the feet. Reach around to the front sides of the legs and pull the spine very close to the knees, trying to ease elongate the back.
Then try to hold the body still right here as you let go and begin rolling yourself with control down to the mat. Take time. Once you're at your shoulders, slide the feet and make sure you can touch your heels.
Release the pelvis all the way down in here and fell flat in the spine. The arms are long and reaching the neck is long and reaching with zero tension. Pause at the top, pressing the hips nice and high. Exhale to peel the spine back down. Bony segment by bony segment.
Release all the way down to neutral. Inhale, exhale, flatten and roll. Pressing the feet down into the mat as the hips lift up the arms, press back into the mat, inhale and exhale and take the body up again. Exhale as you rise up through the pelvis. Lift the arms overhead, pause with the arms just floating off the floor and then roll the spine down, reaching the arms oppositionally through the then the spine. Inhale as the pelvis drops. Exhale as the pelvis lifts. Press the arms down to the mat as the hips lift up, and then roll the spine down the arms. Take themselves overhead, the arms in the pelvis.
Find their position simultaneously and then press the arms paths by the hips on their way to the mat. The hips are lifting high. Feel the heels reaching back towards the hips. Inhale and exhale. Rolling the spine down and in here and press the arms. Lift the hips. Pause at the top. Inhale, lifting the left leg. Exhale, one, reach and touch. Keep the pelvis high. Exhale to reach and touch. Exhale. Three, reach in touch. Exhale, four, reach and touch. Exhale, five. As a lay, comes down to the mat, put it down and change
Three holding the body strong and long lasts two and down one more and really comes down the headstone. Change the arms, reach back overhead and out to the side. Float the arms just off the floor here. And then peel the spine down. Feel this stretch change as we change the positioning of the arm. As the pelvis drops. Place the arms down on the mat, lifting the left leg, lifting the right leg in.
He'll take the legs towards me. Exhale, come back in. He'll take the op legs in the opposite direction and except pull back in her reach and exhale back. So my challenge to myself today is to move with intention and exhale back with integrity. Inhale across, but also to find movements with ease and back. Last time like this, inhale and exhale back. And now inhale, take the legs towards me and then stretch the top leg.
Feel the stretch, the additional stretch that the weight of that leg gives Ben the knee back and exhale to come center in her reach across. Take the leg out street. Feel that elongation that stretch through the back. Fold the knee back in and XL to come back in here we reach over x. We stretch out, we bent, we come back in. How we reach over XO. We stretch out supporting through the middle in Hawaii bent.
Exhale, we come back, we slide the hands behind the head, interlocking the fingers as one lake comes to the mat at a time. Press the legs together. Breathe in, breathe out in. Curl the head and chest up. Looking just over the knees. Pause there. Inhale, look for depth and exhale. He elongate the body. Bring it down again. We exhale curling. Feel the ribs draw down. The head is heavy and the hands working as a weight against the abdominal muscles. As the spine comes into flection. Pause, breathe in and exhale down and again, lifting heavy head. Pause in here and exhale down.
Exhale, lifting this time. Inhale, tilt the tailbone, bring the pubic bone up. Towards the nose and keep pressing the chest towards the pelvis. Then lower the pelvis down, but it continued to follow it upward with this spine. Take the body down, exhale to the left, committing, stabilizing in the pelvis. Recruit [inaudible] up a little bit higher this time just to the bottom of the ribs. Exhale, we lower the pelvis. We continue to lift the body and inhale to come down. One more like that.
Exhale to the left. Curl the pelvis. Continue to breathe. Continue to focus inwardly. Reach the arms to the backsides of the thighs. Give yourself just a little more height. Check that your pelvis is in a neutral position. Let go of the legs.
Take the arms up, bring them behind your head and twist towards me. Exhale and inhale. Center and exhale and inhale. Center and exhale and inhale. Center. The rotations happening around the ribs, the rib cage that you're turning towards.
Press the arms past the hips, reaching out in space. Inhale, the arms begin lifting and the spine comes down. And again, exhale, tilt, left pass.
So lift, pause, stretch the legs in here. And exhale. Two, three, four, five and n and two to three. Calm and controlled and three two curling up all the time. And for two, three, four, five and [inaudible] take the arms from the back of the body. Fi two, three, five and 10 and six. Lift the legs to vertical
One another and we roll up from here, gathering energy, finding our control, feeling that we're just exploring that journey through the spine. Shoulders are over the pelvis in here and we take it back. Find the back side of the pelvis, goes slow. Explore Range, arms lift and the body comes back in your head. Justin. Arms reach forward. Exhale, curl, slow control. Finding a long, elongated seeker of abdominals. Drawing in, in back. Pause.
Exhale, rounding down, tailbone sliding under arms parallel to the floor. Fingers Ilan gated and together the arms raise up. The head drops back. Inhale, lift and exhale. [inaudible] continue all the time. Drawing back through the middle of the body. And two more, but slower.
Yes. Slower. So the pelvis and then we go down one edge and down one. No rushy one, one, one. And the arms come back and we lift the same way. Find the head and chest and grow. One inch and one stilled on that lower back, bringing the body forward and into itself.
Curling nice and controlled. Nice and controlled. Nice and controlled. And in here and one more. Rolling back,
Press the arms out to the sides, lift the back, take the arms overhead, bring the arms forward, exhale to curl the spine. Feel that the pelvis is the first thing to find the mat, the backside of the pelvis. Then we feel the bones of the lower spine imprinting. Once we've down on that lower spine. Just off the show shoulders. We take the arms out to the side saying listed Ben, the less knee.
Stress the lesson to the ceiling and take the body down and flex that foot. Inhale, reach and exhale
There is no movement of the arm. We reach, reach center and reach, reach center and a reach center and retreat center and bring the arms together. Class the hands and same here. Reach, reach center. So we follow the arms forward and reach. Reach, center and twisting from the waist. And one more like this and the last one and take the arms overhead. Pull up on the arms. Elongate the spine and twists, twists, center, twists, twist, center, twist, twist, center, twist, twist, center, twist with center to a stressor.
Whole reach up. Allow the arms to separate but keep the arms and narrow. Bend your knees, round the spine. Find the ankles, draw in deeply, deeply, deeply and float the feet. And we roll like a ball. Reaching back
Take the hands to the knees,
We feel the legs dry and against resistance and reach and Mack and reach and back lifting the chest and reach and back and reach and and holding. Here pushing the knees into the hands. Curling the spine. Oh, I'm stuck. W all go together now. Okay, open the knees. Stretch the body forward. Build the spine back straight again. Bring the legs together. Hands on the knees. Lift this fee. Press the knees into the hands.
Curl the spine. Curl the spine. Find your position right leg straightens. Left leg is underneath both hands and we change. Reach and reach. No Rush, nice and calm, Nice and control. Taking time to organize, to feel the stability in the trunk, to feel the shoulder blades every time. Reached down the back as the hand.
Sign the knee and a little bit faster. But keep the position the feet. Just reach out on a straight line and her hitch two and reach on and reach both knees, pushing the knees into the Hanser sir, to bring the chest forward. Curl the spine this time, just place the feet on the floor, lift the chest, bring the chest, were right up close to the knees, lifting the back, lifting the back and then around the spine, around this spine. Start to float the legs,
Reach lifting up all the time, reaching out,
One at a time in, yeah, peeling the body, coming up into our bridge position. Armstrong and lungs, lifting the left leg off the mat, stretch it to the ceiling and now we kick down and back down and to reaching, trying to find the mat, reaching, trying to find the mat. Last one, holding at the top. Make a little in circle, a little in circle and a little InCircle and two and one pass a little outs
I listed pelvis just a little bit higher. Lift the heels off the mat, lift the pelvis just a little higher still, and then keep the pelvis just that high as you place your heels down at a roll the spine all the way.
Inhale, exhale. Take the head forward. Feel the spine round from the very top of the head through the center of the spine, through the middle of the spine. We take the body out between the lungs, pause and exhale. Heel again, building up, stacking the bones of the spine, one on top of the other. So we just arrive at a very effortless, upright position. Looking forward. Inhale, exhale, rounding down, drawing backwards through the center of the body. Rolling backward.
Keep the arms narrow and straight. Dive back forward. Peel the back up. Lift didn't happen. Up and exhale to go down and reaching the backlog, taking it long on the diagonal. Nice flat back load to the legs as possible. I've back forward and in a roll the spine up
The body and center and twist and dive. Flattening the back and Ian Gaye and center and west and hurry. H and E. Elongate the back and center and twist and region. Now hold onto that front foot and take that arm and reach back. We keep the eyes on the arm. We linked in the body even longer, even longer and then bring it back into the saw and reach up and center and other side. We die forward. Hold onto that outside foot.
Twist, rotating the spine. Take the arm out, reach back, look at it, elongate the body. Go back into the SA, reach up, come to the center. Then journeys, find your ankles sitting just behind the pelvis. We stretch the legs up
Keep the body still as the legs change places and pull, pull. Use the bottom leg as an anchor. It pushes into them. Mat. Pull Paul, Paul, Paul and one more. I'm not sick. Hands behind the head. The legs do the same thing. Paul. Paul and Paul. Paul drawing deep and Poor Paul and one more on each side and then we twist. Starting now keep the top like pulling and slowing down a little
All around and up and center and twist and all around her left and up and center. Let me say center and reach the arm.
Po Po po both legs. Yeah. How do we find the feet with the hands and we role the spine control. Fun stretch
You can see in the back extensors using the hip extensors and rolling. Although
Exhale, a little scissor kick and reach. Reach, reach, reach, reach, reach, reach. Sorry.
And now we saw showing the legs all the way around to the other side.
The other leg just reaches out.
We take the left arm in the right light and change and uh, and change and reach slowly at first and right. And now faster. Two, three, four, five, one, four, five, two, two, three, two, three, four, five, four, two, three, four, three, four, five. En reach, everything. Lower the legs. Bring the arms out to the side, turn the palms to face up. And I'll just, the arms reaching up in, back and up and back and up and back and up and up and back and bend the elbows, placing the hands on the ground, lowering the body. We bend the knees, reaching back for the feet,
We pushed trying to lift the knees and then trying to straighten the knees to lift the back down and one more. Lift the knees and then lift the spine and straighten the knees and everything down and stretch the legs out and lower the body and press that and reach back into rest position.
We're in front support holding here. Take the right leg and reach him
So we lift into the Air Basque. We rotate the hip open, we bend that top like opening the front of the hair with stretch like an even higher. We turn the pelvis back into step back, arm, foot, foot into the mat, pressing the spine back and come forward. And the left leg reaches out and down and out and down and out and down and to keeping the body low and one and now into the chest and back and into the chest and back and until the chest and back into more reaching in and out, reaching in and we place the foot down. We do three pushups, one, two, three. We lift the leg, we kick up into the Aribel desk, we rotate the pelvis, lift the leg a little higher, then bring the leg behind you. Stressfully. Huh? Turn the pelvis all the way back. Place your foot down, press back into your abstraction.
Come back over your hands. And three more pushups. One control two, strike three. We bend the knees to the Mat. We sit all the way back on the feet for a moment.
We just have our supporting the shoulder and reach and side bend
So top legs in front of the bottom leg setting on long, strong body and yell XL into the site yet
We start to lower the leg and reached through the arm and then start to bend that knee and the knee comes next to the other knee, but he was still reaching that top arm overhead. And then start to just reach back, sitting back towards the hip on that side for a stretch and then kick the legs behind you and come back down onto your stomach. Turning your head towards me. Take the hands behind the back, nice and high. Drop the elbows down to the sides. Draw the abdominals. Then float the legs up off the floor. And we kick. One, two, three. Let me reach out. Let me switch sides. One to reach and switch. One, two, three and region one to reach.
Ah, last time, one, two, three. [inaudible], stretching the chest, stretching the chest to left and then take the legs down and just take the arms back and up and back and up. Last time, reach the arms out to the sides
Keep your shoulders under control and we bend bringing the elbows down first. The spine is still lifted as the Elvis come to the mat. And then we each elongate the body all the way down. And again, reaching the head up, feeling the shoulder blade slide down and back. Then pressing into the Os, reaching the spine, using the front of the body, using the abdominals, drawing on the abdominals to support the spine, but also feel that beautiful stretch through the front of the body and bend and Ilan, he come there and one more. It had less yams reach. Find the stretch and then we push up and reach all the way back.
Sitting once again in rest position.
What is that moment for me? And here we go into the sale puppy. So we roll back and hold and kick one, two, three and a rule and find our balance. I don't want to. And looking inwards, roll back and one, two, three and lift up and one, two, three and rock back and one, two, three and lift up. I don't want to. And then pulling the knees back towards the body. Elan gating the back, sliding the elbows out from underneath the knees, a little more. Purchased, straightening the elbows, letting their feet come to the mat, straightening the spine, pulling yourself right up onto your sitting bones, right up onto your sitting bones. Turn your head in one direction and then back to center and over to the other side and back to center.
And then gently start to sly the arms out from underneath the length. Find a comfortable sitting position with a diamond shaped leg and take the arms out to the side. And then as the hands reach out, this line lifts or grow longer. I feel the energy all the way through the body and then I even forward and rolling. So just feeling and finding the ease in the body, bringing the arms over to the side, allowing this restful, reaching up on meditative centering moment to be just as important and diving forward as the work. Right? This is the work, maybe more so important than in the moments where we're challenging our musculature. You take the buddy up, moments where we settle in our mind and our body, your arms come out. All right. Equally valuable, if not more. So taking the arms all the way. Yeah. Clasping the fingers together.
Stretching the spine in one direction.
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