Class #1597

Mat Fusion

45 min - Class


Kevin Bowen teaches a Mat Fusion workout in which half of the class is floor Mat work and half of the class is standing Mat work. Kevin explores exercises such as Teaser, Balance Control, and Jackknife while on the floor, and squats and rotation while standing. Kevin's class has great emphasis on breath patterns for those that desire breath cues along with the exercises.

Kevin uses elements of the warm-up and some of the fusion moves in this video based on his experience working with the willPower Method®, under the direction of Stacey Lei Krauss.
What You'll Need: Mat

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I'm Kevin Bowlin and we're going to do a little fusion mat class. So we're going to do some floor work first for about a half an hour, not quite, and then we're going to do some standing for work as well. So a little bit of amended eight amended mad class, not mended, but amended Matt Class. So why don't we start on our mats lying down supine. [inaudible] bending your knees, bring your knees together so that your legs are touching.

And let's just do a little creative movement here. Just drop your knees side to side to get a little movement through your body. If you want, you can open your arms out to the side. That's fine. Wherever you feel comfortable. This is just a little exploratory movement. Very good. Try a couple of more to each side.

When you're finished with those couple, come back to the center. Separate your legs a little bit so your knees and your Asi es line up and drop your knees side to side again, four more. Two on each side. Excellent. Come back to the center. Keep your legs in that position. Take your hands and put them across your chest.

Inhale to prepare and exhale. Just peel off roundup and look between your legs. Hold it there for four, three, two, and one roll back down again. Inhale, exhale, peel off. Round up. Keep the abdominal zen. Keep it nice and strong and release and go back down. This time, peel off roundup. Come there. Hold the position. Extend your arms and legs out.

Now that's it. Hold it for four, three, two, and one. Bend your knees and roll your body back down. Good. This time. Inhale. Exhale. Roll it up. Extend your arms, leave your legs as they are, but one leg at a time with your right leg up and drop it down. Lift your left leg up and drop it down.

Right leg up and down. Left leg up. Keep the abdominals in. Keep pressing the back down, up and down, up and release. Inhale and exhale and release your upper body down. Very good. Now what I want you to do is to roll over to the right side. Just kinda roll. Hold it there and then roll onto your back and roll onto the left side and let the whole body go with you. So just take it over, stretch, and then come back and let's do the other side. Go back to the right, roll it over. Stretch. Go back to the left, roll it over and stretch. Excellent.

Go back one more time to each side. Good. Stretch it out. And last time, find a comfortable place for you. Stretch it out, bring it back to the center. Excellent. What I'd like you to do now is to roll over onto your stomach. Okay. Take your arms and cross them in front of you like so.

So they're kind of crossed over and put your head down and then present to your arms and lengthen your head out and come up into a little back extension. And you can press down into your arms as you do this. And exhale and return. And again, press into your arms, lift up into extension and returned down. And again, press into your arms. Lift up into extension. Hold it there. Turn your head to the right and center.

And the left and center and release back down this time. What I want you to do is open your arms apart so your elbows now are back a little bit further and you're going to press yourself up into the Spinx position. So push yourself up, lift up tall, open up your shoulders, hold it there and release and go back down. Excellent. Two more. Pull yourself back. Good. Stay in this bent arm position and go back down. And we're going to do that just one more time. Bring yourself back, bring yourself up, hold the position here.

Now press into your forearms and try to round your upper back and then pull back and arch your upper back. Lift your head and chest up and again, press into it round and pull back in arch. Good. You've got one more to do. Press intuit and round and pull back and arch. Excellent. Bring your body all the way down. Place one hand on top of the other hand and let your forehead rest on your hands so your nose doesn't get crushed there. And I want you to lift both legs up in the air and release them down.

Think of the long getting your legs, reaching out the heels, lift them up and release them down. And again, lift them up and release it down. And one last time, lift it up and hold it. Now do some little kicks. Breathing through your nose. Exhaling through your mouth. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and stop. Drop your legs down and sit back into your rest position.

Take a little stretch there, breathe into your back. Great. From your rest position. What I want you to do is to bring yourself up and curl your toes underneath you and come into a little rounded knee stretch position. Hold it there and then arch your back a little bit and then we'll round it and arch it and round it and arch it. Release down. Sit back into your rest position, reach your fingertips forward. Great. And then move your body so you come forward onto your arms and back.

And do that again. Go forward and back and forward and back. And last time, forward and back. Hold the rest position for a second. Breathe a little bit. Great.

I want you to sit up and turn yourself around so you're facing towards the doors here. Straighten your legs out in front of you. Reach your arms out, take a breath in, and as you exhale, roll your body all the way down to the floor. [inaudible] excellent. Come into your favorite position for the hundred you have a choice. Knees Bent, feet on the floor, table, top position, or low arms and legs extended out. And here we go. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Last one. Inhale. Exhale. Hold the position. Pull your knees into your chest, release your upper body down. Straighten your legs out onto the mat, extend them out.

Reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Reach them back behind you. Roll Up. Inhale, reach your arms up your head. Exhale, peel off, round over, and reach. Inhale there. Exhale, release and roll back down. Reaching those arms back. Breathe. Inhale, arms head. Exhale, peel off, round over, stretch out. Inhale, exhale, come all the way back down. Three more. Here we go. Arms Spurs, stick sail, head peel round. Reach over and roll back down.

Bring those arms back. Inhale, reach your arms up your head. Exhale, peel off, rollover and release. Back Down. And let's just do one last one. Here we go. Reach back and exhale, peel off round all the way over. Inhale, exhale, come back down. Reach your arms back, angels in the snow around to the sides. Circle them around. Bring your arms in, bend your knees, extend your legs up to the ceiling rollover. Inhale to prepare. Arms on the ground. Exhale, peel off and rollover. Inhale, open your legs. Exhale, roll back down. Control your body. Great.

Close your legs. Inhale, exhale, peel off rollover. Inhale, open and flex. Exhale, release and come all the way back down. Close your legs. Inhale, exhale, peel off rollover. Inhale, open and flex. Exhale and release and go all the way back down right here. Close your legs. Open your legs. Flex. Exhale, peel off, rollover. Inhale, close. Exhale, come back down.

Inhale, open, flex. Exhale, peel off, rollover. Inhale, close point, exhale, release. And come back down, and one last time. Inhale, open. Exhale, flex and rollover in your clothes. Exhale and release and roll your body back down. Good. Lower your legs all the way to the ground and stretch it out right there. Great. Bend your right knee.

Extend your right leg up to the ceiling. Take a nice stretch there. If you want to grab the back of your leg and take a little stretch. Excellent. Go right ahead and release the leg a little bit. Single leg circles. Turn it out just a bit for me and we're going to circle in and around, in and around as big or as small as you want. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and stop. Other way. Inhale out to the side and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Two more. Inhale, exhale. Excellent. You guys. Inhale and exhale. Stop. Stretch that leg and bend your knee and slide the leg out.

When you're finished with a little stretch left leg, bend it back in, extended back up, grabbed the back of the thigh. Take a little stretch there, release it, turn it out just a little bit. Circle out this time. Inhale for one, exhale for two. Inhale for three. Exhale for four. Stabilizing your pelvis. Inhale five. Exhale six there way. Here we go. Inhale for one, exhale for two.

Inhale for three. Exhale for four. Inhale five. Exhale, six. Great. Stretch the leg. Pull it in. Stretch it out on the mat. Reach your arms around to the side and back behind you. Roll Up.

Inhale arms and head, and exhale. Peel off and round all the way up. Excellent. Good. Bend your knees in. We're going to do a little rolling like a ball. Find your favorite rolling position. I'm not gonna get picky.

We just want to roll and stay rounded. Inhale, as you roll back. Exhale as you roll up again. Inhale back. Exhale up. Inhale back. Exhale up. Two more. Inhale back. Exhale up. One last time. Inhale back. Exhale up.

Come up and hold it. Grab onto the right leg and straighten the left leg out and slowly lower yourself down to the floor. Stay rounded up. Single leg stretch. Here we go. Inhale on the right and exhale, left. Inhale, and exhale. Inhale, and exhale. Inhale, and exhale. Inhale. Double-Time. Here we go. Inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Inhale, inhale, exhale. Last set. Inhale. Inhale. Exhale. Xcel both legs in. Stop, hold it there.

Don't lose it. Double leg stretch. Exhale, extend, reach back. Inhale, circle around again. Exhale, extend, reach back. Inhale, circle around. Three more. Exhale, extend. Inhale, circle around again. Exhale. Inhale. Last time. Exhale. Inhale, hold it there. Grab your legs, give yourself a hug. Ah, lower your upper body down. Lower your legs straight down. Straighten them out, reach your arms back. One roll up for me. Inhale, arms and head. Exhale, peel off. Round up. Stuck your spine up tall.

Sit up as tall as you can. Open your legs apart, just a little bit about as wide as your mat and not quite. Flex your feet. Spine, stretch. Here we go. Inhale to prepare. Exhale, round over and stretch and inhale, stack back. Up and again, inhale, exhale, round over and stretch in deep. Inhale, stack back up. Two more. Inhale to prepare. Exhale, round over and stretch. Inhale, stack back up and again, last time. Exhale, round over and stretch. Stretch. Now hold it there for four, three, two, and one stackup tall. Bring your legs together. Inhale, exhale, roll back down. Great. Leave your arms at your side. Bend both knees, extend both legs. Straight up. We're going to do a little amended corkscrew.

We're going to first circle to the right. We're going to go inhale and exhale to the left. Inhale and exhale. Feel free. Anyone who wants to to make a full corkscrew, but it's not necessary. Two more. Here we go. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale, and exhale. Good. Bend both knees, straighten both legs out onto the floor and turn yourself over onto your stomach. Great. Okay, we're going to do a little swan. Told you it was amended. Yeah, all the way onto your stomach. So bring your hands to the side a little bit. Find the comfort zone rested down with your arms. Inhale, lift your head and chest up just a little bit and exhale and release back down. And again, lift up and exhale and release back down. And one more time. Inhale and lift.

Exhale and release back down. Lift your legs up, bring them up in the air and release them down. And again, lift your legs up, bring them up and bring them back down. Bring them up this time. Hold it. Press your upper body up and do a little rocking of your choice. Inhale and exhale. Five little rocks. That's all you need to do. Whatever you can do, everyone does a different level.

When you're finished with those five rocks, stop. Sit back into rest position. Take a little bit of a break, stretch it out. Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes. That's what I thought. Bring your body forward. Come up onto your forearms for the single leg kick.

Extend your chest up. Lengthen your legs out. Starting with the right foot, we're going to go kick, kick and straight and left. Kick, kick and straightened right kick, kick and straight. And do a little breath, right. Two more on each leg. Right, left again, right and left. Excellent. Release your upper body down. Shake your body side to side. Loosen it up a little bit. We're going to do a little double leg.

Now turn your head to the right. Take your hands behind you and your lower back. Hold it there for four, three, two, and one. Turn your head to the left. Notice the difference. Relax your upper body. Hold it for four, three, two, and one AA. Kick both legs. Kick in three times. Kick once, twice, three times. Straighten your legs out. Pull your arms back, lift up into back extension.

Exhale and release. Turn your head the other way. Inhale, kick, kick, kick. Exhale, reach and lift up. And again, here we go. Inhale, kick, kick, kick XL, release and lift up. Hold it there. Bring your arms, sweep them for, breathe in. Bring them back. Breathe out. Keep your body lifted. Bring him forward. Breathe in. Bring them back. Breathe out. One more time. Bring them forward. Breathe in. Bring him back. Breathe out.

Bring him forward and push yourself back into rest position. Take a little bit of a break. Breathe in your back. Big Breaths. Inhale and exhale. Hold it there. Excellent. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Turn over. So you're sitting up tall with your legs straight out in front of you.

Bring your arms out. Exhale, roll your body back down. Well, your body all the way back down. Once you get their arms at your side, bend your knees. Good. Put your feet flat on the ground. Little shoulder bridge. First we'll start with our coxix curl. Exhale, lift your body up. Lower body comes up. Inhale at the top and exhale and come back down. Very good. And again, inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone and lift up.

Come up higher. Excellent. Inhale and exhale. Come back down. Great. One last time. Inhale. Exhale. Bring your lower body up. Lift it up, hold it there. Now pull the right knee in. Extend the right leg up. Flex the foot, bring it down. Point the foot lifted up again.

Flex down point. Lift up one more time. Flex down. Point, lift up. Hold it. Keep your balance. Ben. That right leg. Put the foot flat on the ground. Left leg bend the left leg in. Extended straight out. Flex your foot, bring it down, points your foot, bring it up again, flex your foot down. Point your foot up. Flex your foot down, pointed up. Hold it there. Bend your knee, place the foot on the ground.

Breathe in and exhale and release your spine back down to the ground. Good. Drop your knees side to side. Stretch it out. Excellent. We're going to do a little amended Jack Knife. Okay. Bend your knees in towards your chest. Straighten your legs up towards the ceiling. Inhale to prepare.

Exhale, roll back a little bit. Inhale, lift up and release back down. It doesn't have to be big. It's tiny. Inhale, reach out. Exhale, peel off and back. Inhale up. Exhale and release down. And one more time. Inhale back. Exhale up reach. Inhale, release and come back down. Good. Bend your knees. Feet go down straight and your legs out.

Roll over onto your left side so you're on your edge. Create a little banana with your body. Let your left arm extend out on. Let your head rest on your arm. If you want to come up higher that spine, it's not necessary. Okay. Energize your torso, lift the top leg up, flex the foot, and you're going to kick front, front, swing, back, back again. Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale. Again.

Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale. Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale. Two more. Exhale. Exhale. Last one. Exhale. Exhale. Bring the legs back together. Release them down. Flip over onto the other side. Same thing on the opposite side. Little banana shape. Energize the torso.

Energize the center of your body. Let your head rest. Take the left leg up and you're going to inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Again. Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, swing back. Good. Keep your breath, breath and back. Back. Two more. Inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Inhale. Inhale, exhale. Exhale. Bring your legs together.

Release them down and relax. Excellent. Good. Roll onto your back. Okay. Pull yourself into a tiny little ball like you're going to create a cannonball splash when you go in the pool. Okay, round your head up. Follow my cues. Exhale, straighten your arms and legs and reach your legs up a little bit. Inhale, reach your arms and back. Circle them around and exhale. Come up into a teaser if you can, wherever that is.

Inhale at the top and exhale, release back down. Pull your knees back into your chest. Get that cannonball going again. Here we go. Exhale, straighten your arms and legs. Inhale, reach back, circle around, and come up into your teaser. Inhale, exhale, release back down. Pull your knees into your chest. One last time. Here we go. Exhale. Straighten your arms and legs out. Inhale, reach back, circle around. Exhale, come up teaser. Hold it. Hold it for four, three, two, and one.

Release all the way down. Pull your knees into your chest. Relax. Rock. Side to side on your lower back. Take a little break. Okay, good. Turn yourself over. We're going to come into the leg. Poor position, Huh? So you're going to press yourself up into your, the new favorite thing in the fitness industry. The plank. Let's do the plank. Everybody come up into your plank. Ah, we love planks.

Don't we? Pele's style only now kicked the right and down. Kick the left and down. Kick the right and down. Kick the left and down. One more. Right down and left down. Bend your knees.

Sit back into rest position for a second. Good. Turn yourself over so you're on your backside. Fingertips forward, side or back. Whatever's easy for you. And press yourself up into the leg. Pull back position. Lift the pelvis up. Look down at your feet.

Right leg comes up and down. Left leg, up and down. Right leg, up and down. Left leg, up and down. One more time. Down, left and down. Lower your upper body down. Or I should say your pelvis. Upper Body. Wouldn't that be funny? Okay. Give yourself a little bit of a stretch.

Just reach your arms over forward and side. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Good. How are we doing? Okay. Okay, let's kneel and face me. Thank you. Fun. Now takes me back to my alter boy days when I was in Catholic school. Okay.

Yeah, I always had an alter boy. Something else I never mentioned. Okay. Put your left hand behind your head and bring your body down onto the right side and extend the left leg out and just kinda hold it there. Try to get strong. I'm not gonna make you do the exercise, just the position. So stop complaining you people out there and these people in here. Okay. Bring your body down and then back up into it. Ah, Neil again for me. Thank you father. Okay, let's do the other side. Yeah, they'd be a, I'm not gonna. I'm not.

That's another thing. That's another part of my biography. We're not going to go into. Okay, hold it there. Ah, hold it. Breathe. Come on. Flight Net, position strong and bring yourself up. Ah, excellent. Reach your arms up. Exhale, circle them around and right here we're going to take a quick break. What I want you to do if you're doing the class with us is remove your mats. So we're going to take our mats away for one second.

So we're going to start back in a plank position on the wood floor. Okay, let's do a few pushups right here. We're going to go to down and up, down and up. Down and up. Down and up. Down and hold. All right, pike it up. Pelvis comes up. Take your body back. Pedal your feet. Sorry.

Six, seven. Let's do eight more and start to walk your feet closer to your hands by six, seven, eight crouched down. Take your fingertips back, press your heels down and around your body up. Excellent. Move your shoulders around a little bit. Now let's turn and face me. We're going to start with the right foot.

We're going to lift and lower lift and lower. Lift and lower. Hold it up. We're going to go across the metatarsal pads across, across. We're going to circle, circle, circle, other way. Excellent, and stop. Lower that right foot down. Lift the left foot up. Up Two, three across, across, oo, across. Crunchy, crunchy across as why we're doing it and circles. Circle two, three for other ways. Circle two, three, four. Good. Bring both legs down. Raise up on your toes. That's it. And bring your body down. Lift your toes and spread them apart.

Lower your toes. Raise up onto the Meta tarsals and release down. Lift your toes. Spread them apart. One last time, feet res. Come down and release. Take your feet out. Little little heel toe out. We're going to start with a little squat.

Hands on the thighs. It's going to be Amy's favorite. We're going to sit and come up. Two Up, three up, four up. Good. Four more. Three, two, and one. Hold up. Walk your feet in. Zip your legs up. We're gonna go down, up, down, up, and lift up on your toes. Up.

Four more. Three to stay up on your toes and try to do this. Little raise. Little relevant. Three. Four. I know it's not so easy. Six, seven, and A. Lower your heels down. Ah, move it around just a little bit. Excellent. Take your body out just a little bit. Okay.

And we're going to start to lunch and lunch. So you're going left, or I should say right and left, right and left. Take your hands behind your back right now. The chest is going to go right and left, right and left, right and left, right and left. Two more. Right and left. Now hands come to your thighs.

You can start to walk out a little bit lower on your thighs. Drop your body forward. Shoulders stay open. Backstay straight to three. Remember Jane Jane Fonda. Here we go. Reach, reach, reach, reach for more.

Three more, two more, and one on each side. Come back to the center bend. Hold it there. Press your legs open just a little bit. Press them open. Yeah. And release hands on your quads. Straighten your legs up. Walk your feet in. Ah, raise up on your toes again and release them down. Raise up on your toes. Whoa. And release them down.

Raise up on your toes and release him down. And one more time, but your toes and release them down. Great. Walk your feet out just just, just a little bit. Reach your arms up. So we're going to drop the left arm and reach with the right and up. Drop the opposite end reach. It's a little bit of a windmill, little bit of a windmill and down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up again. Two more.

Down, up, down, and stop. Open your out to the side. Move your shoulders back. Bring your feet back in. We're going to do a little half jumping jack. So we're going to go out and in, out, and in, out and in, out up to speed. So we go out in, out, in, out, in, out, in for three, two, stop, Huh?

Yes. Now, front and back. So we're going to go front, back, front, back, front, back, front speed. Front, back, boom. Eight more. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Stop. Good. Squat with duck. Little narrow squat. Lift up, down, up. Four, up, five, up. Six Up. Seven up. Eight. Hold it here, reach up. Take your thumbs back, stretch, look at the ceiling and just release and look forward. Dorms down again. Reach, stretch back. Push the thumbs back, reach back. Look Front. Bring your arms down. Two more.

We're going to reach up. Press the thumbs back, arch front, come down. Last time. Reach, press, come front, come down. Now we're going to reach and then we're going to just come down to the floor and back up again. Down and back. Down and back. Down and back. One more time. Down and back.

Hold it there. Stretch. Great. Bring your arms together, round over your body and come all the way down. Hold it there. And just Tang roundups and your back is about straight. Extend your arms out and then come right up, stretch back. Inhale, exhale, round over. Reach forward and round. Round the back to splat.

Extend the arms out, reach up arch, and inhale. Exhale, round over. Round up to flat. Extend the arms out. Reach up. We're going to change it a little. You're going to round over. Exhale. Inhale, round up to flat. Extend your arms out. You're going to circle around to the right and come to the center.

Circle around to the left and come to the center and again to the right and come to the center and again to the left and come to the center and then dropdown or round up. Hands on your pelvis. Right back here. Open up the chest, stretch back, look up. We can see healing and release. Excellent. Step your feet out just a little bit. We're going to go back to that side, the side lunge, starting on your right and left, right and left. Four more. Four, three, two, one. Hold it here. Turn the right foot in.

Keep the left foot out and you're going to come down. Up. Two, up, three, up, four. Up Four more. Down, up, press off the leg. Two we're going to add the arms. So adding the left arm, pull. Two, three, that's it. Pull four, five, six, seven, eight at a twist down. Twist it back to twist it back, twist it back, twist it back. Six Woo.

Seven pull eight pull hands here and back to that side to side. Yes. And, and did here, turning the opposite leg out. Turn this leg out to the side. So we're going to go down, up, two up, three up, pull it back. Four up. Five up, six up, seven up. Eight adding the arms. So down, pull, pull, pull, pull for more. Three. Two, adding the twists.

Next year we go down. Pull, pull, pull. Good. Last four, pull. Pull, pull. One, pull hands, come back down. Come on. Back Down. Round yourself. Back Up. Ah, Ooh. Walk your feet in. Ah, I'm going to do it with you. Starting with fee, right foot.

We're going to go punch, punch, pull and down. Uppercut. Boom. Pull and down. Uppercut punch. Pull and down. Last one. Punch. Pull and stop. We're going to reverse it. So we step left up, punch, pull and down. Uppercut. Push, pull and back again. Up.

Push, pull and back. Last time up. Push, pull and back. Reach up. Exhale, open. Ah, good. We're going to start again. Reaching right, left, right, left for more. If you want to do this even better, get down to the floor, baby. Down to the floor. One, two, three, four, five, six. Everyone's favorite sequence twisting. Come back to the center. Walk your feet in a little bit. Turn the right leg out. Keep the left leg as it is.

Twist to this income over hand on your Shin for support. You've got your right hand on your right Shin for support. Left arm reaches down. You're going to pull and reach, pull and reach. Pull, reach, pull. Reach for more. Reach it, reach it, reach it. Good. You're going to add a twist so the elbow comes up. Good. Elbow comes up. Twist the tourist though. Twist the torso for more.

Four, three, two. We're gonna add the head next. So we're going to go twist and look up. Two, three. Breathe. Four, five, six, seven. You're going to hold this last one. Hold it up. Look up, reach your arm up. Reach the opposite arm downs. Take a nice stretch.

Good release. Bring your left arm over to the right leg. Twist to it. Reach the right arm. Paul, Paul, Paul [inaudible]. Good. Add a little twist right here. We're going to twist, twist, twist, hold. Put your hand up here on your rib cage. Twist your body around.

Use your arms for the support and release. Bring your body down. Round yourself up. Turn both feet so they're pointed straight ahead. Okay, and shoulders circle two, three, four. Starting to add the arms. Reach two, three and four. Take your hands back behind you and stretch. Look up at the ceiling and release.

Ah, good. We're going to start the other side. Oh No. Side to see. With music, you wouldn't know what was going on. Good. And come back to the center and stop. Turn. So we've got the left foot pointed ahead. The right here. Rotate the body drop down.

Left hand on your left Shin for support, right arm reaches and pull to breathe for five, six, seven. You're going to add the twist. Here we go. Twist. Two, three, four. Breathe. Seven. Good. Add the head. Here we go. Up Two, three, four, five, six, seven. Hold it. Stretch, reach up.

Reach down. Big Stretch. Look up at the ceiling. Release. Breathing the right arm down. Reach it around the left leg. Opposite Pool. Pull two, three, four. Adding your twist. Twist. Really Ring your body out and pull it around. Look back behind you. Hand on your rib cage. Twist it around.

Hold it there. Release. Come down. Round up. Both the pointed straight ahead and now one arm at a time. Circle back. Breathe seven and eight hands come behind you.

Stretch down. Look up. Release. Ah, come back to the center. Good. Turn again to your right. Come back into a little lunge position. Tuck under, hold this. Reach your arms up. Let the hand right hand grabs the left and you stretch it over.

Stretching and reach up. Good and change other way. You've lunge back. Lift up on the back heel, tuck it under, reach up, grab it and stretch it over. Release. Open your arms out to the side. Step your feet together. Turn and face me. Raise up, come down, raise up, come down, raise up, come down last time. Hold it here, reach your arms up.

Exhale, open your arms out to the side. Hold it there. Come back to the center and thank you.


1 person likes this.
I loved this class. Beautiful transitions in the mat work and I really appreciated the standing work. Some really lovely explorations. Thank you!
2 people like this.
Kevin is a bit of a pilates maestro during the mat work. This was my first pilatesanytime workout and I really enjoyed it. Thanks Kevin!
3 people like this.
I loved this class! Felt like we worked on every muscle from head to toes.. Thank you!
his cues are excellent, which is so important when trying to follow along from a laptop
1 person likes this.
Lots of fun movement. Great class. Thank you.
Welcome to PIlates Anytime Lisa!
1 person likes this.
Amazing class!! Loved that there were tons of new and different moves in this class that I hadn't tried before.. I feel like I've worked and stretched every muscle in my body.. loved it!!!! :)
really nice Kevin! just came inside after 5 hours of yard work and it was the perfect class to re-energize for the evening. thanks!
Maravillosa, feels that all my energy is coming back to me on this Sunday, sunshining day in Lima, Perú, thanks very much for making me feel so great!!!!!
Thank you Kevin! This was the best workout class I've ever participated in! I loved it!
1-10 of 14

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