Class #1729

Hips, Arms, and Deep Abs

50 min - Class


Hips, arms, and the deep abdominals are the focus of this Wunda Chair workout with Mariska Breland. She takes you through Footwork, variations of Tendon Stretch, Press Downs, Side Kicks, Pull Ups, Frog, and Teaser, among other exercises. After all this, Mariska pushes you by finishing the workout with "extreme" Push-Ups!
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Jun 28, 2014
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Hi, I'm Mariska with fuse [inaudible] and Kaita is here with me. We're going to do a chair workout. I'm only going to have really two different spring settings, so I'm going to have kind of a heavy and I'll light. And so my heavy for her right now cause she's pretty small, is um, we're on a balanced body chair. I have one spring on a three and one on a two there, the two black springs.

And um, then the other one I'm going to do is just taking one of the springs off and just being on a single one on three. So let's go ahead and start, um, sort of the focus that we're going to do today is a lot of hips, a lot of arms, and a lot of really working into the deep abs. Go ahead and come sort of forward on the mat and then we'll do the fancy, we'll do the fancy PyLadies sit down. So crushed your arms, one leg behind the other. Grow Taller first before you, you know, while you did. Okay. Let's go ahead and lay down and then we're just gonna Bring Your arches of your feet onto the seat and then you want to be scooted in. So you want to be at about a 90 degree angle of your legs.

Yup, that's fine. Yeah. And you just actually are going to have your knees bent, so your feet are going to be on the pedals. So it's heavy enough that you could move it, but we're going to try not to move it. So inhale to prepare. Exhale, draw your abdominals in, sync your abs to your spine, and then roll up one vertebrae at a time and you want to make sure that your knees stay about a fist distance apart. Come up a little bit higher for me. Good. And then lay your spine down one vertebrae at a time. It's just a basic pelvic curl to start. Tailbone comes all the way down. Good. Again, exhale, pull your abdominals in, tilt your pelvis and roll up one vertebra at a time, coming again to that straight line, and then lay your spine down one bone at a time.

So keeping it pretty simple. Just warming up the spine again. Exhale, draw your abdominals. And so were really pulling in and then lifting up, sitting with a little bit of a hamstring curl. As you're lifting up, getting some traction, you're keep your legs exactly where they are in layer spine down. So I want you to move away from me. I slower down, lower down, lower it down. So getting more articulation if you can. And then at the bottom, take a little break. We're gonna do one more of those. Exhale, pull your abdominals in, lifted up. Beautiful. So we're coming up to the top and then slowly lay your spine all the way back down. Tailbone comes down, arms float up towards the ceiling.

Inhale there. Exhale, head and chest lift. Arms reach long by your side, just coming into a crunch. Shoulders down, reach forward, and then reach up towards the ceiling as you lay your spine back down. Good. Again, exhale to lift. Lifting it up, taking that whole shape up. We're going to do arms to the ceiling first and then lower it down. Second, three more like this. Exhale, pull your abs in, lift your head and chest up and reach. Reach your arms up to the ceiling, and then lay your spine back down. Last to exhale to reach your arms. Lead your head, follows pause arms, reach up to the ceiling, pause, and then lay your spine back down. And then the last one like this, exhale to lift arms. Reach up to the ceiling. Good.

And then lower it back down. Nice and arms are going to come all the way back down. You're going to sh um, shoot me back a couple of inches. And then I want you to come to straight legs and JP, your heels over the hitch. You're going to externally rotate your legs and then slide your legs to the outside of the two. Um, sections of the pedal arms are by your side. Exhale, pull your abdominals in, lift your hips up. So coming into a straight leg, shoulder bridge, nice straight line at the top. Good. And then slowly lay your spine back down. Keep it more steady.

Good. Again, lifting it up so you're reaching it up. One Vertebrae at a time did say you have length through your legs and then slowly lay your spine down away from it. Three more like this. Exhale to lift, nice pubic bone, goes towards your ribs, and then it lifts up to a straight line and then lay your spine down. So I want more drop here. And then one vertebrae at a time, coming all the way down to the bottom and at the bottom your pelvis goes down nice. And again, we lifted up, so you're going to tilts and then lift up one vertebrae at a time to this nice straight line. And I want a little bit more, but tuck under good and then lower back down. And then the last one lifting it up and then slowly one vertebrae at a time.

We're going to lay your spine back down. Beautiful tailbone comes down, slide your legs all the way towards each other so they don't slide that easily. Sometimes arms reach up towards the ceiling on an exhale. Head and chest lift. Float your feet off of the pedal, couple of inches, reach your arms long by your side and then begin to pump your arms. Inhale and exhale.

So I want your feet just to be hovering that inch or so off the pedal. Bigger pumps. Inhale and exhale and then reached towards me cause you're coming up a little bit higher. Nice, right there. Pull your abs down from there. Beautiful. Inhale and exhale. Drop your shoulders back a little bit. Nice. Inhale and exhale. Pull your abs down. Inhale and exhale. So you're going to keep breathing. I want you to keep your arms pumping. Tap your feet down to the peddle, exhale to lift. Good.

On the inhale you tap down and exhale to lift abs and more. Last one, inhale, tap down. Exhale to lift. You're just going to hold it there for four, two, three and four. Bend your knees in, lower your head and chest all the way down. Rock a little from side to side. And then we are set up for footwork. So we're going to make a quick little adjustment, but we have the one on two, one on three.

Go ahead and come all the way up to seated position. We're gonna actually do some abs on the chair before we come into footwork. So come lying down on your back and I want you to line yourself up so that your shoulder blades are like right at the edge so that you could go into back extension, which we are going to do. Nice. And you're going to bring your legs into tabletop. Bring your hands behind your head and instead of interlacing your fingers to the wedding, let's have one hand stacked on top of the other.

Elbows are really wide. Inhale into back extension. And then exhale as you come up, you're going to close your ribs and Smush my fingers. Good. And inhale it back and exhale to lift. Nice job. Inhale it back. Had One of my teachers who works for me say the first time she did this, it felt like she'd never worked out a day in her life. Abs on the cheer. No joke. Inhale back and exhale to lift. Feel me. Hello away from my hands a little bit.

Lift up a little teeny bit higher. Nice red. Take the shape of your right leg without changing it. Dip it down like you're trying to touch it to the floor. Exhale your abs. Lift your legs back up. Left leg is going to go down. Nice and exhale to lift back up. Pull down a little bit more. Lift up higher.

Nice, right like down and exhale to lift. Good left leg down. Beautiful and exhale to lift right leg down and exhale to lift. Left leg down. Wider elbows and exhale to lift. Pull your abs in more. We're going to have a little change here.

Right leg goes down, lift up towards your left leg and then back leg comes back in wider Elvis. So we're going to lift up towards your opposite leg. Come up a little bit higher. Good and back down. Good. And we lift up and back down and lift up and down. Last one like this, lift up wider elbows and back down. Go into back extension for a second, which should feel like the best thing in the world.

And then the worst thing in the world is to come out of back extension back into, so you're going to drop your ribs lifted up from there. We're just going to do a little crunch up. Extend your right leg up, left leg out, hit an l wider elbows and Ben to come back in. Lift up, hit an Ellis, squish my fingers and Ben to come back in. Good lift up. And then to come back in and lift and Ben to come back and lift up a little higher.

Lift it up higher than that and Ben to come back in. And last one lifted up and bend to come back. In. Best part, going to extension over the chair. Let your feet finds the floor, let your arms go, floors. It's there somewhere. Good. So be careful when you come up just with your neck more than anything. So even if you want to have a hand behind your head, lift your head up and then yeah, it's kind of awful. Rock yourself up. Spin yourself around and do some footwork. Syringe, start in a polite [inaudible] so your toes are on heels are together and these are going to be about the width of your shoulders and I want you to sit forward.

It's like you're so far forward that you're really at the gluteal fold and the gluteal fold is like kind of right at the edge. Good. You're going to grow taller and because you're really strong, we're going to bring your hands behind. Your head. Options would be hands forward, hands holding onto the chair we're going to do here, but I want you to pull your ribs in, grow another inch and get your elbows a little bit wider. We're going to press your legs down and then exhale, abs. Pull it in, so want you pull your abs in more length through your low back. Good. So press it down and exhale to pull it back in.

I would maybe go down even a little less far than you're going. Suppress it down just to there and exhale to pull it back in. Find a little bit more space here and right now you're sort of stupid eating. So I want your weight to go to the big toe side of your foot, a little less dancer, feet. Good and lifted up. Good. Press it down and lifted up. Good.

Press it down and lifted up. Press it down a little bit and lifted it up. Hold it there. A little pumps for eight two, three, four, five, six taler seven and eight. Let your arms reach forward. Bring your legs closer together and then come to your arches. So sort of arches over and under, and then bring your legs all the way together.

It's going to sit up really tall. I want your knees to come all the way up towards your chest as high as the pedal can come. And then right now you're tilted back a little bit. So I want you to lean forward, reach your arms up, you're going to press the pedal down. Keep this hand here, rotate your right arm to the right chest towards the right and then back up and then rotate to the other side. And don't put the pedal all the way down. And then to center, cause we want to make sure that your hips are staying really square, so you're always think about reaching your opposite hip back of the arm that's reaching. So reach it away. Good. See if you get more of a twist, but with this hip staying back, and then return to center. Go. Let's do one more each side. So we reach it away.

Give me a slight posterior tilt and then come back to center. And last time, reach it away. Nice. And come all the way back to center and keep your arms there. Bring your legs a little bit wider apart, and then come to your arches. Um, actually sorry, let's come to your heels.

So let's take your right leg forward and then let it hang down. And then let your left leg sort of lift up. So I want you to press, bring your hands to the feet. We're gonna be nice for your hands to the seat and you're going to press your left leg down and lift your right leg up. So left leg goes down, right leg lifts, and then switch. Good and press. And I want you to watch here that you're not so lean back towards me a little bit. Lift your left leg up and then press good.

And then you just watch how low you're lowering your left leg, cause you want to make sure that you're not adding a little hip twist in it, that it's really staying can controlled from your core, which most of the time is going to minimize how much this leg is moving. Good. Let's do just two more lifted up and then press your hands here and push back. Good ribs back and last one. And then plant that foot down. Let that knee lift up and let your left leg dry. Drape over the edge. Good.

Press down, lift your left leg up, and then think about reaching your left leg away from you as your right leg lifts back up. Good and pressed down and stay nice and square here. Grow Taller, feel me. Come towards me. So keep going. Press it down and up. Press it down and up. Press it down and up. Two more.

Press it down and up. Try to minimize the hip twist. Press it down and up. Nice. Both feet are going to come onto the pedal. Let's go ahead and first come into a plotty. Zvi Heels are together, toes are apart. Bring your hands to the outside, but forward edge of the chair. And then come to where you're kind of pressing into your arms, pressing against your hands. So you're gonna have the heel of your hand down.

Pedal comes all the way to the top. So hands down. Yup. Right there. Press into your hands, press into your feet, round your spine and send your butt back. Lifting your hips off just a little bit. Good your head weights down. Bend your elbows to move the pedal out to the side and push. Bend out to the side and push gorgeous.

Bend out to the side and push. Lift into my hand. Bend out to the side and push. Bend out to the side and pushed a couple more like this. Bend it out and push. Bend it out. Push up to the top, pull your knees in so much that your feet lift off the pedal.

It's totally possible and hold gorgeous. We'll try that again. Lift perfect. Hold for four, two, three and have a seat. Nice. You can blame Julianne for that. That was totally hit. Let's go ahead and we're going to do a little variation of tendon stretch, which I actually really liked for group classes because it sort of gives people a different levels. Um, a way to get into it. So your hands are going to be in a similar position, but this time they're a little bit more forward.

Let's be on your heels cause it's a little bit, I think a little bit easier. So you're impressed. Your legs down to your knees are in line with your hips only til they're in line with your hips. So only halfway down the pedal is going to stay where it is. You round your spine, straighten your legs and lift your butt back. Good. And then try to keep the pedal where it is and then bend your knees. So you have to use a lot of abs to slow your descent down.

Beautiful and have a seat down. So again, exhale, pressing into your hands, pressing into your feet, lifting your abs up and back and lifting away with straight legs. Good. And then we bend and come back down. Let's do one more of those. Exhale to lift it up and back. So we're coming up and back into my hands a little bit more so your legs are straight. And now we're going to lower the peddle down towards the floor. And exhale, pull your abs into, come up and back.

Try to keep your shoulder blade spread. Good. Lower it down and exhale to lift. Lower it down and exhale to lift. Hold it there, bend your knees and then we'll have a seat. Now we're going to do a fun little variation. It will feel like I punched you in the stomach.

That means you're doing it correctly. Presser likes down, same position you were in before you extend your right leg forward. Your right heel is going to end up tapping when you come into extension. Yeah. When you lift up. So from this exact same exercise, round your spine, press into your hands, press into your foot, extend your legs to now your right leg comes down good. And then sit it back down. Right leg forward. You want to do that one more time. Suppressants your foot, press into your hands.

Keep the pedal where it is lifted up. Hold your right leg a little bit more forward. Going down and up twice with straight leg. So this leg is gonna stay straight. So the sort of sweeping. So we're lifting it up good. And we go down, up, down, up, and then lower it all the way down.

Take your right leg to the right. Take your right hand to the middle. Zach, same way to come into it. More towards the right than that. Like Yup. Side of the chair. Press into your foot. Keep the pedal where it is. Lift your hips up and back. Good. So almost all of us are gonna lean. You did a nice job correcting it. So we're going to hold it there and I want you to just take your right leg and do little lifts with your right leg for eight to three.

Can you come more to the center for five, six, seven and eight and then lower it all the way down. Plant that leg down, and then we have whole other side. Good News. Go ahead and I'm hands are down first. Your left leg is going to extend, so same deal. You're going to press into your hands, press into your right foot, lifted up and back, and then your left heel touches down just for a second. And then you sit it back down. Good. And another one is where you're lifting it up and back.

A little more round here. Good and lower back down. And then on this next one's lifted up and hold it there. Pulling your abs in, lift up and hold, and then you're going to lower it down the shape and lift it back up. Good. Lower down and lifted up. And then you can lower it all the way down. Left-Hand to the middle, left leg to the left. So it's coming all the way up to the left. Press down into your right foot, press into your hands, round your spine, and then you extend your legs straight to lift it up. Nice.

We're going to do eight little lifts through like up to three, hit me, four, five, six, seven and eight. And then slowly make your way all the way down. From there you can bring your leg back to center. And then let's go ahead and step off. So we're going to do some standing leg pumps.

So we're going to change the spring weight. Um, let's do just the one spring on three and first we're going to face sort of towards the side of the chair. So I want you to come measure your foot distance away from the chair and then give yourself a little bit more space than that. Good you're gonna face towards me. Come to a polite ease v and then step your left foot slightly forward of you at an angle onto the pedal. And then you want your heels to be nice and lifted. Good and a little bit more weight into the big toe side of your foot.

Hands can be on your hips. We're going to press the pedal down, grow taller, and then lift the pedal back up. I know the up is the hard. Press it down and lifted up. Good ribs or an abs run. Press it down and lifted up. Stu. Two more like this. We'll press down and lift crest down and lift or go. Press the pedal down and keep it down. So you press it down, drop your heel down without moving the pedal. Lift back up to Relevate and then the pedal lifts up to the top. Good. Two more like that. So press it down, lower your heel, lift your heel and then back up. And one more time like this, we press it down. Lower your heel, lift your heel, come up halfway from this halfway position. Bend your right leg, but keep the pedal where it is.

So we're going to play with your right leg. Keep the pedal still right leg is going to extend all the way straight. Good. Liai and left and ple, a trying to keep the pedal still and lift two more. Flea a and lift and last one, plea a down, lifted up, let the pedal come all the way up to the top and then foot comes down nice. And then we'll turn around face the other direction. So you're standing up a little bit wider than your foot's distance away.

And then this time you're going to take your right foot forward and you're on point. And for you making sure that you have equal weight into the big toe side and the pinky toe side and this knee really open, or it start by pushing the pedal all the way to the floor. Grow Taller here. Once your ribs in Nice, grow taller, squeeze your glutes, ice, and then let the peddle lift up to the top. And then we press down and then pull to come back up. Think about growing taller and slight posterior tilt, just the slightest.

And then lift it back. Good. Press it down and lifted up. And try not to let that right hip hike at all. So drop that right hip, the tiniest little bit. Good. Press it down and lifted up and press it down. Hold it down, drop your heel down without moving the huddle and lift it back up. Good.

Keep it down and then again drop it down and lift it up and try not to shift into your hip suit. Think about lifting away from the floor. Really good. Push into the floor. Last one like this, lower it down and lifted up. Let your foot come up about halfway. Try to keep the pedal where it is and then press or go ahead and bend leg. Good. I want you to lift up more here. Ribs back a little bit and lower down and lift. I think we only did three on the left side.

Lower it down and lift. Let the pedal lift up. And then graceful dancer, like lower your leg down. No pressure. Beautiful coming all the way up. Okay, so we added a spring to do pikes. If you're feeling, you know a little bit saucy today, you can leave it on one spring, but we're going to do two springs. So I want you to go ahead and stand onto the pedal with your hands forward on the chair. And so hands are going to be right underneath your shoulders and we're just gonna start by setting you up.

I would actually have your hands come a little bit more forward, especially if you're rusty and you tend to feel a lot of tension in your wrist and you want to try to lengthen your risks. So first I'm going to do is lean forward so that your shoulders stacked directly over your knuckles. And then the bad news is you don't get to come forward of that. So I want you to round your spine and press your pelvis towards the chair and then press into your hands and your feet together and lift the pedal up. So I want more roundness here.

Could lift up a little bit higher and then we're going to lower down halfway. Only exhale to lift. So come into my hand here. Nice more length and low back. Perfect right there. So you're pushing your pelvis towards the chair and then you're lifting up and pressing down and lifting up. Press it down, lift it up and hold. So because I'm sure everyone, including everyone at home has leaned forward a little bit. I want you to lean your weight back the tiniest little bit. Gorgeous.

Now drop it down a little bit. So your pelvis is pushing to the chair to round your lower back and lifted back up. Good. Two more. So pelvis presses down to lift it back up. And last one like this, can you get round your here, lifting it up and lower all the way down. Take a little break, keep your hands on the seat, drop your heels and then stretch back. So that was it. I'll come back into it. So we're gonna come back forward.

So your shoulders are over your knuckles again. Shoulders are down, and then press into your, what'd you turn your feet in a little bit from where they are good to all of your toes are on. And actually let's bring your legs two parallel for this one. So round your spine, pelvis, press towards the chair. You can lean forward a little bit, drop your head weight and then round to lift up. So from there, we're only going to lift up about halfway. So you're trying to maintain this position.

Bend your knees in and press your legs straight. There can be round or here, bend in and press bend in. And press last one like this, bend in and press and Ben, just your right knee in and hold. Trying to keep the pedal where it is. So I want your knee in towards your nose and hold for four rounder, two, three and four. Right leg down, left knee in and hold for four, two, three and four, like down, lower the pedal slowly all the way down to the bottom. And then again, lean your way, backdrop your kids.

I feel like it's unnecessary to do anymore of those. What do you think here? Like we can be done. Go ahead and step your feet off. Let the pedal rise slowly. When I come back to a single spring, I'm, you actually don't need to for this exercise. You could sort of stay on there, but we can come to a single spring for this first part. So I want you to, um, let's face towards the camera first and bring your right hand here and step your right foot only onto the pedal. And don't worry, we're not doing star. That would be crazy. So, um, hips come forward a little bit. Lefthand behind your right hand behind your head, left hand behind your head, and then extend this leg out.

Lengthen your low back so you want your hips tucked under and we're going to kick your leg to the front. So just like kneeling sidekicks except gnarlier and then come back and we go front and back and her legs like three times higher than my leg would be if I was doing this. Let's do two more like this. We go to the front and to the back and to the front and to the back. Let's go straight out to the side. Little circles each direction. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, switch for eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Slowly lower your leg all the way down can just step onto the pedal and we're just going to turn yourself face the other direction.

So this time we're going to have your left hand to the middle. You want to be like you're between two panes of glass, we're gonna lift your right leg up, right hand behind your head. Ribs are in. So you finding length through your spine and you're lifting your lowest ribs away from the chair. Foot kicks towards the front twice. Kick, kick reached back. Good. And we go front, coming all the way to me and then reach back and then again come all the way to me and reach back twice. More like this. Come all the way forward. Watch those abs, pull them in and reach it back. And last one, come forward towards me and reach you back. Hold it there. So you're right out from your hip.

Take the sway out of your back by tucking your pelvis under you a little bit. Eight circles each direction. One, two, three cause you can go higher. Do it. Six, seven, eight and switch for eight two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Nice was slowly coming down and then foot comes down. And then just let your right foot touch down first and slowly let the pedal lift. Okay, so we're going to do a little standings saw, which is probably my favorite, one of my favorite checks or sizes.

So you're going to essentially straddle the pedal. So you want the pedal to be right in between your legs facing towards this direction. So feet are parallel and forward. You're gonna bring your right arm forward, left arm out to a t. And then from there we're going to hinge forward with a flat back to your right hand, finds the pedal. The pedal is going to move from a twist of your spine, not oppressive your arms. So twist this arms going to reach up and you're keeping your hips square and then you return to the start position.

So we don't have to come all the way up in between. I'm just going to twist, rotate, push and come all the way back in. Twist, rotate and all the way back in and just try to keep your hips at exactly the same level. She's doing great job. But I know my um, rotated side hip likes to lift off or lift up on this last one. We're going to hold it there. So hold in a twist, make sure your right shoulder is drawing down, and then we're just gonna twist deeper for eight release two three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Return to center. This time we going to lift up in the same way we came forward. So flat back lifts you up. Nice. Walking around to the other side. So again, straddling the pedal.

So go ahead and have your arm reaching up opposite arm to a t. Make sure that your shoulder of the arm reaching forward doesn't come forward. So we're going to hinge forward with a flat back hand. Finds the pedal or do five twists here. So you're gonna rotate it around.

Good and lift and rotate it around. And centers have dropped the shoulder limit, rotated around and back twice more. Rotate and back and rotate. And back. Now rotate. Hold eight little twists. Twist one, release deeper release. So feel like you are a towel. We're wringing out [inaudible] here's four [inaudible] and five, six, seven and ate ice.

And we'll come all the way back up to the top. Beautiful. Let's go ahead and have your hands come down. Um, walked around to the other sides. Who were going to do swan? So come lying down over the chair. So it's pretty light. It's on a three. So you want to have your hands directly underneath your shoulders. And we always start with the pedal lifted up a little bit from the floor.

Now imagine there's a floor underneath your abs. I want you to lift your abs off of it, lengthening your lower back, and then heels are going to squeeze together here. So imagine that your body is a completely straight board. Pull your shoulders back a little bit, and you're going to lift up to the tops of your thighs. So we're not going to arch your back.

We're going to take this shape straight up so that you're coming towards your thighs, your feet are dropping down nice. And then you lengthen to go all the way back down. So again, lifting up, making sure that you're not sinking in your back at all. Lifting it up, keep those heels squeezing together. If your back bothers you, which some people have a little bit more issues with their legs together, it's always fine to have your legs separates a little more advanced, have them together and then lower it back down. I'm going to do two more like this. We'll lift it up, taking your hipbones and your ribs with you nice and lowered back down.

And then last one we'll lift it up and lower it back down. So in this one we are going to bend your low back so you can fold over and just take a minute, open your legs, the width of the chair and they are going to be in a turnout position. Come back to where the pedal is hovering and it's going to be different position for everyone cause it's really arm length dependent. And then lift your back up a little bit by pulling your abs in. So I want you to remember taking your ribs with you when you come up.

So it's coming up on a count of four. I want you to cross your ankles as you're lifting up. So we're going up to three, four and then lower down to three, four opposite ankle on top. Lift up two, three ribs. Go with you and down. Two, three, four. One more like this. Each side, lift up. Two, three.

Take your ribs in and down. Two, three, four. Last one like this. And I get ready for a change. I want you to do the exact same thing. I just want you to bend your knees and Cross your ankles. So we're lifting up to three, four. Stretch your legs out as you're lowering down. Two, three, four.

Again, lift up opposite ankle on top two, three, four and down. Make sure your ribs are pulling up. And one last set. We're lifting up. Two, three, four and out. Two, three, four. Last one, up to three. Four and out. Two, three, four. Come all the way up. Let your feet just find the floor and then you can this time hang back off the chair this way and then wants you to come sideline on the chair with your hips completely stacked, left hand down.

And again your coming hand underneath your shoulders and your legs are going to go straight out this way. Good. So push down until you come to a straight line so we can figure out where a straight line is. And then what's um, I don't want to lift up by side bending this way. I want to lift up by lifting up from the underwritten under side ribs. So your front hand can either be on your hips, which is more advanced or holding on. We're just going to lift up three times. So you're lifting up lower ribs are lifting up good and reach away.

Yeah. Good. And lower ribs lift. Nice and back down. And one more like this. Lower ribs lift and coming back down. And your take your top leg back. Rotate your chest around towards the foot bar. Yeah, one hand on each side. So lower your right hand down. Walk your left hand out. Squeeze me and then square your shoulders.

I'm going to lift up two, three, four and down. Two, three, four, two more. Up and down. And I'm walking away. Last one, lift up. Try to get your arms straight if you can, and down. Walk your left hand towards the middle and just rotate yourself back to center. Legs are coming square and it will come all the way up and do the other side. [inaudible] so three lifts and then three twists.

So legs are going to be all the way extended. Your hips are stacked, your shoulders are stacked, and user stacks. Feets done guys. Doc, you're stacked. Everything is stacked, shoulders are down. You have the option of having your hand forward or down and want your ribs to be in. And it's your lowest rib that's going to be lifting up. So lift with the underside of your body to come up. Try to bring this shoulder back a little bit in this shoulder. Fordham, good and back down. Bring your right hand towards me. So lifting it up and down. And remember, it's less of a crunch here and more of a lift from underneath and back down. Go ahead and take your top leg back, bottom leg forward. You can squeeze me as you around.

Engage your inner thighs. You want to do that regardless of whether I'm here. Square everything off. And then you'll lift up. Try to get your arms straighter and lower back down. Good. Two more times. Lift it up and down. And last one, lift it up. And then coming all the way back down, going away, you're going to bring your legs back together, rotate your chest, and then lift yourself all the way back up. And then we're gonna let your feet find the floor. So we're going to do some last things on the mat. So first to get on the mat, so we'll get on it pretty. So stand up really tall. Cross your arms.

Grow Taller, lift to lower Sioux, lengthening all the way down. Nice. We're going to scoot away a little bit. I'm gonna come lying down on your back. We're gonna do jack knife, but a little bit differently than you might've done it before. So on this chair, you have to be really careful that your head doesn't crush it. You're gonna reach your arms up to the pedal. But I want you to hold instead of this way, which is probably what you're used to. I want you to flip and hold this way, so you might need to come in just a little bit. Let's start by bending your knee one at a time into your chest and then extend your legs all the way up towards the ceiling. Externally, rotate your legs and then squeeze your heels together.

I'm going to take this shape up and over. So draw your abs in, legs go up and over towards the chair all the way they touch, and then they're going to lift up towards the ceiling. As you bend your elbows doing a bicep curl. So curl in and then reach your arms straight as you lay your legs back down. Okay, so legs are going to go up and over bicep curl as you reach your legs up towards the ceiling. So keep the bicep curl so your legs are reaching, and then let your arms release as your legs. Slowly lay down one vertebra at a time. So we're trying to time the lift of the Bicep curl and the Jack Knife.

So legs go up and over. First. Second, you're going to bicep curl. Reach your legs up, up, up, up, up, and then begin to slowly lower your legs down. As your arms reach up. We'll do two more of those. So arm starts straight, legs go up and over. Touch the chair, reach up growing taller here, and then begin to lower down while your arms extend. And then last one going up and over.

BICEP curl to lift up, up, up, up, up, and then slowly lower it all the way down as your arms extend. Good at the bottom. We didn't see that at the bottom. Just bend your knees, give yourself hug rock a little from side to side. And then let's go ahead and roll over onto your stomach. So reach your hands towards the pedal and your arms are going to be all the way straight and you're going to scoot back to your arms can be straight again.

Remember, ribs are going to come with you when you lift up. Pull your abs in. Pubic bone and hip bones are on the floor. Press down to lift up. Shoulders come down. Nice. Lift up, lift up, lift up ribs are with you. Nice. And then lay it back down. Good. And again, your like can be separate if this feels uncomfortable, but she's fine. So lift up again. So pulling your shoulders down.

Nice lifting up ribs are coming up. So taking your ribs off and then keep your torso where it is. Lift your arms back up to the start position, and then lower your rest of your body down. We're gonna do one more like that. So press down as you lift up. Ribs are coming up, abs are pulling in, holding that position. Let your arms go first, and then the rest of you lays all the way back down.

And then grand finale, lifting it up, pulling your abs in, pulling your abs and lifting up, up, up, up, up. And then if you have it and it feels okay on your back, wants you to bend your knees and hold for four, two, three, and four. And then lay your spine all the way back down. Let your arms lifts, and then your arms can come down. Press yourself back to child's pose and then scoot yourself forwarding and come lying down. Actually pretty close in towards the chair. And then you're going to bring your feet in, sort of a butterfly.

So soles of your feet together, they're going over the edge of the pedal. And I want the soles of your feet touching, right, like a book. So we'll do one just to measure it out first. So press your legs down and I think for you, let's get back just a tiny little bit and then let the peddle lift up. So first part, I want you to keep the pedal where it is and lift your hips up. Adjust as needed so you're lifting up to the top.

So the pedals not going to go all the way to the floor. Pull your heels in towards your hips. Moving the pedal down, up one, down, up too, down up, three down, up for try to maintain this height. We're going to form more like this down, up and down, up and down, up last one like this, and we're going to get fancy. Press it all the way down to the floor. Keep going. First one doesn't count. Slowly. Lay your spine down.

Keep the pedal all the way down to the bottom, and then let the pedal lift up towards the top. On this one, we're going to try to time it. So at the same time as you're pressing down into your feet, you're lifting your hips up so you push it down, lifting your hips up at the same time, pull it in, pull it in, pull it in, pull it in, pull it in, pull it in. It's got a little more beautiful. And then lay your spine down, one vertebrae at a time, coming all the way to the bottom. And then once your tailbone hits your legs lift back up. So again, we begin to the pull in towards us. Tuck your pelvis, lift your hips, coming up the pedal goes all the way down to the bottom [inaudible] and then lay your spine down, one vertebrae at a time, and then let the pedal lift. And we're going to do the reverse of it. So pull it in first. [inaudible] Tuck, peel and lift to come up to that bridge.

And then to get the lift off, think about pulling your heels in towards your hips. Press into your arms, let the pedal begin to lift up. It's so almost there. And then lay your spine down away from it. And we have two more minutes. So press it down, peel it up. Oh, I think almost hamstring curl, miss pulling your knees in towards you a little bit and then lifted up and lay it back down. Good. And last one like this, we'll pull it in, lifting it up, push in, or pull it in. Then lift it up, then lift the pedal up and lay it all the way back down.

Beautiful heels are going to go over the foot bar all the way. Zip your legs together externally, rotate them. Reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Exhale, roll up one vertebrae at a time. Reaching up in towards a teaser. Good. I want your arms to be at the angle of your legs. Tuck your hips under a little bit, round down, some lower down till your low back touches, only your low back and exhale, lift yourself right back up.

Beautiful. Lower it down and exhale to lift it up. Good. Lower down. Make sure you're really pulling your abs in. You're aiming your low back down to touch and lifted back up. Soften your knees a little bit to release your vibes. Good. Last one, lower it down and lift it back up. See if you can float your feet off the pedal just for a moment. Hold for four, two, three and four and then lower it all the way down.

One last thing before we're done, so hug your knees into your chest so we're ran. Do Decline pushups and you have options. If you want to make it like really extreme, we're going to have your feet on the seat. If you want to make it much, much less extreme, especially with this chair, which is really high, then we can have your feet on the pedal, but we need more weight preference. Okay. Extreme feet on the seat. So you're going to have your hands on the floor, so kind of walk it around. So you're going to bring your feet up, toes on, and then you walk it out into a plank. And here, especially for decline, push up. Do you have to be so careful that you don't sink it into your back? So you're gonna pull your abs up, push the floor away. Actually come up a little bit more. Like I don't mind the roundness.

The roundness makes me happier than seeing sinking in the back. So we're going to meet me. No, do tricep pushups though. So bend your elbows and like you're going to tickle your ribs. I don't care how far you go and then lift it up. In fact, actually, I'd like you to go less far because I want to keep your shoulder blades away from each other. So bend in and push and bend in and push. Just two more.

Bend in and push. And last one, bend in and push right leg steps forward, left leg steps forward. Hang in a forward fold. Just let your low back relax. So you're so flexible, but let's pretend you're normal and not this flexible and put a big bend in your knees so that you can just rest your chest down. Rock a little from side to side. So be like average viewer at home. And then let your arms just relax. Round up one vertebrae at a time. Coming all the way up to standing. [inaudible] at the top. Inhale your arms up and look up and exhale your arms down. And one more time. Big. Inhale up.

[inaudible] taller stretch, stretch, stretch and lower all the way back down and you are done. Nice job.


Thanks to my amazing student Kaita who is a) really strong and b) really flexible and c) did this one-on-one (i.e. let me get really nit picky) after shooting a reformer class immediately before it. Rock star!
Damn, that was hard! Quivering. Kaita made it look far easier than it was.
Paola Maruca
Thank you both! And Holly, you're right - Kaita is amazing. *I* want to be as strong as she is someday!
Aww thanks! Mariska's expert instruction got me doing things I never thought possible. Somehow I was able to feel both strong and quiveringly-weak in every single exercise :)
2 people like this.
Mariska you have such a great teaching style! Thank you for the noting the spring settings you use.
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Thank you. My legs were shaking! Awesome workout!
1 person likes this.
Phew.... Hard but great ;) Kaita made it look easy with her beautiful form!
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Your cue in pike to bring the hips forward helped me tremendously! I've been diligently working on using my deep abdominals after years of cheating with my hip flexors, so those little things are very important... Awesome class!
Thanks! JaiFit - I'm glad you found that cue helpful. That was a big "a-ha" moment for me when I was trying to figure out how to stay deep when lowering down from a pike. It's sort of like how you have to slide your pelvis under you when you're doing a roll down (i.e. lengthening your spine) - just from a different position. I find that when you are having trouble "finding your abs" in an exercise, it's helpful to think about what is happening in an exercise where it's easier, and then figure out the parts of the exercises that are the same.
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