Class #1731

Isometric Reformer Challenge

55 min - Class


Mariska Breland teaches a challenging Reformer workout focusing on isometric movements. Many of these exercises require shoulder and pelvic stability for control to keep the Reformer still while you are moving. Even though most of these movements are small, you will still feel the burn with this class!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi, I'm Mariska from fuse polities and at our studio we teach all of our classes on request. And I have a wonderful class they teach on Saturdays. That's a kind of an advanced level class. And I'm a student came in one day and they said I want you to do the stuff that you do where you tell us not to move the carriage. So this is going to be sort of an ice symmetric, um, reformer workout. We're also going to focus on moments where the reformers not moving.

So we're really having to use our shoulder and pelvic stabilizers, but we'll also have moments where I want them to not be moving while the reformer is moving. It'll all make sense eventually. So I have Kaden Haley here, we're on to red springs. Um, it's balanced body equipment. Um, we have a pad cause we're going to do a variation of stomach massage. That's pretty much all we have. And then we have the long box cause we're gonna do some long box stuff. It's going to be sort of a mix of um, some classical variations and some super contemporary variations and whatever kind of other crazy things that we ended up doing of the head rests are going to be down to start. So go ahead and come lying down on your back. Okay.

And then just relax into the carrots, the last relaxing that you're going to be doing for the rest of this. And then go ahead and slide down to the balls of your feet or starting with parallel feet. Go ahead. And, um, obviously there's going to be moments where the carriage moves before the carriage isn't moving. Go ahead and press your legs all the way out straight. Try to keep your heels at the same height as you. Bend your knees to come back. Yeah, Nice. Press it all the way out and then they can string curl pulls you back in. We're trying to maintain the heels at the same height again, pressing out and Ben to come back in.

Nice pressing out and Ben to come back in and they're doing great. But just make sure when you're pressing your legs all the way straight, that you're not hyper extending or locking out your knees. You want to think about all those muscles working kind of evenly. And then you're firing a little bit into your outer hips so that when you're pressing out, you're engaging your outer hips, wrapping your legs just a little bit nice and coming back in. So two more like this.

So pressing all the way out and coming back in and last one, press all the way straight. Draw your heels together, knees apart, Ben, to come in and press all the way out. And you want to make sure that your insight ankle bones aren't smashing into each other. You have a little bit of a wrap on your legs and you're really pushing your legs all the way straight. Good. Sort of pressing it out and pulling to come back in three more like this. Press all the way out straight and then Ben to come in, make sure that you didn't lose any of your toes. Um, they have to all be on the foot bar.

Let's move to slide up the tiniest little bit, press all the way out and in and now on this next month, press all the way out. Bring your feet back to parallel Ben to come in about halfway. So you go for a little prance here. So we're going to drop one heel underneath the bar and then switch, but the carriage doesn't move and switch and switch a little John to your and switch and switch. But the carriage is maintaining a equal distance from the stopper and it's not moving. So you should really feel your calves starting to heat up a little bit.

Yes. And switch and switch for eight two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Pause there. Let's actually make sure we both were on the same foot. So go ahead and make sure your right leg lifted, left foot dropped. You're going to take your right leg and reaches straight up towards the ceiling without moving a carriage up to your left toes and back down and up to your left toes and back down for more like this lifted up and drop it down.

Lift it up and drop it down twice more. Up and down, up and hold leg circles with your right leg. Right leg goes out to the side, around and down. So you're going to minimize the size of the circle based on what doesn't. Sort of tilt your pelvis from side to side. Make sure your ribs are relaxed. Nice correction. Go out around and down. Last one, this direction out around, down. Stop, switch.

You go down first out and around. Nice. Down, out and around, down, out and around. Twice, more down, out and around. Last one like this. Remember our goal is carriage doesn't move right leg. Ben's less leg up, right leg, right heel drops underneath and lifts back up. Drop it down, lifted up, trying to keep the carriage absolutely still down and up, down and up. Twice more like this. Down and up. Try to maintain the weight evenly through both sides of your foot.

Lifted up hold. Take your like out around and lift out around and lift. And again, making sure that that distance that you're moving isn't so big that it's tilting your pelvis to the side. Last one, this direction. Rumor, pull your abs in. Nice. And then we switched. We go down first out, around and up, down, out, around and lift down, out, around and lift twice more the sense that they're like, is this ever going to end? Not really. So go ahead and come back to center and go ahead and bend that knee so your feet are now both on the foot bar. Tuck your pelvis, press into your feet, peel your back waist.

You're coming into a shoulder bridge trying to maintain the same distance straight line from your knees to your shoulders. And then slowly layers find down bone by bone to come all the way back down to the bottom. And then we're going to have the glorious release of letting your legs extend all the way straight. Go ahead and walk up to the arches of your feet. So come a little bit higher, sort of warrior heel and your arch come together. So sort of what I would call a comfortable position on the foot bar.

If there is such thing arms reached by your side, abs are in. Go ahead and bend your knees and come in almost all the way to the stop or not quite. So maybe hit the stopper and then push out two inches from that position. Tuck your pelvis, lift your hips, coming up one vertebrae at a time, all the way into that pelvic curls here in a straight line. Again, from your knees to your shoulders. But don't let me pull you in. So pull back a little bit. Nice, perfect. And then melt your spine down bone by bone, coming all the way down to the bottom. And then again, we're going to lift it up. So pressing into your feet, peeling your back away, lifting up to the top. Nice straight line.

And then lay it down. Good. We're going to do two more like this. So exhale, abs, pull in, hips lift up, coming to that straight line from your knees to your shoulders. And then lay it back down. Try to keep your arms a little bit closer to you, maybe on the Mat and ice so you don't want your arms sort of drifting out to the side. And they're going to do one more. And on this next one, we're going to stay up. So coming up to the top, we're in a straight line. From your knees to your shoulders.

We're going to take your right leg in the shape that it's in and lifted up, so it's right over your right hip. Nice. From there, we're just going to lower your foot down. Tap the foot bar. Exhale to lift it up, just twice more lower down. Tap. Exhale to lift down. Tap. Exhale to lift. Extend your right leg straight up towards the ceiling and lay your spine down. One Vertebrae at a time. The meanest person in the world right now, hate me so much. Go ahead and bend that right knee. Bring both feet back on.

Press into your feet, Tuck your pelvis, lift your hips up. Good. So you're trying to get, and you're just maintaining that two inches away from the foot bar or from the stopper. And there you take your opposite leg, left leg up in that tabletop position. Inhale it down, tap the foot bar, exhale to lift, inhale down, tap, exhale to lift. Inhale down, tap, exhale to lift, reach your leg up towards the ceiling. Nice. Maintain that position. Make sure one hip doesn't drop lower than the other. And then slowly lay your spine down, one vertebrae at a time, coming all the way down to the bottom and then bend your knee. And then just because at this point it probably will feel really good.

Just do some regular outs in it and so all the way straight and then Ben to come in, we're just getting started just so you know all the way out and Ben to come and they volunteered for this. They're not even being paid. Press all the way out and Ben to come back in and last two all the way out straight and then to come in is so you can come all the way in. Now we can stay on two reds. If you're at home, you might want to change it to a red and blue. I'm going to change it for them to a red and a blue, but two red should be doable. If you don't want to make the change to reach back behind you for the straps and Shem yourselves away from the shoulder rest just a little bit.

We're going to start by bringing your legs into tabletop, innercise or engaged. And then I want you to drop your observed pulling your abs in. Bring your hands a little bit closer to me so that they're slightly forward of your shoulders. So even maybe a little bit more forward than that without letting the carriage move, you're gonna open your right arm out to the side and exhale to pull it back in. Left arm out to the side.

Let's bring all your fingers together and pull it back in. Make sure your wrist stay nice and long, right arms to the side and pull it in. Left arm to the side and pull it in. Nice, right arm and in left arm and in one more each side. Right arm to the side and pull back in left arm to the side and pull back in. Now both arms together.

We're reaching both arms out and pull to come back in. Both arms. Reach out and pull to come back in. Both arms reach out and they're doing such a great job of not moving the carriage, which is harder than it looks. Now see I messed you up just by saying that. Reach your arms out to the side. Good. Now where we're just going to have the tiniest little bend of your elbows without moving to carriage. Bend your elbows an inch. Push away.

Bend an inch. Reach your arms long. Pull those abs in. Don't let your ribs up. Nice. Bend and reach. Bend and reach twice. More like this. Bend and reach long wrists. Bend and reach both arms. Go straight up towards the ceiling.

Carriage is going to move. Press your arms all the way down towards your sides. Good. Bend your Elvis. Make sure your elbows are down and drop your shoulders back just a little bit. Nice. And then without moving the carrot, you're going to lift your arms straight up towards the ceiling and bend your elbows. Arms go straight up to the ceiling and bend your elbow. So you just have to, in all this isometric work, you're just maintaining that equal pressure on the straps the entire time we're reaching it up and then pulling to come back. And just two more like this, reaching up and pulling to come back.

And this was one of Julian's favorites. Julian was a big fan of not moving the carriage and really generally of annihilating you in a workout. Go ahead and reach your arms all the way up towards the ceiling. Big Inhale here. Exhale, head and chest lift, arms reached by your side, coming into your hundreds position. So I want you to reach your arms even longer than they are, wrists even longer, and extend your legs out to your point of control. Externally, rotate them in, squeeze your heels together so much that I can't separate them.

So you're gonna have a really big pull. They're nice. And then begin to pump your arms. Inhale, don't move the carriage and exhale, pull your abs down. Good. Inhale and exhale. We're going to do just two more like this, which is clearly not the full a hundred and exhale and inhale and exhale, pause. Now I want the carriage to move back a little bit by you pulling your abs in more so your abs are going to move it back. Nice. Just even maybe a little bit more than that, so pull in right to there and then again, inhale and exhale. Love that you're smiling while you're doing it. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. Pause. One last nasty little one. Reach your arms up as high as they can without the carriage moving and then lower your arms down to your hips. Reach your arms as high as you can without moving the carriage nice and lower your arms to your hips. Feel like it has to end. Eventually. Inhale it up, exhale it down twice more. Inhale it up, exhale it down. Inhale it up. Nice. Exhale down. Bend your knees. Go ahead and lower everything all the way down.

Reach your arms up towards the ceiling for a little break. I don't really like breaks. So that was it. Press your arms down towards your sides. Extend your legs all the way straight up towards the ceiling. I want your hands touching the mat there, all the way down.

Shoulders on the mat to abs or into drop your ribs externally. Rotate your legs and take your right leg down towards the foot bar. And I want your heels to skim as you switch legs. So you're lowering your other leg down. Good and switch right. So we're so close that our heels are going to touch and switch and switch.

Can you pull your abs down more? Nice and switch. Do two more like this. Switch and switch. And then let's have both legs straight up towards the ceiling. Externally rotated, heels squeezed together. Lower your legs, down to your point of control, which is where you are. Not going to um, have an arch in your back. And then exhale to lift back up.

And think about rooting your legs down. I want you to press your hands down. Good. Reaching it down and exhale to lift. So the position of your spine shouldn't really change. Your abs should stay pulled in more than that. So feel me. Move away from me. Good. Lower it down and lifted up. Two more. Lower it down there.

Smiling so much. Normally people just give me like death glares, lower it down and lifted up. Go ahead and bend your knees and then let your arms lift up. Let your feet find the foot bar. And then we're gonna take a five second little break by letting your knees drop towards the right and then drop towards the left. And then you're going to bring your feet into the straps. Said five seconds.

So feed in the straps. Any way you'd like to get in them is okay with me. Nice. And so you're gonna start with your legs straight up towards the ceiling. And your level is going to be based on your hamstring flexibility. So if you're super flexible, you can come a little past 90. But um, you want to make sure that your sacrum stays down, your tailbone stays heavy. We're going to come back into that external rotation.

See if you can get even a bigger external rotation. Carriage isn't moving. Open your legs out about the width of the carriage, and then exhale to pull back in, opening out, and exhale to pull back in. Good opening out. And exhale. Think about dragging to come back in. So you're really pulling through something, opening out and pull to come back in. So it's energy out.

So you're pressing out and then you're pulling to come back in. Good. And you're pressing out nice and pulling to come back in. But of course the carriage isn't moving and you're opening out and exhale to pull back in and open out and pull in. So we all know the exercise, the frog. So heels are together. I want you to frog straight down.

So your heels are like dragging along an imaginary wall and then you're sliding back up the wall. Gorgeous. Lowering it down. So we're pulling down against something and then press up. So we're pulling down and you should maybe, I don't know, feel your hamstrings. Yes. Is that happening? They bursting into flames. Lower it down and exhale it back up. Good.

Lower it down and exhale it up. One more like this, we'll lower it down and exhale up and sort of a half a one to transition. Lower it down and then press forward a little bit. So you're just sort of in a regular frog and just watch your feet or supinate in a little bit. And then you're going to press out. So just do a couple of regular frogs because every night now, and then it's nice to let the carriage move and bend. Pull your abs in, good depressant out. And then Ben to come back in. Good. Just two more like this, pressing out and then pull back.

And don't forget your abs are pulling them down. Press it out, and then pull back and hold it there with your knees. Right in line with your hips. You're gonna take your right leg without moving to carriage, right? Like out to the right. And then Ben to come back in and then left leg goes left.

And then Ben find the middle. Nice, right leg goes right and Ben to come back in. Left leg goes left and Ben to come back. And let's do one more like this. Each side, right, like to the right Ben to come back in, less like to the left Ben to come back and get ready for a change. Right leg to the right carriage isn't moving. Lift your right leg up a couple of inches and down, right, like up a couple of inches and down and up, down, up, down four more.

And here you're just making sure that your pelvis is very stable and I'm not even remembering to cue it cause they're so good. Last three, two and three carriage isn't moving. Bend your right leg, left leg reaches out long. And then we take that leg and lift it up and down and up and down. We think about probably thinking about our inner thighs to probably try to think about something else cause I know this one hurts stew for more, lifted up and reach it away. Lifted up and down and up and down and up and hold it there.

Right leg extends out. So both legs are all the way out. A Little Julian Littleford favorite little bend of your knees. Don't move the carriage. Exhale to press. Don't move the carriage. So you bend in an inch, exhale to reach, flex your feet so you can really push through your heels. Bend and stretch, bend and stretch. And if you start to feel your low back really mushing into the mat, you've probably tucked a little bit too much, in which case bring your legs a little bit forward.

We're just going to do two more like this. And then the absolute worst part is that I'm going to let you move the carriage, but you're going to have to move it along. A horizon line. Legs are all the way out. Squeeze along that horizon line to come all the way back into the center and then just bend your knees in towards you. So regular frog and hug your knees. So just giving yourself a little stretch there and PSI.

And then let's bring your legs back so that your knees are directly above your hips. Again, we're going to start in this frog position. So I want you to think about two things. I want you to think about your deep abs first. Pull them in so your ribs dropped down a little bit. And then I want you to think about how you have to use your glutes to lift your glutes or use your bum to lift your bum. So pull your abs in, squeeze your glutes and hover your butt a couple of inches off the mat without moving it, and then lower it back down. And again, exhale, we're hovering up and lowering it back down and exhale to hover.

Nice. And lower it back down and have an adjustment and lift it up and lower it down. This one we're going to lift up and hold for eight two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. And lower it down. Extend your legs to 45 degrees. Nice. From this 45 degree position, we're going to do short spine. Um, what I think is the good way, which is the harder way. So first thing we're gonna do is press into the straps. Same thing we did before, and you're going to hover your hips off.

So push into me so your hips are hovering, but the shape of your body doesn't change and then lower down. So we're just going to practice this a couple of times. So you're pressing down to lift up good without moving the carriage and then lower back down twice. More like this, we press down to lift. Nice and lower it back down. And then one more time, press down to lift and lower back down. This next one we're taking it all the way up and over into short spine.

The shape of your body is going to stay the same. So you lift up and over carriage gets to move. How fantastic. We are going up and behind you and the carriage comes all the way to doc. Do you want to make sure you have tension in the straps? Go ahead and bend your knees and they're going to separate a little bit and aim towards the shoulder, wrist.

So I want this to be a little bit of a hamstring stretch since you had so much hamstring work. So you're going to go ahead and begin to lay your spine down one vertebra. At a time extending your legs, and then you're going to curl your feet in towards your seat and then press your legs all the way out straight. So again, we're going to do the lift first. So pull your abs in, lifted up, go all the way overhead, and then from there begin to bend your knees and then you'll melt your spine down. Just kind of extending your legs straighter. And then you bend your knees and press your legs all the way out straight.

But let's do just one more of those. So you lift first, go up and over. He'll stay glued together. A little separation of your toes. Bend your knees towards the shoulder as you maintain the extension of your spine. And then you lay your spine down, basically trying to keep your feet where they are and just lay your legs away from them. And then you can curl your feet in and press your legs all the way. Straight leg straight up to 90 degrees. Carriage isn't moving. Abs pull in this time, you reach your feet all the way up towards the ceiling.

So trying to come up to the very base of your shoulders and then lower down carriage doesn't move. And again, lifting it up, heels or squeezing, slight external rotation so you can get the wrap of your legs because your legs can really help you here. And then slowly lay your spine down, one vertebrae at a time and a little. And then on this next one, we're going to lift up in step. So Haley, push towards me just the tiniest little bit. Yeah, so that you're going one more straight up. So we're going up towards the ceiling. Nice at the top. Carriage doesn't move. Open your legs and then close and carriage doesn't move. Open your legs.

If you start to feel this in your back and sometimes go there, I want you to Tuck your hips under a little bit more. Really pull your abs in. Try having a little bend in your knees. We're going to do two more like this, open it out, draw it back in, open it out and draw it back in. And then slowly lay your spine down without moving the carriage. And then the absolute best part is the end where we're going to do some leg circles. So coming all the way down, press your legs down to about 45 degrees. Maintain that external rotation, and then you circulate out around your heels.

Stay aim towards each other. Good. You press it down, circle it out around your heels. Stay aim towards each other. Nice. Press it down, circle it out, around and up. And one more. Press it down and out, around and up for the other direction. Make them a little faster. We're going to go out around, down and lift and make sure when your legs are lifting up that your sacrum is staying heavy so the springs aren't controlling you. You're controlling the springs.

And then after your last one wanting to come out of it, and then we're going to take the straps off, hang them up behind you, rock yourself up to seated and take off the blue spring. Now if your arms are a little bit, um, tired today, or if your shoulders are in any way kind of cranky, then I would do a blue. Okay. On red, you're like, um, we just did that first section with you. So maybe we're not, you're probably okay on a red. I can always make adjustments. If you decide you made a bad life choice, go ahead and spin yourself around face the other direction.

So depending on your legs, it's, you know, sometimes stack. Sometimes we don't. I really think it's whatever's more comfortable. You want to be about a hand distance from your butt to the back and then go ahead and reach forward. For the straps. I'm going to lower the foot bars for them. I don't, I'm not the same reformer as mine, so I don't know if I'm going to run into any problems with the distance of them to the foot bar, but just in case we will remedy that. Okay, so you're going to do a little variation of rowing first cause I want you to start with your hands. We're going to do fists facing straight out. Sit up really tall, squeeze your glutes, grow another two inches. Pull your abs in, pull the straps in towards you in the here.

Let your knuckles come together that exhale to round your spine back taking the straps with you. We're going to hold it there. Make sure your shoulders are dropped. Don't go down too low. All we're gonna do is reach your arms out, flipping your hands back, and then just bend to come back in without moving to carriage. Good. So we're reaching out. It's the fun park and then pull to come back in. Good. And just watch what your wrists are doing, cause you don't want your risks to have too much of a bend and them.

And then you bend to come back and halo. It was a really nice improvement. Go ahead and reach it out and Ben to come back in. And then last one, reach it out. Hold it there. Carriage doesn't move. Begin to round over your legs. Carriage still doesn't move. Care still doesn't move. Carriage still doesn't move.

Now reach your hands back to get towards each other and hold your fingers in one hand with the fingers of the other hand. Good. And then stretch up and back. And then you can release your hands. Circle them around towards your feet, make sure your palms are facing towards the floor, and then just give yourself a stretch and then come all the way back up to seated. When should you bring your hands? The same height as your shoulders and then drop your shoulders down. Pull your abs in, grow taller. So we're squeezing your glutes. Grow Tall.

Start with a bicep curl. So I want your elbows to be at the same height of your shoulders and probably narrower than you think. So we're going to stay in that bicep curl. Carriage doesn't move from this position. And then all I want you to do is lift your arms up in inch and down. Don't move the carriage. Make your inch smaller, up an inch and down, up and down.

Little lift up and down and make sure that you're pulling your abs in and you're lifting up out of your seat. We'll do two more like this. Carriage not moving. And I know these are nasty. This is like your new least favorite exercise, right? Lift it up, down. Hold it there. We're going to let your arms sort of travel with you. Exhale to round your spine back. Let your elbows begin to drop.

We're going to lower down till your elbows touch or come close to touching the mat. Good with a round spine. Pull your abs in. We're going to come up all the way up. Nice. All the way up to see you. Let your elbows lift ups who are coming back into that position. We're gonna do one more of those. So exhale, rounding your spine, coming back down, low back touches, Elvis touch. And then pull your abs in. Nice.

And we're lifting all the way back up to the top. Let your arms extend all the way straight. Hang the straps up, and then we spin around facing the other direction. So we're going to hook your thumbs because of how these straps are. So I'm gonna do the thumb hook first. You want to be seated up against the shoulder rest, except that I'm mean.

So I want you to come a couple of inches forward so that you're not using the shoulder rests as a crutch. We're going to grow taller Subaru, two inches taller. Thumbs have the straps, and I want your elbows to be in towards your side. Fingers facing forward. All your fingers are together. So we're going grow tall here. Reach forward, push me away. Push floor away. As you grow even taller, we're going to reach up towards the ceiling. Bad part here. Hold. Keep your abs pulled in. Nice. And then your palms are gonna flip out to the side. You're gonna move just a tiny little bit without moving the carriage, without moving the carriage until about you're at a t arm position.

And then let the carriage move as you bend your elbows back into the start position. Good again, we reached forward and let the straps come under your, yeah, reach forward. And then we go down making sure your shoulders are staying down. We're going to grow taller as we reach up. Pull those abs in. Hold, hold, hold. Keep Holding. Carriage doesn't move. Let your hands reach out towards the floor. So you're about at a level t and then go ahead and bend your elbows to come back in and watch those ribs. So pull it. Nice. Go ahead and press it out.

One more like this. Keep your wrist straight. Arms go down, arms lift up a little bit higher. Hold it there. Shoulders down. Pull your abs in, squeeze your glutes, grow taller. Press the floor away, and then bend your elbows. Nice. On this next one, this will be a where the carriage isn't gonna move until a specific point and then it's going to move again. So hands are gonna go flat beside you and then flex your feet and it does fold yourself in half. So round like dropping your head down like yes. Like you're trying to touch your chin to your shin. I'm going to drag your hands along the floor, reaching them forward towards your feet. Good.

So they're gonna go all the way straight. Now from here, you're going to stack your spine up without letting the carriage move. One vertebrata time, keeping your wrists nice and long, keeping your shoulders down as you come all the way up to a seated position, ribs are in. And then you let your arms lift up, hold it there, and then press down. Grow Taller. Beautiful. We're gonna do that twice more. So your hands are by your sides. You're like, oh Yay. Go ahead and reach forward. So round forward, push into the straps. Good. So lift your spine ups. You're stacking up against that imaginary wall. Beautiful carriage doesn't move, carriage doesn't move. Carriage doesn't move. I didn't even see it. Lift your arms all the way up and then carriage isn't gonna move here.

Just hold it abs in. Squeeze your glutes and then reach your arms all the way out to the side and then bend to come in. Only one more like this. It will end. Reach down. Reach it forward. Make sure your shoulders are staying down your back. Stack up your imaginary wall behind you cause you don't even have the shoulder rests to help. Good. Making sure it's one vertebrae at a time that you're not cheating yourself, that this is coming back even a little bit nice and you're lifting up.

Arms go up and then they press out to the side and come all the way down. We're going to hold on to this job, sort of just like you would regularly hold onto the strap and sit with your legs crossed. Okay, so again, sitting up nice and tall and we're just going to start with sort of a hug, a tree variation. So I want you to have your arms go from shoulders to elbows, tourists sort of down. Pull your abs in, grow taller, squeeze your glutes, watch what your knees are doing. I don't want your knees moving at all in space x helps bring your arms forward and then inhale as you're going back, squeeze your shoulder blades together, pull your abs in. Nice. And we come forward and open out to the back and enjoy this little moment of a stretch and then exhale. And it's usually on the exhale when we're coming forward that our knees like to come in and give us a little help. You don't want your knees helping you.

I want it to all be in your core, pulling it in Nice and opening it out to the side. On this next one. We're going to pull it into, not quite halfway from this position. The carriage doesn't move. You're going to drop your elbows down, lift them back up. Good. Drop them down. It's getting right into that area that a lot of my clients actually asked me for as one of the requests for class, the Bra fat area.

So we're going right down and lift and down and lift. Do you feel it? And down. It's effective, right? And down and up. Couple more down as just so much less than I normally made people do. And down and up. Just twice more.

Down and up and down and up. Nice. Go ahead and we'll hang this drops all the way. Say Goodbye to them. I'm sure that's sad for you. Okay, so from here, let's go ahead and set the foot bars back up. We're going to do a couple of variations until, this is not the machine I'm used to work on. Do you go down? Let's be on, because the challenge is not moving this the carriage, and we always know that lighter is harder. Um, in a lot of these exercises you're like, okay, so we're going to come to standing on a machine first and bring your hands onto the foot bar and you're going to start with your heels.

Let's just have your heels like right up against the shoulder rest and sort of that standing up. Yeah, on your tiptoes position. [inaudible] good. So I just want you to drop yourself into a plank and making sure that you're really lifting up here. So you're gonna lift up and Tuck under a little bit. So I'd rather your butt be kind of up in the air. Then you'd be thinking in your back and you're like, oh, this is really fun.

On one road spring, press yourself out to the your point of control and then draw yourself back and you're going to, with your shoulders a little bit behind your wrist without letting the carriage move. Do One pushup Sioux Bend, extend. And then you're getting, you press it back and you come in and you really try to maintain shoulder stability here. So you want to make sure your shoulders so much better. Don't really, um, kind of dip in towards each other. Press it back out and pull to come back in. Good. Pulling up up here. Good end. Press down and up and out. And, and we're only doing one more like this. Bend and press and then go out to your point of control. And we're just going to hold, not your breath. Breathing is important.

I think Joseph, he's had asthma. It was like a whole big thing. Go ahead and drop here at the tiniest little bit for me, but lift up here and we're just holding, holding and breathing, breathing and holding. Enjoying this beautiful day for four more, two, three and four. Go ahead and lower down. Coming all the way in. Taking a little tiny break. That was your break. Hope you enjoyed it. Stand back up. We're gonna, we're gonna. We're going to be generous.

You may add a blue spring. I'm gonna stand up. I'm coming to your elephant position. Okay. So your heels are all the way against the shoulder rests. Let's go ahead and make sure that you have your hips engaged. You know, lift your toes up. And so some of US learned to say this is sort of the more Bazzy way that you're more like in this straight plank, but I want you more in the classical way.

So you're gonna round your spine, drop your head, wait and come forward towards me. But you're gonna lift up here. Good, but forward more so your car can get actually the shape, more like an elephant. So that's what I want. And then from there you're just going to press your legs back and exhale, pull them in. So not bad at all. Press it back and pull it in. Easiest exercise that we're going to do all day, press it back and pull it in a couple more. Press it back and also always make sure aimed onto the pinky side of your hand because it's going to rotate your shoulders in a happier position.

So much better. Good. Last one, press it back and pull it in. Now for the slightly nasty one, I want your right, like to stay straight and bring it forward, but straight and hovering. Nice. And press your left leg back and in and back. And in three more times back. Exhale to pull it in. Try to keep your hips square. I know this is so hard.

Press it back and pull it in a little teeny bit more height in your back and in. Now take your right like out to the right and I want you to not move the carriage. Do little lifts for eight two, three smaller, four five, six, seven and eight. Hold it there. Little circles for eight two, three, four, five, six. Try to keep even weight in both hands eight and switch directions for last eight two three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Lower your foot down so that you can have blood flow. Go back towards, supposed to go. Go ahead and bend your knees and take a moment.

And then we have two sides, so we have to do the other side. So we're going to come back to that sort of rounded position. Nice. Abs are pulled in and up. You're going to take your left leg this time, reach it forward. Try to keep weight even in both hands so that you're staying as square as possible, which is, I know it's pretty impossible here. And then press out and pull back in. Nice.

Press it out and pull back in. Imagine you have weight in this foot, right? And push that foot down to lift this hip up a little bit more. Good. Last one. And now you take your leg out to the left. Keep everything as square as possible and it's little lifts for eight to three because you can touch me for five, six, seven, eight, hold it there and it's little circles.

Try to drop this side down the tiny little bit, five, six, seven, eight, switch directions, eight two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. And then slowly come down all the way down to your knees and then have a moment where you press back into child's pose and just sort of stretch that out. Rock a little from side to side. And then while you're hanging out down there, why don't you swap out your blue spring for red. So we're now back on to red springs and then come off of the machine. There's the little sticky pad.

We're going to grab it and set you up for a stomach massage variation or two. So I usually, I'm not super mean, super mean, it's like here, like the, I'm only a little mean. So I'm going to have you back a little bit further and it's light so we don't accidentally de Pants ourselves if you've been there. Let's go ahead and have a seat and we're going to come. I'm with your feet applauding his v so heels together, toes apart, toes on the foot bar. Make sure you get all of your toes on the foot bar and we're going to go ahead and start by bringing your hands down just like the regular ones.

So your hands are down, shoulders are down, and you're going to round your Spanish. Think about a big secret with upper case C, not a lowercase c. Good. And I'll as high onto your tiptoes as possible so your heels are really lifted. So it should feel incredibly uncomfortable and awkward. And then from this incredibly uncomfortable and awkward position, relax your shoulders. Be relaxed in this discomfort.

Press your legs all the way out. Straight. Good. Drop your heels down, lift your heels up and come back in. Just regular old short spine. Pull your shoulders back a little bit. Good. Press it out. You can drop your head weight though. Lower lifts and back in. Good. So just a couple of these to sort of get the sense, get a feel of the weight. So this next one will be an exercise that's more about the less movement of you than you might be used to. And um, but the carriage is still gonna move.

So we're gonna come all the way back in. So from there I want you to take your arms and I want you to reach them forward towards me. So you're sort of coming forward at an angle. Nice length and spine. And then what we're going to do here is try to keep contact with me. Press down on my hands, press your legs back, but your stay reaching towards me. Nice and Ben to come in and press out. So you grow longer through your spine, more, lift more abs in ribs back. Beautiful. And then come back in. Drop your shoulders, drop them, come back to nice. Press it out.

But you're leaning towards me leaning towards me, leaning towards me. Good. And Ben to come back in. Good. Two more. Cross it out and Ben to come in and press it out. And Ben to come in. Now we're going to do a twist. So I want you to press down into this hand. Keep it contact with the sand. So you're gonna reach your right arm out in a way as you press back.

So you're just going to twist, twist more, grow taller, press down towards me to lift your spine up more. Nice. And then come back in. And then we switched sides. So you reach it out, press down longer spine and then Ben to come back in. Good and reach crests down nice longer. And then to come back in, good. And press down. And then to come back in, one more each side, crest down, and Ben to come back in and press down.

And then to come back and come all the way in. I want you to lift your arms up and we're gonna do arm circles. Actually push back a little bit so that we know we're not cheating in the [inaudible]. Lift your arms up, circle them around and down. Lifted up, circle around and down. Pull your abs and grow taller. Up. Circle around and down. Lifted up. Circle around and down. Last one, this direction.

Up around and down. Other direction. Lifted out and down. Lift it out and down. A couple more. Lifted out and down. Last two ABS in. Lift up and down. And last one, lift up.

Let your hands find outside of the foot bar. Press all the way straight into a forward fold. We're almost done. We're going to do something a little weird. Um, we come all the way in. Change it to, so you're on is single blue spring. Okay. And then the way we are going to sit, we're both gonna start facing in, I think.

Makes Sense. You're going to sit completely in the middle of the machine. So in every way that you could be in the middle, you're going to be in the middle. So you're going to be in the middle. And then front to back in the middle, we're gonna take this strap that's closer to you and you're going to step both feet through it. And we're on one blue spring. If you have a yellow spring on your m machine at home, then you could probably do it. If you don't have a light spring, I would actually recommend skipping this one because it's really kind of impossible. I want it on your ankles. So you're all the way up to your ankles. Good.

So you're going to hold onto the shoulder rest that's closest to you with your hand, and then your other hand holds onto the outside of the carriage. Dry Your abs in. Tuck your spine back a little bit. So tilt your hips and then lift your knees up so your knees are going to come up towards you. So round back, more. Good. So your legs are basically coming into a tabletop and you have a pole coming from the side. Lift up maybe even a little bit more than that. Okay? You are welcome to keep your hands holding on.

If you want more of a challenge, you can reach your arm forward. The yeah, not the other one. The other one needs to be there. Now we're going to take your legs in the shape that they are. Lower your legs down a little bit and lift without moving to carriage. Lower it down a little bit and lift and make sure that you really have so feel me. Come back towards me. Roundness in your spine. So I don't want you coming back with a flat back cause it will definitely dump into your back in a not pleasant way. Good. Three more.

Down and up, down and up. And last one like this down. Haley, I think I want you to scoot forward a little bit more. Solar feet down just so you can scoot your butt forward the tiniest little bit and then hold it there and your arms. Gonna reach up towards the ceiling. I want you to lower down your upper an inch or so and lifted back up. Don't move the carriage lower down an inch or so and lift it back up. Lower down an inch or so and lift it back up twice more.

Lower it down. Make sure you maintain that curve in your spine. Lifted back up. Last one, lower it down and lifted up. And men just three fancy combinations down with your legs and up down with your upper body and up twice more down with your legs. Lifted up, down with your upper body, lifted up last one down with your legs and up and then lower down with your upper body and up. Let your feet find the floor and then come all the way up and we're going to step your feet out of the strap.

And the awesome thing about single sided stuff is you get to do it twice so you can perfect it on the second go round. Spin it around. So going to face the other direction. And again, we're sitting in the middle, in the middle so we can have this space around back. We're going to take the strap that's closer to you and then put it around your ankles. Find everyone moves really slowly at this time where they're like, let me just take a moment to get myself situated, maybe fix my hair. Go ahead and have one hand on the shoulder, rest one hand on the outside of the carriage, and then pull your abs in till your pelvis. Lift your knees up.

Let's refine this position first. So the shape of your legs goes down towards the floor, does not have to touch the floor and lifts up. So you can definitely tell if somebody has a weaker side. In an exercise like this, I think we've found Katie's weaker side, but you know, you got to see the front of her and her stronger sides. So there is that. Look on the bright side. Lower down. Exhale to lift.

Gorgeous. Lower it down, exhale to lift. We'll do a couple more like this down with your legs, abs. Lift your legs nice down with your legs. ABS, lift your legs hold. Take your your right arm, your left arm up towards the ceiling, and you're willing to lean back the tiniest little bit and exhale, lean it back. Carriage doesn't move and lifted up. Lean it back and lifted up just twice. More like this. We lean back, we lift, we lean back, we lift grand finale combo down with your legs and up, down with your upper body and up. I think we only did three, so we'll just do two more. They're nodding. They're like, we only did one and up and last one down and up and down and up.

Let your legs come all the way down and then take yourself out of that and then let's switch into a red spring. So we're on one red. No. Anything else? Always stand on the part that doesn't move. So we're going to stand right here. Step your other foot, not too far out like a foot or so out. Start with your hands, by your hips, dry your abs and grow taller. Inhale to reach your arms out. Reach the carriage away and then exhale. We're going to close it. Come back in. Nice.

Squeeze with your inner thighs. So we go out and then pull to come back in a couple more like this to go out and pull to come back in. And don't go crazy with your flexibility because you're going to go out and stay there. So we can go out in the carriage, doesn't move, hinge forward from your waist. So you can look down at the floor. Carriage is, it's still not moving. And then you're going to lift yourself straight back up and then pull to come back in. So in the next one, we're gonna take it into a sauce. So we're going out ribs or in lean forward with a flat back.

Rotate from the waist, your right hand towards your left foot. I do not care if it touches. And then back to center. Carriage doesn't move. And then rotate towards the other side and back to center. Carriage still doesn't move. And then lift yourself all the way back up. Coming all the way back in. Now this is the nasty one. Carriage is staying in. Reach. Your arms out, carriage is staying in. Fold forward at the waist. Ribs are in abs or up, rotate towards the right and center and rotate towards the left and center. Good and standard all the way up. We're going to go out first, inhale out, and exhale, pull to come back in.

Good. Just one more like this. Inhale outlets. Hold it there. Hinge forward with a flat back. Good. Trying to keep your hips square and try not to arch your back when you're going forward. So pull your abs up to your spine. Nice. And lift it back up. And on this next one we're going to do the sauce so we fold forward. So let's go ahead. Yeah, we could fold forward and then reach it to one side, don't care which. And then back to center.

Reach it towards the other side and back to center. And we'll pretend the carriage didn't move and come all the way in as you come up. And then the nasty one where it doesn't move at all from the end position. So your arms are out to the T. Hinge forward from the waist, rotate towards the right and center. Rotate left. Haley, pull your abs up a little bit, take the arch out of your back and center and then stand it all the way up carefully. Make your way off of the machine coming to standing. And I actually think a kind of just draping forward fold would probably feel good right now. So find some space, Chin towards your chest and just round down.

We're just going to hang there. So rounding down towards the floor, you can clasp the opposite elbows, which I think always feels nice and just rock a little bit from side to side. If you want, you can reach your hands behind you, clasping your hands together and then reach your arms up and overhead or hold on behind your legs. Whatever feels nice. And then release your hands. Let your hands just drop towards the floor. Head weight stays heavy. Round your spine, one vertebrae at a time, coming all the way up to standing and you guys are sparkling. Awesome job. [inaudible].


5 people like this.
Fabulous!! Julian certainly knew what he was doing when he chose you for mentorship! You are amazing!
Thanks Kerry! What a lovely compliment! We all miss him very much!
Lauren Ashley
Mariska, I am so challenged and entertained by your classes! Thank you for that wonderful class I am always excited when new stuff comes out from you.
Vicente Diaz De Leon
Me too ! I caught myself smiling every time I tried keeping the carriage still mhhh ... I had the pleasure of being Julian's translator for a workshop he gave in Mexico and I recall his style of being intense and funny all at the same time. He had us in stitches constantly. Nothing could be lost in translation with his kind of universal sense of humor. Thank you Mariska for your amazing class and thank you pilates anytime for helping in passing the torch and for being accessible for all of us.
1 person likes this.
what a wonderful class, thank you Mariska.....this was exactly the work I needed today :)...full concentration to my body
1 person likes this.
Thank you .
1 person likes this.
great class! You are awesome Mariska! I wish I could move to your city and have you as my teacher! Thank you Pilates Anytime!
Just come visit! We would have so much fun!
Genious!!!! I really enjoyed this class!!!
Great class I really liked the challenge of keeping the carriage steady! Will enjoy teaching it to my clients
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